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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Sep 12, 2014
My dude what is up with these DmC stans on Twitter all of the sudden.

Some guy: "DmC doesn't get enough credit because fans never gave it a shot"
Me: "Well honestly despite the solid gameplay I found the game's treatment of women to be quite troubling with it's frequent sexual assault jokes and the infamous SNIPER ABORTION scene. Among other issues the game has."

Like damn, we get it. The gameplay was really solid, so was the level design. Doesn't mean the rest of the package wasn't filled with a myriad of issues that made the game rather hard to enjoy for myself and others. It's fine to like things, it's also fine to dislike things. I get that it can be really annoying to like a game the general public dislikes, but to chalk it up to just blind fanboyism is disingenuous. At least in DmC's case.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
My dude what is up with these DmC stans on Twitter all of the sudden.

Some guy: "DmC doesn't get enough credit because fans never gave it a shot"
Me: "Well honestly despite the solid gameplay I found the game's treatment of women to be quite troubling with it's frequent sexual assault jokes and the infamous SNIPER ABORTION scene. Among other issues the game has."

Like damn, we get it. The gameplay was really solid, so was the level design. Doesn't mean the rest of the package wasn't filled with a myriad of issues that made the game rather hard to enjoy for myself and others. It's fine to like things, it's also fine to dislike things. I get that it can be really annoying to like a game the general public dislikes, but to chalk it up to just blind fanboyism is disingenuous. At least in DmC's case.
DmC stans make me not even wanna try it cause they’re so annoying


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
Remember how we said we were playing CAH last night? Well guess what? We can do it again! If you want to play use this link:

Come hang out or try it if you haven't before! Its a lot of fun.

Content warning obviously though. Now for some tags:

Opossum Opossum Cyn Cyn KMDP KMDP Aurane Aurane The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin

If I missed any others, I'm sorry, but please come join us, should be fun!

*Grumble grumble* I'm trying to not die because everybody is looking at you and I and waiting to wagon us...


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place


Sep 12, 2014
Magic The Gathering. For Black Magic, go see my sister. She thinks shes a witch.
Either is good.

Jokes aside, are you playing online somehow? Never played Magic but I've been having that itch to play a card game lately.


Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
Remember how we said we were playing CAH last night? Well guess what? We can do it again! If you want to play use this link:

Come hang out or try it if you haven't before! Its a lot of fun.

Content warning obviously though. Now for some tags:

Opossum Opossum Cyn Cyn KMDP KMDP Aurane Aurane The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn UtopianPoyzin UtopianPoyzin

If I missed any others, I'm sorry, but please come join us, should be fun!
We already have a room open and waiting.

pw: smashboards


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
So I just noticed the blond guy on Three Houses has like a metal pole weapon? How many new weapon types are there cause there’s this and gauntlets atleast.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So I just noticed the blond guy on Three Houses has like a metal pole weapon? How many new weapon types are there cause there’s this and gauntlets atleast.
That's a lance.


Smash Lord
Sep 2, 2018
Sooooo....DMC5 is out. I don't have it, but the game looks great.

Dante for Smash I guess.
nah Nero for smash is the way to go

I've been trying to dodge spoilers since yesterday, already had to block at least three different channels on my Youtube feed for doing **** like "SECRET ENDING LOOK HERE THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS" before the game was even out. Already had one scene spoiled atm that I'm really hoping isn't an important one.

Game does look awesome though, demo was great so I can't wait to actually get my hands on the full game.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Most of you guys I already know about Nintendo Switch is already 2 years old. That being said I aware that some did not get it at launch, some like me got it within 2017, whereas some probably bought it last year or even this year even. Last but not least you have some who still has yet bought one, either you don't have a budget planned to buy one or you just aren't interested in the hybrid console for whatever reason.

Now as how most people "celebrate" the Switch 2nd year anniversary, I will once again do an in brief look-back on Nintendo Switch from my perspective... and talk about my NS 2018 experience and see if it's better or on par with 2017.

My NS in brief flash back from it's reveal all the way to the end of 2017:
  • I was obviously excited when I heard Nintendo was finally going to reveal Nintendo NX back in October 2016. However, I wasn't that hyped after I saw the trailer, mostly because the concept of the NX has already been leaked and from the trailer there was literally nothing new besides of the name, some unconfirmed games besides Botw being shown, and a standard controller. You can also say I was a bit hoping Nintendo to reveal a standard console that's just simply more powerful than Wii U but hey I guess that was just me being stupid lol.
  • The name also didn't amuse me at all, Nintendo Switch just doesn't sound like a proper name for a video game console... I don't know exactly when I get used to and accept the name but I think it could be shortly after the Switch's January Presentation.
  • Speaking of January Presentation, many of the new infos were already either leaked or debunked thanks to early leaks and rumors. I have said that if it wasn't the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 reveal, I wouldn't have give the presentation a pass. Not only Switch didn't have games at launch, 32 GB storage was also disappointing for me... but I was still glad that you can put micro SD up to 2TB (That being said, form my experience, mirco SD cards are super fragile...) Yet overall, I have always consider Nintendo Switch will do way better than Wii U, despite I have seen numerous of Youtubers being pessimistic on the console's future.
  • I bought NS around June 2017, not too long before Splatoon 2 releases, however... my first game was Cave Story + as a physical copy, which if you ask me... the game itself is great but if you aren't buying the physical copy at Gamestop, just go and buy the digital version... I later bought Splatoon 2, which was enough for my fun up until I got Super Mario Odyssey... and then my Holy Grail, Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
My 2018 NS experience:
  • Despite many complain NS is becoming a Wii U-port-city in early 2018, I never consider it a problem nor I am interested in the Wii U ports. I was excited that you have games like Ys VIII, Octopath Traveler, XC2 Torna, and Valkyria Chronicles 4 coming to Switch this year.
  • Eventually, minus Ys VIII, I bought Octopath, download XC2 Torna, and Valkyria Chronicles 4, and I those games are one of the JRPGs on the Switch in my opinion.
  • Skullgirls have always been on my port wish list, so I was thrilled to see it being announced for NS. And then you have Kill La Kill:IF coming to Switch which is another plus
  • What's more better than those JRPGs though? Definitely Smash Bros Ultimate, yeah despite I have complaints on the game and I don't consider it the "Ultimate Smash" or "Best Smash Bros ever", it is probably my most favorite Smash Bros game and one of my top 5 favorite Switch game.
  • Due to the rise of Switch's popularity, you either see naysayers still try to nitpick the console's problem (Like its Online), or you have other companies like Huawei actually compare their new phone to the console... oh well, it's only a matter of time we see a Switch semi/ direct competitor. Smach Z could be a potential one...
  • Overall, I have said it... if 1st party game was all you cared and not a Pokemon nor Smash Bros fan (Which unfortunately there are...), 2018 was a pretty rough year... however we have seen Switch getting tons of third party games this year (To me those who disagree are those who consider western huge graphical games real or necessary third party games).
  • Even to 2019, you can say this is because I only like Nintendo games and a Nintendo fanboy (Which isn't true anymore), Nintendo Switch is definitely one of the best console you can own regardless if you already have a powerful PC, PS4, or Xbone as long as you want that convenience and the games.
Next I want to give a shout out... that Skybound Games is having Skullgirls Limited Physical Edition up for preorder... It includes a physical copy, a Soundtrack in a 12" Vinyl Record, and a Switch Controller Skin... for the Joy Cons and grip (Just like how VC4 did), and it's 49.99$. Preorder ends on March 31 or runs of stock... not sure if Skybound will have Skullgirls standard physical copy available after this, but most likely it will. So if you want physical copy of Skullgirls but no interest on the vinyl record and the Joy Con skins, you can just wait for the standard copy I guess.

Yes, you can get Skullgirls on Steam within 20$ now or even less... (Heck I got the game on Steam around 8$ or so thanks to the Halloween sale), but man I really want that physical copy and that vinyl record... I will definitely get a vinyl record player if I can.

My friends just texted me!
They are going to see Captain Marvel with me!

Awesome, I watched Captain Marvel and Alita: Battle Angel all by myself because my friends were either busy at university or just aren't interested to see those movies...
Also... you might need to change that "Skrull Empire" after watching Captain Marvel lol...
The cover art is designed by Chinatsu Kurahana, and she is also revealed to be the character designer for this game! I'm not sure what other art for other games he has done, but I think someone here might now.
I checked, and... he doesn't really involve in any notable anime or video game stuff... similar XC2's Saitou, this is probably Chinatsu's first video game works.
That's the wrong one dude, here's the actual box art
View attachment 197007
Maybe because of the colors of the three characters, the logo just fits perfectly lol.

It's nice to see some color in a Fire Emblem game, so I have no complaints if that's used as the international boxart.

I'm still not a fan of the artstyle overall, non-sprite in-game portraits in general really, but I am glad to see it being confirmed that it's a new artist so the 3DS era can be further put to rest within the fandom. Also am pretty sure Chinatsu Kurahana is a woman.
I have always said, artist's artstyle are subjective... it's ashame they didn't have Fates artists to continue to work on Three House but I think Chinatsu's artstyle is ok.

I mean... back in the day many weren't a fan of XC2's Saitou's artstyle anyway lol.

It kinda looks like one of those "slap the stock art together to make boxart" mock-ups you'd see on Deviantart to me. The way the main trio are positioned reminds me too much of the Shrek 2 movie poster. The colors are kind of garish. The way the weapons collide, the point of focus is different on each of them. The head of Edelgard's axe, the...top portion of Claude's bow, and...the...hilt(?) of Dimitri's lance? It brings weird focus to each of the weapons. And then the Byleth's are just kinda standing around. It communicates nothing about the game itself.

Meanwhile, let's look at what I think is the best boxart in the series, SoV.

A cohesive, warm color pallet and distinctive artstyle. The two main protagonists, front and center, have everything that needs to be communicated about them conveyed through the art. Celica, a magical priestess who cares for her people above all else, but is going through turbulent emotional trauma, eyes closed and hands clasped in prayer, and Alm, the warrior, eyes alert, but somber, staring into his blade, knowing full well he needs to topple an empire despite the odds. Both protagonists' backs are to each other, showing their physical separation, but also the closeness between them. The looming castle in the background gives a sense of scope, that the war is much bigger than they are.

But like...the Three Houses boxart doesn't really say anything. That's one of my biggest issues with it. You can't glean anything out of it beyond "hey here are three characters representative of their houses. Byleth is in the middle because he and she are you." Nothing about the teaching aspect, nothing about the church of Seiros. If anything, the fact that the monastery is so tucked away in the background makes it seem like the church isn't the overarching focal point, despite the fact that from everything we know, it is.
It's your opinion afterall but my two cents from somebody who isn't a FE fan... I think the boxart is decent... I am also annoyed how you have a character being upside down on the boxart, I'll give you that. Then again, I think some of your opinion are also a bit exaggerated, but that's just me.

I also think it's a bit of flawed on how you simply compare Three Houses to FE Echoe's boxart... is that we have yet to understand the full plot of the game you are describe the boxart with you fully understanding who's who, but Three House we know nearly jack on how these characters are, next, Echoes is a remake with a totally different setting. I like Echoes' boxart as well, but why just compare to Echoes, and not Fates and Awakening boxart besides it's your favorite FE boxart?

Speaking of Awakening, the game is still has the best FE boxart in my opinion.
Fire Emblem Three Houses before the boxart reveal:
View attachment 197031

Fire Emblem Three Houses after the boxart reveal:
View attachment 197030
Oh my, this GOT to become a meme lol.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I think :134: would be the closest.
Close, but Vaprion is not a a tiger lol.

Maybe we'll see a Tiger/ Water type Pokemon being reveal soon.

I mean, after watching Captain Marvel, this scene is not more hilarious rather than serious lol. Well, at least the part where Nick Furry said the last time he trusted somebody he lost an eye.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
nah Nero for smash is the way to go

I've been trying to dodge spoilers since yesterday, already had to block at least three different channels on my Youtube feed for doing **** like "SECRET ENDING LOOK HERE THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS" before the game was even out. Already had one scene spoiled atm that I'm really hoping isn't an important one.

Game does look awesome though, demo was great so I can't wait to actually get my hands on the full game.
Nero would be really fun in a Marvel vs Capcom game. Would run a Capcom duo with him and Mega Man X. Though if its 3v3, Spider-Man, Storm and Mega Man would be my main team.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
>Watching the weathercast
>Today was a windy af day
>They show that the biggest gust in the area was 69 mph
>*muffled "nice" is heard on the background*


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
>Watching the weathercast
>Today was a windy af day
>They show that the biggest gust in the area was 69 mph
>*muffled "nice" is heard on the background*
View attachment 197119
*gets sucked into a tornado*
*is actually the suction from a rip of a fat weed device*

heh... nice... *gets smoked and dieded*


Sep 12, 2014
Man I went from really wanting to see Becky and Ronda main event Mania to hoping Kofi/Bryan or even ****ing Lesnar main event instead.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Red Hood's getting a new costume. Or got it recently.

Red Hood.jpg

I REALLY like it though. Making more of his suit actually red helps a lot.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
So I've been looking up the requirements for keeping exotic animals in my state out of boredom (I'm a NEET I do NOT have the funds or location to actually do anything of the sort, it's just nice to window shop for completely insane things hahahah) and

HUH. Apparently all you really need is $10 a year and a signature from a veterinarian. I mean, that's obviously not the actual startup cost since vet visits (at least once a year per the discretion of your vet), the actual animals themselves w/food supplies and so on, and the enclosure requirements listed further down (and GOOD ON THEM for having enclosure requirements, it feels like half the time when stories about exotic animals bubble out into public view it's because someone kept them someplace stupid), etc. all cost a fortune but like

$10 a year and a veterinarian's signature. That's, uh, surprisingly doable.

Funny enough there's actually a series of charts listing escalating danger levels of animals that fall under this, with the squirrels and wild rabbits you see on your lawn (well I live in a sub division there's wild rabbits once in a blue moon on MY lawn...actually probably on everyone's lawns thinking on it since I had to stop for a woodchuck on a city street one time) on the bottom rung and TAKE A WILD GUESS WHAT ANIMALS ARE HERE on the top rung.

Now, let's see if I can find the legal requirement PDF for zoos. <u<
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