How to make Metroid Prime 4 good for JDCabrera:
>Don’t ruin the Gravity Suit’s design.
>Make the levels interesting to explore and diverse.
>Apply a good system of progression.
>Feel free to repeat the concept of the travel between planets, but improve some elements of it.
>If it doesn’t fit well, skip the option of having voice acting.
>As usual, have dope tunes for the battles.
>Attention to detail with the visuals is neat, since it makes the player feel more like becoming Samus Aran. Apply a good amount of it.
>Make the boss fights stand out on their own, possible by making the use of thinking strategies or finding patterns by experimentation key in the first ones.
>Show the graphical improvement that the Switch can handle.
>Don’t limit the weaponry or tools that Samus has by the actions of another character (looking at you, Adam Malkovich).
>If you want to bring some horror, try to mix the feelings of tension with fear on the gameplay (similar to the way that Fusion handled it regarding the gameplay).
>Keep the ability to scan species and objects, but as an optional tool.
>In general, take the good parts of the Prime games released before, and improve them as much as needed.
>Don’t focus a lot on the story.
>Add cool bonuses and hidden easter eggs, since they add replay value.
>Include a new armour for Samus.
>Bring back something similar to the narrator from the first Prime game, and also use it only for the beginning.
>Allow the use of motion controls to some extent, but without leaving out buttoms on the controller.
>Make the game compatible with the Gamecube controller as an option.
>Release the game alongside some cool amiibo.