My thing is, like, I work with a vegan and we work at a clothing store so obviously we sell belts... he refuses to touch belts because they're real leather.
So, I asked him "Say you're absolutely starving and under some circumstance you are given a pack of Beef Jerky as your only source of food. Would you eat it?" He said "no," and I said "why?" and he said because it was a living being. And I said "so you will literally starve instead of eating an animal?", he said "yep". I said "How does that do anyone anywhere any good? Because, by not eating it you're not only killing yourself you're wasting perfectly good food. Not only that but not eating the Beef Jerky didn't save the animal the Jerky came from because obviously it's already dead so why would you starve instead of eating it?" He said, and this is the good part, "It does the world good because they can learn from my example."
Like, what the hell, man?
Vegans are usually pretty cool people but like, their morality is just all kinds of weird. I hate to break it to you but you not eating meat isn't going to sway the world to do the same.