Doesn't really make any sense to me. What qualifies Tracer to be gay? Is it because she "looks gay" or "acts gay"? SMH.
I mean, I get what you're saying when it's pushed to sell a character to a certain audience. But that alone doesn't make it implausible that they're into the same sex. I find it hypocritical that usually when people complain about gay being a defining characteristic, those seem people want a justification for the character being gay.
I have a similar problem when people want no gay character to ever, ever have anything to do with acting "stereotypical gay". For instance, just because Tracer fits into more of those perceptions some people have doesn't make her a bad portrayal.
It really comes to how it was executed in my opinion, not really on how Tracer looks on my end.
ou wouldn't say it'd be forced if he had a female lover, would you? There's many straight characters who have lovers introduced in that fashion, where we only see a glimpse of them. Doesn't really make sense to me that somehow makes his sexuality or relationship forced, especially when from what I understand of the characters it makes sense for them to in the status they're in. 76 is old and torn and Tracer is pretty young and vibrant.
Hence why Shisho probably assumed you do have some sort of problem with him being gay regardless of whether or not you admit it.
Actually, I will think it is a bit forced as well, but compared to having a same sex lover, I think it will be more of cliche, I know it sounds weird but again bro, not sure how many times I have to say this, this is just how I felt on this. You can definitely agree to disagree rather than keep assuming others having problem with LGBT.
That characterization of 76 is correct, hence why he had a former lover, not a current one. And why Tracer does have a current lover.
It's not even like a characterization you never see, a hero getting split up from there lover due to their own duty is pretty cliche actually. Being upset about that is fine, but the way you state it makes it seem like you do have a problem with his ex being a man in particular hence why I'm even arguing about this.
And let's assume if there is a problem, I don't see it like something that is a big of a deal here in my opinion. I have to say this again, not problem with Soldier 76's side expect how it was being executed, just you said it was not only cliche, but also a it forced in my opinion.
I appreciate Alucard trying to explain the issue properly but honestly, I'm tired of "this LGBT character being LGBT is forced". None of you would be saying that if he was straight and don't pretend like you would. Characters don't need to be written as "gay" or have fifteen layers of "foreshadowing" to them being gay so please stop with this blatant homophobia.
Because to me, it was when compared to Tracer's? And if he's straight, it's normal that nobody would say that... just felt more cliche than it is though.
If your tired of it then feel free to disagree, but stop labeling others having a "homophobia" please.
All in all, hey
@Shishœ @Prince Alucard , when it comes to LGBT in general I'm in the same boat as you guys and I get what are you guys trying to say. But if I have to be honest here, after reading more and more of your replies to
. No offense but now I feel this is just opinion shoving at this point...
Holy ****, Direct for today actually is dead lmao
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Yes, gonna go and pre-order this.
Fiora was already spoiled in Smash 4, to be fair.
But yeah, even without trophy descriptions, Sakurai finds a way to spoil games.
Never doubt the man.
That's why I sometimes dislike Sakurai lol.
Irrelevant to the conversation at hand,
I'm not a huge shipper because if I do end up thinking of a connection between characters I'd like to think of more than "they're friends" or "because I want to".
People shipping Junkrat and Roadhog make me not want to talk to them for the duration of that conversation typically...
And people shipping things that wouldn't align with their established personalities/alignments etc.
For instance, Torb has a wife and SEVERAL children.
I don't think he's much for adultery so...
Not that that ever really matters and it's all just in good fun, but I mean... I've had people "agressively ship" things at me before lmao
like usually it's "okay man you do you" but if you get in my grill about it i'm gonna ignore ya
Exactly, and be real here, some ships makes sense whereas some ships are a bit weird to say the least. But still... don't really care much about shipping... unless it's anime lol.
Here's the thing. I would've never heard of this if it hadn't been for people making a big deal out of him being gay. So, yeah, in that way I guess I am focusing on his sexuality. And in that, I am sorry. I don't intend to sound homophobic in any way because I've been through some **** that has taught me not to be. 76 as a character never struck me as romantically involved and my first post probably doesn't help my point but I in no way meant to sound homophobic. Apologies.
Not sure if it's okay to even reply posts like this here at this point... even you are not homophobic, chances are you will still get label as that here... not taking shots to any specific people here. And going of topic, this tend to happen here not just about LGBT but also like any topics in general when it comes debatable. I know I may sound like a whiner here but labeling people names is last thing you should do.
Don't get too stressed about it. Shisho's quite a bit brash, he's pretty mean to me TBH.
I don't mean to express my idea to expose people as homophobes.(Not that I wouldn't do that.) But rather to say that people often fall into the trap of saying that a character needs be handle in a specific way, otherwise they're forced or unnecessary. Despite that straight characters also have, well, any kind of characterization you can think of and no one thinks that them being straight is unnecessary. In a relationship? Yeah, there's lots of unnecessary relationships, a lot of the times the male and female lead are just in a relationship just because.
But oftentimes I hear from people that well, gay characters need to be treated differently because people are uncomfortable with them. Which goes full circle really.
The thing is that not much is even known about 76's former relationship to even really say much about it. A lot of the controversy is just over his sexuality alone which is pretty ridiculous.
It is all cool man, and sorry Prince Alucard I aware you will definitely have problems with my opinion, but I still have to stick with my original claim. In the end I think it is better to just drop this discussion... or just go to Discord rather than here.
TFW you try to read someone else's post but their font color blends in with the background of the site.
No comment on the context of the post. :V
Since we are on Smashboards, you should use this pic:
It's been on my wishlist since I got my Switch in 2017 but other new games and owning the Wii U version made it a low priority.
Right now I'm more excited for Crash Tag Team Racing Nitro Fueled than MK8D.
I might get Crash Tag Team Racing Nitro Fueled, I have played it on my old PS1 long time ago, but... never really liked it unfortunately. Perhaps that was just me being too young, hopefully the remake is better.