Eeyup. Though them skipping some arc stuff made it stranger for dub watchers later on. Not everybody caught up via just the uncensored version of One Piece. I watched all of the 4kids version(only stuff I found dumb was the first "weapon" being some stupid hammer contraption, and the skipping of arcs. I saw no issues with the voices, the action was more than intense enough, and the music was great. Sanji was just fine, even if he didn't have a cigarette. He acted the same as is from what I remember. Perverted as hell).
Pokemon's issue was mostly just calling those rice balls something else. Otherwise, it was fine as long as it didn't try to remove Japanese items. If it actually edited them into sandwiches proper, I wouldn't care so much. One notable one is that while removing guns made sense, the fact they couldn't dub the episode where Ash caught his Tauros... because it was too gun heavy to remove it. Meanwhile similar episodes still keep it censored, but modify it enough to work, like the threat being a one-shot in the episode. Sonic X found a way by not having them shoot once and that was it.
4Kids have a lot of ridiculous censorship at times. But they still have great theme songs. They hire good artists and have great lyrics, which still fits the overall theme of the show pretty well. Magical DoReMi, Mew Mew Power, One Piece, Shaman King, just for a few examples. They felt right.