I want to thank you guys again for the happy birthday wishes. It's really nice to know some of you still care about me.
As you've probably noticed, I don't use this website much anymore. Smash Speculation was the main reason I joined, but after this speculation season I don't feel I'm up to it anymore. I'm also going on hiatus from social media in general to focus on school, so this is just going to be another website I'll try my hardest to avoid.
This thread has been pretty much my only reason for staying here so far. I've made some great friends here, and I will always have fond memories from my time here. However, I no longer feel an urge to come back here, especially when Twitter exists.
What I'm saying is that tomorrow,
I will leave this website, probably permanently.
I don't plan on changing my mind. This website doesn't do anything that Twitter, Discord, or even Reddit can't do better for me. All of them feel like much better places to talk about my interests. I will always miss my Smashboards friends, but most of them also use at least 2 of these websites, so what's the point of staying here just for the few that don't?
I might come back in a much later date. Maybe if there's a new Smash game, I'll feel up to speculating again... but until then, it's a bye from me.
I have a twitter that I've advertised on several occasions (my tag is
@ur_boi_lampy), a Discord (my tag is @Lampy#9163), and a Reddit that I don't use quite as often (my tag is
u/LampytehGr8) so if any of you wants to keep in touch, though I won't be active on any of these for the next 6 months due to school.
Sorry for the wall of text, sorry for being overly dramatic, and I'm ESPECIALLY sorry if none of this makes sense because I'm tired af.
See you guys on the other side! (hopefully)