so a good day around, decided to do some planning, planning to turn the left walls and openings into a designed killing grounds, so if we get assualted from the north west or south we can bottleneck them down, also so we can direct people into traps and guns, anything to help neck them down and still grant us good access
also making an hospital and armony right above and below the killing grounds so we can get some immediate help and support along with fire power when we need to, still upgrading a new kitchen and labatory/workshop as well, lotta work to get underway will only show when we getting closer to being done
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oh thats neat, they ran into a weapon merchant, they were carrying a ton of below average quality fire arms despite being tribals? couldn't really do anything with them and don't want any of their items so just moved on
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....god damn it shishoe, and yes unlike the previous ones where it came in waves against half our community its only shishoe that got sick, and hes still a whole bloody day away, with the plague growing fast shishoe won't bloody make it back home in time, if he wanna live i have to get meds and a doctor to him to tidy down
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so i forcibly position androobie for the duty, have some meds gotta rendezvous with shish and uni so he can med work shishoe to at least not going to die walking time
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bloody hell what is with all the infections lately? i mean i know we live in a rainforest but this is insane!
well...she battled a tortoise that was eating our crops that we had no use for and the sucker got a few bad bites on her, they were nearly healed though when the infection started so its incredibly weak, i'm not even sure if she needs meds to fight it off but healed her on up anyway cause we restocked a lot
anyway while that bloody crisis is going on continuation on the homefront, we ffinally got all the carpeting in place which took long enough and now were on our way to implementing some more roads and walk ways for us
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well androobie successfully made it, and gave him a quick heal, not the besst, not even that good but its enough to keeping him not dying while walking
so after making a camp i got them to prepare on up and leave on out
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oh ya forgot to take a picture of the pop up so here it is, we now have electric smelting, not the most interesting thing in the world but something we were researching while the laboratory was being set up, so we can now have an electric then wood powered smith and can now do some smelters to smelt slag and other things to useful materials, no more selling useless guns for **** prices, we just turn them into stuff
now on our way to getting a moisture pump so we can make use of more off the land thats marsh here thats limiting some expansion operations, and then after that to get some geothermal power :V
also i just learned something new today, turns out if ya have injuried or someone who needs meds when on a caravan trip, the person with the highest medical skill will treat them instantly on the road, so making that tiny camp was kinda pointless, but huh neato
in anycase they made it
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and as you can bloody see, shishoe is ****ing dying and moving at a literal snails pace, but we can't do anything about it while he slowly walks over to get healed in a improved hospital, its honestly not looking good for shishoe and when he finally reached the bed he blacked out in extreme pain from the plague, and the immunity is trying to catch up
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and i interrupt the middle of shishoes battle for life to bring this, buckos legacy lives! the child of the drunk snake is also ****ing drunk and blacked out from it, he dind't even vomit he just straight on up got in a coma from a beer, helps its basically a teenage snake but lol, buckos only surviving child got flat out drunk, like mother like son
and now back to shishoe, just going to straight on up say it
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thats an 100% plague, meaning he was literally seconds away from death when the thing ffinally built a ****ing immunity
@Shishœ was literally seconds away from bloody death, not even uni cut it this ****ing close god damn it, at this rate our lucks going to fricken run out!
though then again he needed two medworks to even make it back home so androobie literaly gave shishoe a fighting chance, one he made by bloody millimeters, what is with all of us making ****ing close calls?
anyway long story short, shishoe nearly died to plague, everone still lives, katt is irritated for bloody worrying so much, end of log