whelp we chose to fight these ******** so fight we shall, i geared on up our close liners, melee fighters plus coricus and chose to hole on up in a abandoned hut west of he siege, shishoe is moving way to slow to even participate in the battle so he'll just chill at home, he nearly died from the plauge so he can't move or fire a gun so he'll just have to walk slowly towards
and here we are, minutes before chase down these ******** for attempting to blow up our home, fam just in case what happens, it'll be good, the far back gunners of androobie, red, and shiny chug out part of the wall so they can hide inside to fire, while uni, praline, and cori get closer to deal more damage using the chunks up there and for woomy just the own sandbags, while the brawlers stay inside to ambush and i'm sneaking down south to play sniper support
and first fires shot, already we striked, i crippled the snieper in one shot blowing off his right arm, effectively removing their sniper, while the rest of the gang just kill that poor sap whos still trying to remove that tree while cori gets closer to deal damage, got a good jump but a few of them did get oraganized to retaliate
here you can see them starting to fire back and we just exhange in gun fire, the animals are taking some stray bullets for us and lily got slightly tore up, but mostly cori is playing tank useing their own sandbag against them and trying to absorb as many bullets as possible, you can see shishoe is starting to show up and in the middle were rippling more of them
from this point though after they finally got organzed is when things started to turn hairy, we put a few more down to the ground but they started to collaborate their fire more onto us, the guys in the back row only took stray bullets but cori took a lot of concentrated fire, she played tank badly there and delievering retribution back with her shot gun being a killer and taking several bullets
and then finally we dropped enough of them to where they started fleeing, took, but we sure as hell didn't let the leave scott free and continue fire while the brawlers took to the lines
turns out that was a bad idea and the sudden change of chase shooting actually caused some bad friendly fire, yellow took some bullets and red actually forced coricus to go down in shock! damn dude... so we weren't the most effective killing the survivors
three got away of the 9, one compeltely unscathed, though would be surprised if gil lives with a freaking shotgun shell in his neck
oh well the ending got sloppy, but in turn we broke the siege and chased the ******** out, good day, will check injury report in a bit.