I'll give you the first two paragraphs.
Former is a result of a disjointed narrative that allows the players to do whatever at their leisure, and I feel like it'd still be served by closing in a bit on the player's heels and giving them a bit of a sense of urgency. Or, alternately, to show the world more as locked in a stasis than at eminent threat of destruction, and have Link go about freeing it. It's a pain in the **** to theorize alternate possibilities that would properly mesh, but I feel there were better options to explore that would have explained, perhaps even embraced, the generally relaxed attitude towards everything else.
Latter, I'm inclined to both agree and disagree with. I like the characters and dialogue we get, generally speaking, except for the quips in a Divine Beast. Anyone tied to the main story that we meet in person - as opposed to the Champions, from flashback - was pretty good. But even those, and leagues more the remaining characters, could have been made a great deal more three-dimensional. I think I posted some kind of alternate take for the Champions once that fleshed them a bit, would've basically swapped dialogue for the already useless notes about how many switches remain in each beast, and would've taken a similar amount of dev time. But I'm willing to acknowledge the rest of the world would've taken time away from polishing the engine, mechanics, shrines, and environments that really made BotW what it was. Wouldn't go so far as to call it a necessary sacrifice - would call it understood.
Final paragraph I disagree on. Exploration was always exciting for me through my playtime, and I was always finding interesting bits and secrets. But perhaps that's because I walked into each area expecting to see cool and new things, and triumph over the environment in interesting ways - and in those aspects, I was pleasantly rewarded nine times out of ten. If I was rewarded with goods or tools as well so be it, but the journey was in many ways enough for me. Now if you were more geared towards seeking quest rewards, yeah, you didn't get much. But that seems to have been a mostly deliberate choice, making the journey the reward rather than some chest at the end, and I'm personally fine with it. Understand where you're coming from, respect the opinion, but I don't share it myself.
Anyway. That's my two. Won't begrudge you your distaste either way; at least we seem to mostly be on the same page about areas for improvement.