Just in case there is a new character announcement, I’ll have my Etika copypasta ready...
Etika copypasta? There like a lot lol.
I'm not knocking on the Switch at all, it's an excellent console that took the Wii U's gimmick and made it into a much better and incredibly enticing selling point.
It isn't about knocking on Switch lol. I mean I understand some like Chikolad who just aren't enjoying what the Switch offers currently and I totally get that, but when discussing about whether Nintendo Switch should be getting hug third party, and Nintendo basically tries to do what Microsoft and Sony is doing that's a whole other issue to talk about.
I also understand not everyone has $2000 to blow on a high-end PC that can play everything or even the time to sit down and play games on a PC at all, and the Switch is, as you implied, perfect for those people. Mostly uncompromised console game experiences on the go is huge, and hopefully Nintendo sticks with that sort of design in the future while improving upon the tech.
Actually building a PC that's decent enough is fine by me, I never desire building a gaming PC. Just a PC with a ram that is enough, and graphics card and CPU that are slightly better than based PS4 I am good.
Regardless of how popular the idea of playing most uncompromised console game (But I think this differ on the games you play though), I can still see and understand how some people just don't give a damn about the portability of the Switch and even consider it niche, then again we all know that this idea's popularity is there and there's no sign of it cooling off.
I don't think anyone is saying Nintendo would be selling their soul to have a better online infrastructure. In fact, their backwards online is one of the biggest sticking points for people who otherwise love the company. I'm not asking for dedicated servers for every game or sales/free games every month, but I would like to play games online without both players requiring a fiber line and an Ethernet adapter (slight hyperbole) and have even basic chat message functionality, especially if they're asking us to pay up. It's even more egregious with the Switch, a console that's not always guaranteed a stable connection in-part due to it's mobile capabilities.
To be fair, we still haven't know EVERY what the Online Service offers, hell we don't even have an exact launch date. That being said I am somewhat fine with the content they offer with the service and I do expect them to reveal more info soon.
Hey, at least they're doing it now.
A year and a half later when many people have already lost their save data, but you know. Better late than never I guess?
Um... not really... it seems that you can only back up your save data via the pay required cloud in the Online Service... if that's the case I still think it's bad...
They should go with how many phones and cloud drives do... give us options of backing up save data locally, and give us limited space or games to back up to cloud while Online service cloud save is unlimited.
For those who followed MHA S3 Episode 17, this is probably by far the best filler content episode I have ever seen for this series. I mean yeah a student who has high IQ as a quirk isn't new but still pretty god tier good nonetheless.