In these past few days playing Fire Emblem Heroes, I've shifted my focus from the Legendary Hero banner to the current Summer banner. My new goal is to pull Summer Camilla purely for her Hone Fliers skill so that I fodder her for my Legendary Ryoma, as she is currently the only unit on the given banners that has the skill.
While sniping for blue this morning, I got a 4-star Odin, so my Legendary Ryoma finally has Moonbow!
Later today, I continued trying to snipe for blue, but in one of the sessions, not one blue orb showed up, so I went for red and got pity-broken by my third Young Tiki (yes, the regular one, not the summer one). I merged her with my old Young Tiki, who has now reached 40+2.
After the Young Tiki disappointment, I continued to try sniping for blue. One of my sessions had three blue orbs, but I got nothing from them but another Odin and Robin for Moonbow and Bonfire fodder respectively. The last session I had didn't give me a single blue orb. I went for the silver orb that was available in the hopes that I could potentially get another Summer Takumi to merge with my current one, but I got this instead:
Well, isn't this surprising! I didn't think I'd pull Summer Line at all, nor did I expect her to get a really good nature! She's +Atk -HP.
Looks like I have to keep for some kind of dagger use on a Horse Emblem team in the future.
If I can't pull Summer Camilla once the Summer banner ends, I'll at least have the Flier Buff banner to focus on where I'll try getting Hinoka for Hone Fliers fodder. Good thing I have about a week to prepare for that (though I also want to go for the Threaten Speed banner the day before just for more Takumi merges and Shanna, who I haven't pulled in MONTHS to the point I had to use all my Navarres as my Desperation fodder, so those two banners will probably run my orb count dry depending on my luck).