The lack of third-party support is a reason the Wii U failed, but not the only one.
The name itself making it sound like it's an accessory along with the horrible marketing and poor launch lineup also killed its chances.
Of course, but odd how many consider lacking third party was the main reason... When it actually wasn't.
I always consider the title to be the biggest issue ever since Wii U was first revealed
Alright, but let me bring up this Odyssey rant first. If you don't wanna read it, it's spoilered, so just don't open it
I already finish t story so, I don't care about spoilers lol.
Do you think it's good platforming design to give you around 20 techniques to use in the game, but only require only about a quarter of them to 100% the game, with absolutely zero opportunity to use the rest outside of making some shortcuts that are ultimately completely optional?
Isn't more options the better? I don't see why those techniques being unused in most situations a bad thing. Speed runner will definitely use those techniques that's for sure.
All you need to complete the game is move, jump, throw Cappy and capture stuff, along with the rare wall jump, long jump, ground pound and roll. You don't even need to use Cappy as a platform all that much and everything else is literally useless, as you could easily 100% the game without using them once.
This complaint is super weak if I do say so myself. And using Cappy as platform while not often but if you want quick or more extended jump it really helps.
And no, those hidden stacks of coins in hard to reach places don't count because the reward is really sad, considering there are far more efficient ways to grind coins with much less effort and much more consistence. Heck, after the first time, the stacks get much smaller in future attempts.
... What do you think expect them to put? Short cuts? Maybe but with that place literally hard to reach, in mosrt cases people won't be surprised if that place is empty or glitches, it was just simply neat detail for them to add.
This is a hugely missed opportunity given the sheer potential Cappy can bring.
They already did,you just complain that Cappy never being necessarily utilized for the most part, which to some extent isn't true and if that's the case then some might complain the game being too hard...
If there were moons instead instead of coin stacks, I'd be singing a different song about these hiding spots because you'd actually be rewarded for using those techniques you can use with something that actually matters.
Disagree with you totally on that, you will have a lot of people outrage on that for being to Super hard to get.
And since the game never considered using most of Mario's toolkit, the results of experimenting with it are never fully worth it. At best, you get an optional shortcut. At worst, you get damaged or fall off the map.
Again, I don't see the problem here...
Alright I think that's enough, sorry to say this bur I feel like most of your rants are nothing but nitpicks... You basically bother by many things that are there but being optional...
Then again I bet there's something that makes sense..
Also, they managed to make capturing a T-Rex suck. A ****ING T-REX!
Are we even playing the same game now?
And I am watching World Cup Final and... Hope Croatia can score a goal soon.