Going to be shorter because stupid drafts not saving.
So in case some of you were wondering where I was, I was on a plane to where I do my summer job for the month. I'm at where I need to be, even if my eardrums are frickin' hurting after the flight, and I'm going to be staying until around the end of August.
Either way, seems I missed a bunch of stuff, so:
-Missed a talk about spirit animals and I see people dissing on cats.

-So IS basically went, "We're going to force you to make a male character win and you will like them!" due to the power of waifus. Although why Sigurd vs Arvis....when Sigurd never once fights Arvis or even gets a chance to? Why not Seliph who would fit with both Arvis and Julius?
-I don't mind representation. But a character should be made first and than the design and the design should fit for the character, not be placed over top of it. Like obviously, if the character is trying to bring across a message, like say, "Just cause you lived a life in the dumps, doesn't mean you can't adapt to it.", obviously making the character look like a millionaire or rich king with no scars and no dirt steins doesn't help it.
Like there's nothing wrong with adding representation, but representation should not be favored over character at all. And after all, if the character is poor, than the "representation" becomes poor as well.
Because that bit with Mercy and Reaper hinting that it was Mercy who revived Reaper was in fact misinformation that stayed for too long. That, "This was not what I intended for you." "You knew exactly what you were doing." bit never happened. If that bit was in, there would have been video evidence or even datamine evidence long ago, but there was neither and there still wasn't any evidence coming for it. Yet that misinformation stayed around until Blizzard actually confirmed it didn't exist.
And misinformation does exist in the Overwatch community. A good example being before Orisa's release. Just before Orisa was released and the Numbani Airport was still destroyed, someone claimed that Zenyatta had a new line saying, "What has he done to my brothers and sisters?" All of the sudden, people had actually assumed it to be real, kept trying Zenyatta out in Numbani to try and hear that line, and yet it took a long time before someone datamined Overwatch and stated that the line was nowhere in the game at all. And despite that, people were still asking about it for quite some time.
So yes, misinformation does indeed exist in the Overwatch community. That was how the Mercy & Reaper thing dwelled for so long, especially with the idea that it was a "Beta" line despite no video or datamine evidence until Blizzard had to actually state that it didn't exist at all. The D.VA and starcraft bit though, yeah that was a retcon if I did my research correctly.
Anyway, about that fanbase with Hammond deal:
Fanbase: "Why you do this Blizzard?! Overwatch is a serious story! Hammond only makes it goofy!"
*his body squeaks when you hit it*
How can people say that an adorable videogame hamster dying is not serious at all?! That's horrible!

We're in the darkest timeline!
That's actually the 2nd darkest. But we're still in the darkest timeline of having an adorable videogame hamster die and Peta exists.