Forgot I uploaded this earlier.
I tried emulating the Xbox 360 version of The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon in Xenia and to my great surprise, it runs quite well all things considered.
The game seems to be fully playable, but with a few issues. The splash screen and title screen are bugged and have an epileptic fit, so I advise skipping ahead to the 1:00 mark or so if you suffer from epilepsy. Other than that, all graphics render seemingly perfectly. However, there is no music and sometimes sound effects cut off in cutscenes. Additionally, the game seems unable to delete save data, which also prevents you from overwriting save data. I've only used Xenia for a little bit, but it doesn't seem capable of pushing games beyond their natural limits from what I can tell. The game is being displayed at it's native 720p resolution, and runs at an unlocked and somewhat unstable framerate just like how it did on a real Xbox 360. No amount of horsepower can stabilise that framerate currently, as far as I can tell.
Also, it took some work because they are poorly made ports, but I got the FFXIII Trilogy up and running and they look and feel so much better on PC, especially Lightning Returns. FFXIII-2 is having frame drop issues regardless of my settings but I can't seem to fix it.
I also finished Sonic Forces on PC and decided to install a bunch of mods, and modding is really easy to set up. Got a few level mods, skins for Sonic, Avatar parts/proportion mods, and even some stuff like physics improvements, right stick camera control, Nintendo Switch UI (goes better with my Wii U Pro Controller then the Xbox UI)) and activating/de-activating Super Sonic via button press.
Pretty soon I will probably try to make my own Sonic Forces mods. I'm hoping I can figure out Avatar modding so I can easily make a bunch of costumes.