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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

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Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Maybe Killer Instinct (I'm actually wearing a KI shirt for the show), maybe Battletoads, but not sure on Perfect Dark.

But it'll be a miracle if Banjo-Kazooie has a non-disappointing appearance.
Yes, I 'll take all of the above as remakes, thank you.

Pathetic mortal weapons bring me no harm.
Image is dead, so it must of had, some effect.. :v


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Finished leveling up Legault today (and Ninian and Athena, but that's beside the point). Now I'm all set for the Tempest Trials.

Granted I could've used my Nino, but Legault is cool, so it all works out.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
So I was scrolling through 4chan to get some lols from the leaks that always pop up around this time, and their always bogus. I was scrolling through though and one caught my attention. Dude claimed that Microsoft was going to announce a Banjo-Kazooie game for Xbox One and, here's the kicker, Nintendo Switch. He went on to say that he's not sure whether it's a new Banjo title or a remake of the first.

Damn, man I know it's fake but how ****ing cool would it be if it were real?


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
No, they aren't. Cause its actually me. :v

praline, I think its quite clear, me and Uni are ****posting.

Also, just looked at a one of my receipt from the store Iceland in the UK.

It has an attachment on it saying they updated their privacy policy.
I mean it should be clear that I do what I want.

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Welp I've got work tomorrow and I should have an early nighter, have fun with Microsoft and Bethesda's conferences
Same for me, I have work tomorrow, and frankly, nothing interest me in those two conferences.

If something really cool have been shown, I will see it when I wake up, but for now, I'm going early to bed.

So, good night to all of you! Have a great day. :)


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Call me a friccin moron, but I thought tomorrow was June 12 :'V


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Since the E3 conferences will be starting proper soon, I figured I'd type up some pre-E3 thoughts.

I don't have much in particular I expect from them besides the usual Forza and maybe Halo. I hope they find something nice to do with one of their old Rare IPs but I won't hold my breath. Besides that though, they usually do announce some nice indie games and what not here. And while I don't own an Xbox One, their exclusives actually matter to me now as I can play them on my PC. So in general, I'll be interested in anything as long as it looks good, particularly the indie stuff. We will likely see another big multi-platform game announced here, like Dragon Ball FighterZ last year.

Admittedly don't know what they might announce as far as brand new games we've never heard of are concerned. My biggest personal hopes are Gravity Rush 3 and PS-All Stars 2, though both seem unlikely to me (the latter especially since Smash is getting a new game this year). I wouldn't mind seeing a teaser for the next Uncharted game, but it may be too early for that. As far as already announced games go, The Last of Us 2 is going to be the biggest one. Spider-Man and Days Gone are likely going to show up there. Spyro and KH3 could possibly get new trailers shown there but they will be shown elsewhere anyway.

Square Enix
KH3 is a guarantee here, we know the game is getting a huge boatload of news at E3 already so the SE conference is the perfect place for at least some of that to take place. I kinda hope they squeeze something in regarding Dissidia NT because they seriously don't communicate with the Western audience enough for that game, the game should be way bigger than it is. We might also see announcements of new Switch games, and a trailer for the upcoming FFXV DLC. And something related to mobile gaming.

It will probably start with announcing a bunch of third party ports like Fortnite and Dragon Ball FighterZ, as well as any Wii U ports. I expect a trailer for Xenoblade 2 DLC early on too, as well as Mario Tennis Aces. After that, they will get into the new stuff. Fire Emblem will probably get a trailer and a 5-7 minute blowout in the same way Fates and SoV got huge blowouts when they were first announced. Metroid Prime 4 will probably get a trailer, with an interview about it in the Treehouse later. Star Fox: Grand Prix will be announced, if it exists. Yoshi will be shown off with a more in-depth trailer. I expect another game where a third party company takes on a Nintendo IP, similarly to Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Might even be another Warriors title. We will get Switch exclusive third-party projects sprinkled about. amiibo announcements will come with whatever games they are relevant to. Finally, Smash will get a trailer featuring new characters and teasing looks at various features, along with giving a basic rundown at a big new game mechanic or mode or something, before transitioning to the Treehouse for more in-depth gameplay.

Gonna give this it's own section because I think we will see news about it peppered throughout E3. I think the initial trailer will show at least 20 characters including veterans, Inklings, and 4 other newcomers. Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X will almost definitely be in the first trailer, as she's basically been soft confirmed. Beyond her, I don't know who specifically they could announce, besides a new Pokémon character and a new Fire Emblem character if we're getting one.

I think this game, for better or worse, will put a focus on team-based gameplay. Calling that now. Team-based game are kinda all the rage right now, and Smash has always had team-based modes, it's just never been balanced around it nor has it been given much attention. But I think they will now. This means that we will probably see things like healing/buffing mechanics given more attention, items playing around with the idea of interacting with teammates, maybe even moves designed with a function to save a launched teammate from actually hitting the blast zone. I think 3v3 will be the standard format for all modes like Smash mode and Classic Mode. There will of course be modes and settings for 1v1 and 3-8 player FFA matches, but they will focus on and encourage team-based gameplay above all else. We will also see a mode where every stock is a different character, as well as potentially a tag team mode where you can switch different characters in and out on the fly (think like Pokémon Trainer, but the Pokémon are three fighters of your choosing and it doesn't take a century to load them in. Also think Marvel VS Capcom). We may even see a "Team Smash Attack" mechanic, where building up a meter allows you to unleash various team attacks, with a "Final Team Smash" being the highest level. So yeah, team-based gameplay and modes that involve as many characters as possible in one match.

Additionally, I expect Smash Run to make a return and be more fleshed out, possibly embracing team-based mechanics itself. I personally hope an SSE-length Adventure Mode with locations based on the actual franchises will be here too, with online co-op and the equipment system from Smash Wii U/3DS (which IMO fixes the biggest issue with SSE), with online co-op with up to four players.

I also hope the base game is just fleshed out in general, I don't want a barren single player like Smash Wii U, or barely any content with only minor expansions every two months, like Dissidia NT.

Also I hope Rosalina, Sonic, and Mega Man are announced to be returning within the trailer or shown at some point during E3. Just for my own peace of mind since they were my favourites in the last game.

As for personal newcomer hopes, my top two would be Nia & Dromarch from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and Sora from Kingdom Hearts. There's a bunch of others I'd like but they're all third parties pretty much, and it's a long list and third parties are wildcards.

Overall, I'm feeling less excited and more anxious about E3. A lot of potential for greatness and I'm sure Spyro and KH3 will keep me entertained when all of the gameplay comes out for them, but there is also a lot of potential for stuff I don't care about or are just plain mediocre and uninspired, from all of the companies, and even in regards to Smash (in fact, that most of all).

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
If I recall correctly, the Xbox One system can watch the presentation live. If so, good thing I turned it on now as I was greeted with an system update.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
>Xbox E3 YouTube stream has a 4K setting that activated automatically on my new PC

Hope the game videos are in good quality.
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