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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Deleted member

Oh? You did see people get mad about the situation you described? I'm sorry you had to put up with whoever was getting mad at you or others either way, quite honestly.


Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen
So you are saying you had to put up with weebs who constantly complained? That is rough.
I am sorry you had to put up with the aggressive acts of the weebs too.
Even if she was using caps to describe her situation and give out that "loud" vibe, that doesn't always show that she is mad.

I am aware of that cinnamon roll. :)

Well, I'm doing alright, and you would be correct on the latter part. Ended up being exhausted from a long day of moving out and heading home, so I just went to bed around that point.
Ouch, I hope you are all right from that trip.
I am anticipating my finals soon. These finals are going to be pretty big.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
It's what the guy in the video is saying, not me, and if you have to say "if you want a game where the female characters are dressed respectfully" to defend your point, there's a very likely reason you don't have any.
Didn't watch the video and don't care to because that guy is clearly very "anti-SJW" and often argues his points poorly and with a clear bias. He doesn't care about the games he's talking about so much as just pushing this crusade against "SJWs".

That's got absolutely nothing to do with what I'm saying though, keeping in mind I also more agree with the original case study video this guy is replying to. As someone who has put over 200 hours into XC2 and cares about the game and the series as a whole - XC2 doesn't have an inherent problem with respecting women, and I don't know why anyone would bring that up or assume that's the issue (unless they haven't played the game...OK that last statement of mine was redundant). If that were the case, every single one of the female characters would be poorly portrayed, and Nia and Mórag wouldn't be two of the most beloved characters in the Xenoblade series for their incredibly powerful portrayals.

XC2 literally just suffers from objectively bad writing at times. That's literally it. And it holds back male characters (e.g. Rex, and arguably Dromarch) just as much as female characters. That's not to say the whole game is written poorly, but there is just a general issue with the writing, and I think it can be attributed to various things, like there being too many characters overall.

The designs can be an issue with many characters, but that's less an issue with respecting women and once again, just is bad character design. And even in the more sexualised cases, it's clear that was probably done to appease the Japanese gacha RPG market (a lot of things in this game are, even in the game mechanics) than it was because the developers didn't know how to respect women.

First off, nobody "hates" Pyra's design... you can't really "hate" a design because "hate" is really an extreme term.
Use "dislike" would be better and I won't deny that an adequate of people do dislike Pyra's design, but most of them still like XC2 anyway.
I'll do one better.

Pyra has the worst design in the game, and just has an objectively bad design, according to my design classes I had in my video game design course in the past.


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Ouch, I hope you are all right from that trip.
I am anticipating my finals soon. These finals are going to be pretty big.
Yeah, I'm alright: just feeling a bit tired still from waking up, but I'll be fine in due time.

If I were you, Shiny, I'd begin studying for them pretty soon. Unless you're saying they all aren't until the week after E3, anyways.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen
So you are saying you had to put up with weebs who constantly complained? That is rough.
I am sorry you had to put up with the aggressive acts of the weebs too.

I am aware of that cinnamon roll. :)

Ouch, I hope you are all right from that trip.
I am anticipating my finals soon. These finals are going to be pretty big.
Shiny, when you spend too much time on the internet, you find screaming idiots wherever you go. Here, youtube, twitter, discord and Tokunation, it doesn't matter as I see at least one big dumbass and the latter two are bad at blocking (**** YOU DISCORD STOP TELLING ME THERE'S A NEW MESSAGE IN A SERVER ONLY TO SAY "1 blocked message" WHAT IS THE POINT)
Try putting on a boring as **** movie, I fell asleep in a cinema once because of that lmao

Deleted member

Try putting on a boring as **** movie, I fell asleep in a cinema once because of that lmao
When my old friend ( years ago ) took me to see Cars 2, it was boring and horrible. I feel asleep in the middle of it. I remember close to nothing about it.
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
That is really rough..... :(
I really hope you get some nice and comfortable sleep.
You and me both, but as of this moment in time I ain't optimistic about it.

Try putting on a boring as **** movie, I fell asleep in a cinema once because of that lmao
Ain't in the mood to watch anything.

Brain won't shut up.

Probably need to write and/or journal. Won't find relief from much else.

Seriously speaking, maybe some tea or listening to nature sounds like storms also helps.
Storms is a fair plan.

Might not actually put me out, but it's soothing otherwise. I'll throw some on.
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Deleted member

If I were you, Shiny, I'd begin studying for them pretty soon. Unless you're saying they all aren't until the week after E3, anyways.
We are already studying them A LOT in school. The finals start at June 18th.
You and me both, but as of this moment in time I ain't optimistic about it.
You sound like you need sleep, I really hope you get some. If the insomnia turns out to be a problem, contact a doctor.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
I love these Bingo cards but, I hate to be the bearer of bad(or are they good), but Sakurai's presence on the Direct has already been confirmed.
Crashboards is also confirmed but I added it anyway too :troll:

I thought he was confirmed to appear on video, not in person.

Deleted member

Crashboards is also confirmed but I added it anyway too :troll:

I thought he was confirmed to appear on video, not in person.
SmashB.... *Large Explosion*
Twitter? *Larger Explosion*
Twitch? Rediit? *Large Explosion*

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC

In today's case Shiny asked why people hate Pyra's design so I linked The Video™
Also because you don't need to buy a game to know about the writing and ****
Yeah, you are right, you don't to play the game to talk about ass, that's true.

But when it come to writing, when you don't have the full story or even the context for a scene or characters, it's more tricky to talk about writting without coming off as ignorant or changing the context of said scene/character into what information you know about them. Which can warp others opinions of peoples who haven't play the game and make them think that the game is much more shallow that it might be be, (I put attention to might because, in the end, it's all a question of taste and preference, I'm not saying everyone is going to like XB2's story after doing 200 hours of talking to every npc to get that Rex like pizza or somethin')

I'm not saying XB2 as a perfect story too, no, they are cleary problem here and there that can be seen in or out of context. Same for the characters, but seeing you saying that "Rex is Kirito" and stopping at this, while again, you haven't seen the whole story and don't intent to do it any days, just come off as....well, ignorant to me.

Like, Rex isn't the best main character in the world, I agree, heck, I say that most of the main cast are more interesting than him, and he does come off as your generic harem character on many occasion. But as someone who played the games alot, and thus, have more context on the story and Rex character, they are moments that, when given some thoughts, does make Rex a much more interesting character than what was shown at first, again, in my opinion.

Really tho, being honest here, as someone who really, really like XB2. It just bother me greatly whatever I see you just saying to peoples "X is pure pedobait trash!" or "X is just a mary use that every girls love and want his ****!" almost every time someone talk about XB2 when you are here, to me, that's just really low jab that don't make any sense.

Is Pyra is just pure hentai fanservice? Yes, her design was cleary made to make men have a boner? Yes, you are right, you can make fun about that from time ot time.

Does every girls in the game want Rex's **** everytime he talk about trees or something? No, that's just wrong, you constansly swearing and using those terms like "pedobait" make me honestly having have a hard time taking you seriously too. I know you want to joke around, but jokes are based off facts, if your fact are wrong, sorry, but the joke just doesn't work. And when you repeat it every now and again, it become really infurating to me, and my guesses here so maybe wrong, but others fan of XB2 too.

Please, if you have read all I said up to now, I'm not trying to tell you to eat a **** for not liking a game I love. No, like I said again and again, I respect your opinion, you making jokes about XB2 isn't going to be the end of me, I'm trying my best right now to make my points understandble and not coming off as a shill. Because outside of this game, I like having you around, I really do, which is why it's always a pain to read your post on XB2 because they just seem so...bad really. And I feel like you are much better than this.

Which is why I ask that, if you really don't like this game, and don't intent to play it or see the full story and all the optional stuff that make the world & characters more interesting because you really hate some aspect of it, why not just stop talking about it?

I say that because, I myself really dislike Teen Titan GO. But I quickly realize that my attitude about was making things just not fun, I didn't even watch the show and I still **** on it whatever I could. But after some times, I just decided to ignore it and be like, "whatever". I sitll don't like the show, but I make sure to talk about it only if I have something interesting to bring. Or a joke that haven't been done before, which is hard because again, I don't watch the show, and everyone did the same joke about how bad the show was at first until they become dead horses. And now, the show is apparantly better so I have really little to make fun of that aren't same deadhorse.

But I think I need to stop here before I just make this already-too-long post even longer.

Anyway, that's my take on it, feel free to disagree and call me an idiot, because I'm honestly not sure if I my point is clear enough. But I really needed to talk about this before I explode, 'cuz I have a short fuse if you don't know, I just hide it well.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Oh no Yelly I actually did see people get mad about that by claiming double standards. One of the people I used an example blocked someone for saying they really couldn't care less about Xenoblade 2. Imagine that though, blocking someone for not liking a game you're excited for to the point you cry about low review scores
No, I just can't understand your opinion on XC2... when you don't even want to play the game in the first place...

Hm... I wonder who could that be who actually blocks people...

No need to hide actually, I was pretty disappointed on XC2's Metacritic score as well, laugh at that all you want but that isn't even relevant at this point because
  1. I was setting a high standard for the game, so yeah, I have admit I was stupid for doing that.
  2. XC2 is the best selling Xeno game, so I am not even mad anymore on the score. And not to mention the more I check, I realized JRPGs don't tend to get high reviews... so yeah..
When I put quotation marks and all caps it usually means I'm using my OC, N.Gry Weeb
And you seems to use your OC for making fun of XC2...
So it was your imagination afterall.
Technically, Brighid loves Rex if Rex is Kora's driver. Same for Nia, Mórag, and Zeke.
But rare Blades HtH are non cannon to some extent... main story wise... I think. Don't quote me on this one.
Eh I wouldn't go that far. It's just really poor in utilising them at times (and unfortunately, the two female poster girls are big victims to that), and some of the designs are wacky.
Wacky doesn't mean they are bad in general though.
Didn't watch the video and don't care to because that guy is clearly very "anti-SJW" and often argues his points poorly and with a clear bias. He doesn't care about the games he's talking about so much as just pushing this crusade against "SJWs".
Are talking about Appanbend? He even agrees that SJWs are just "blanket terms", hell he never use the term "SJWs" in the video at all. So this agument doesn't stand well in my opinion.

That's got absolutely nothing to do with what I'm saying though, keeping in mind I also more agree with the original case study video this guy is replying to. As someone who has put over 200 hours into XC2 and cares about the game and the series as a whole
Yes, and I played over 490 hours and have no issue with the designs whatsoever...
I somewhat can tolerate the 1 and 2 like how Appabend did but topics afdter 3 were really not good, especially when he gets to Poppi...

XC2 literally just suffers from objectively bad writing at times. That's literally it. And it holds back male characters (e.g. Rex, and arguably Dromarch) just as much as female characters. That's not to say the whole game is written poorly, but there is just a general issue with the writing, and I think it can be attributed to various things, like there being too many characters overall.
I have admit the ending was some what weaker then XC1...
As for bad writing I can disagree nor agree if you don't have examples... if you are talking about HtHs and Blade quests, well, they are optional though. And you have to make plot for HtH and Blade Quests to make it non spoiler in the entire game is pretty a tough task in my opinion.

And are you mentioning the rare Blades as well when you are saying "Too many characters overall"?
The designs can be an issue with many characters, but that's less an issue with respecting women and once again, just is bad character design. And even in the more sexualised cases, it's clear that was probably done to appease the Japanese gacha RPG market (a lot of things in this game are, even in the game mechanics) than it was because the developers didn't know how to respect women.
That's only bad character design... from western standard... and especially your standard.
Yes, you are right, but some people consider it a problem when it comes to appease the Japanese JRPG fans, anime fans, and gacha RPG fans...
No rally realizing that those who buys XC2the most are those normal dudes like you and me who may want some of those sexualized designs here and there but I will never take them as a main meal.

I'll do one better.

Pyra has the worst design in the game, and just has an objectively bad design, according to my design classes I had in my video game design course in the past.
Worst design in the game? Can't say anything about that besides of just your own obvservation.

So just which video game designs are good may I ask?
Because in my opinion there is really no "bad" video game character designs... it really depends from person to person.
And not to mention XC2... is a game made from Japan and you take a video game design course... in your own country that is obviously a course being taught from a western design standpoint, so sure there will definitely be some clashes here and there.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
'm not saying XB2 as a perfect story too, no, they are cleary problem here and there that can be seen in or out of context. Same for the characters, but seeing you saying that "Rex is Kirito" and stopping at this, while again, you haven't seen the whole story and don't intent to do it any days, just come off as....well, ignorant to me.
Well... I replied that Rex is "What Kirito should have been"...
Please don't get made at me...
*reads previous pages*

You thought I would forget about this? :V
Please don't forget me....
Anyway, that's my take on it, feel free to disagree and call me an idiot, because I'm honestly not sure if I my point is clear enough. But I really needed to talk about this before I explode, 'cuz I have a short fuse if you don't know, I just hide it well.
This is really just NintenZone Social thread for you Malos...

I mean, I am biased to some extent too but I respect everyone's opinions... as long as they make sense or understandable.
We need Jin here to cheer you up.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Yeah, you are right, you don't to play the game to talk about ***, that's true.

But when it come to writing, when you don't have the full story or even the context for a scene or characters, it's more tricky to talk about writting without coming off as ignorant or changing the context of said scene/character into what information you know about them. Which can warp others opinions of peoples who haven't play the game and make them think that the game is much more shallow that it might be be, (I put attention to might because, in the end, it's all a question of taste and preference, I'm not saying everyone is going to like XB2's story after doing 200 hours of talking to every npc to get that Rex like pizza or somethin')

I'm not saying XB2 as a perfect story too, no, they are cleary problem here and there that can be seen in or out of context. Same for the characters, but seeing you saying that "Rex is Kirito" and stopping at this, while again, you haven't seen the whole story and don't intent to do it any days, just come off as....well, ignorant to me.

Like, Rex isn't the best main character in the world, I agree, heck, I say that most of the main cast are more interesting than him, and he does come off as your generic harem character on many occasion. But as someone who played the games alot, and thus, have more context on the story and Rex character, they are moments that, when given some thoughts, does make Rex a much more interesting character than what was shown at first, again, in my opinion.

Really tho, being honest here, as someone who really, really like XB2. It just bother me greatly whatever I see you just saying to peoples "X is pure pedobait trash!" or "X is just a mary use that every girls love and want his ****!" almost every time someone talk about XB2 when you are here, to me, that's just really low jab that don't make any sense.

Is Pyra is just pure hentai fanservice? Yes, her design was cleary made to make men have a boner? Yes, you are right, you can make fun about that from time ot time.

Does every girls in the game want Rex's **** everytime he talk about trees or something? No, that's just wrong, you constansly swearing and using those terms like "pedobait" make me honestly having have a hard time taking you seriously too. I know you want to joke around, but jokes are based off facts, if your fact are wrong, sorry, but the joke just doesn't work. And when you repeat it every now and again, it become really infurating to me, and my guesses here so maybe wrong, but others fan of XB2 too.

Please, if you have read all I said up to now, I'm not trying to tell you to eat a **** for not liking a game I love. No, like I said again and again, I respect your opinion, you making jokes about XB2 isn't going to be the end of me, I'm trying my best right now to make my points understandble and not coming off as a shill. Because outside of this game, I like having you around, I really do, which is why it's always a pain to read your post on XB2 because they just seem so...bad really. And I feel like you are much better than this.

Which is why I ask that, if you really don't like this game, and don't intent to play it or see the full story and all the optional stuff that make the world & characters more interesting because you really hate some aspect of it, why not just stop talking about it?

I say that because, I myself really dislike Teen Titan GO. But I quickly realize that my attitude about was making things just not fun, I didn't even watch the show and I still **** on it whatever I could. But after some times, I just decided to ignore it and be like, "whatever". I sitll don't like the show, but I make sure to talk about it only if I have something interesting to bring. Or a joke that haven't been done before, which is hard because again, I don't watch the show, and everyone did the same joke about how bad the show was at first until they become dead horses. And now, the show is apparantly better so I have really little to make fun of that aren't same deadhorse.

But I think I need to stop here before I just make this already-too-long post even longer.

Anyway, that's my take on it, feel free to disagree and call me an idiot, because I'm honestly not sure if I my point is clear enough. But I really needed to talk about this before I explode, 'cuz I have a short fuse if you don't know, I just hide it well.
Actually the pedobait comments aren't overexaggerations, it's pretty spoilery but it's about Poppi. I'll spoiler tag it in case
So Poppi has 3 forms and in Japan they're named with abbreviations, JK JS and another one I'm forgetting, it isn't a coincidence that the form which looks like a prepubescent child has the name that pretty much means "Primary school student", the teenage looking one getting the initials for "Middle School student" and the adult form having the initial for "University student". That 53 minute video has a segment going into more detail
I may be sour about the game but I'm not the kind of person to give people **** for merely liking something I don't like. I only give **** to people who cry about low review scores, refuse to believe there are any problems with the game at all, scream that my opinion doesn't matter because I'm part of a minority group (PRIDE MONTHHHHH), etc. It was never my intention to come across as that

Deleted member

Didn't watch the video and don't care to because that guy is clearly very "anti-SJW" and often argues his points poorly and with a clear bias. He doesn't care about the games he's talking about so much as just pushing this crusade against "SJWs".

That's got absolutely nothing to do with what I'm saying though, keeping in mind I also more agree with the original case study video this guy is replying to. As someone who has put over 200 hours into XC2 and cares about the game and the series as a whole - XC2 doesn't have an inherent problem with respecting women, and I don't know why anyone would bring that up or assume that's the issue (unless they haven't played the game...OK that last statement of mine was redundant). If that were the case, every single one of the female characters would be poorly portrayed, and Nia and Mórag wouldn't be two of the most beloved characters in the Xenoblade series for their incredibly powerful portrayals.

XC2 literally just suffers from objectively bad writing at times. That's literally it. And it holds back male characters (e.g. Rex, and arguably Dromarch) just as much as female characters. That's not to say the whole game is written poorly, but there is just a general issue with the writing, and I think it can be attributed to various things, like there being too many characters overall.

The designs can be an issue with many characters, but that's less an issue with respecting women and once again, just is bad character design. And even in the more sexualised cases, it's clear that was probably done to appease the Japanese gacha RPG market (a lot of things in this game are, even in the game mechanics) than it was because the developers didn't know how to respect women.

I'll do one better.

Pyra has the worst design in the game, and just has an objectively bad design, according to my design classes I had in my video game design course in the past.
Again, I wasn't replying to anything regarding XC2 other than that video's words in specific, nothing else.
Crashboards is also confirmed but I added it anyway too :troll:

I thought he was confirmed to appear on video, not in person.
I thouvht that was what you meant by onstage, so in that case


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
In some more positive XC2 news, and other video games too - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has been nominated for Best Ensemble Cast in the Behind the Voice Actor Awards.

Additionally, multiple VAs from the game have been nominated for awards:

-Al Weaver (Rex) for Best Male Video Game Performance
-Catrin Mai-Huw (Nia) for Best Female Video Game Performance
-David Menkin (Malos) and Simon Thorp (Vandham) for Best Male Video Game Performance in a Supporting Role
-Kirsty Mitchell (Mórag) for Best Female Video Game Performance in a Supporting Role

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia also has quite a bit of representation. It also got a Best Ensemble Cast nomination. As for the individual VAs:

-Erica Lindbeck (Celica) for Best Female Video Game Performance
-Ian Sinclair (Berkut) for Best Male Video Game Performance in a Supporting Role
-Bonnie Gordon (Silque) and Dorothy Fahn (Rinea) for Best Female Video Game Performance in a Supporting Role

Personally my votes will be:

-FE: SoV for Best Ensemble Cast. The best VA work in XC2 might just surpass the best in SoV for me, but I think pretty much every character had a great VA in SoV, while XC2 is kinda hit and miss with different characters.

-Lex Lang (Dr. Neo Cortex) for Best Male Video Game Performance. Rex had his moments but was pretty hit and miss all around. Lex Lang has perfected Cortex though. I haven't played or played enough of the other games to make a call on those.

-Catrin Mai-Huw (Nia) for Best Female Video Game Performance. Like, sorry, it's just not a contest. :p
Claudia Black (Chloe Frazer) would be my runner-up though.

-Best Male Video Game Performance in a Supporting Role is the toughest one for me. Ian Sinclair (Berkut), David Menkin (Malos), and Simon Thorp (Vandham) all provided absolutely amazing performances. However, I will go with David Menkin, mainly because he gets the most screentime, and because he's Norwegian yet still was able to do a perfect American accent and not have his actual acting suffer, which is really impressive.

-Kirsty Mitchell (Mórag) is a pretty easy win for Best Female Performance in a Supporting Role. Kinda surprised Brighid wasn't included here though.

EDIT: Forgot the link, lmao. Vote here:
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Deleted member

Me reading this weebish conversation:

Like, it is boring in here. Goodbye for now.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Actually the pedobait comments aren't overexaggerations, it's pretty spoilery but it's about Poppi. I'll spoiler tag it in case
Um, to some extent they are?
Now yes, he's right about western and Japan have different views when it comes to females, but his later statement is clearly more pro western and a huge derogatory on Japanese's view on females.

Last but not least,JK Business he mentioned is completely irrelevant to Poppi form's Japanese acronyms (Since it isn't confirm by Monolithsoft at all). They have those acronyms is basically from Poppi's forms are really what they should be when it comes to their body age and to the school system
Poppi Alpha is basically a child that should be in Elementary school
Poppi QT does the age of being in Middle school
Poppi QT Pi is nuff said...

I mean I aware that JK business exists in Japan (And even in my country a bit), but I never link those to Poppi at all.
I only give **** to people who cry about low review scores, refuse to believe there are any problems with the game at all, scream that my opinion doesn't matter because I'm part of a minority group (PRIDE MONTHHHHH), etc.
So let me get this straight ...you basically give **** to specific people like me who whines on scores being low on a game you dislike... initially, and neglect the fact that the game you dislike eventually sells very good and I am fine with the score to this day.

And gave proper reasons and explanations as to why those sexualize designs aren't a problem?

I'm part of a minority group (PRIDE MONTHHHHH), etc. It was never my intention to come across as that
Well, at least you admit you are in a minority group (Which I'm pretty sure I never said that, and you aren't at least when it comes to XC2)...
And don't get me wrong too Gwen, you can have your opinion, but you should expect that people will reply or give two cents to your opinion.
If I see any of your points don't make any sense then it is my right to criticize it, but I mean no harm.
Shiny you're like, the second biggest weeb I haven't blocked
Fingers crossed that I am not blocked.
Just joking, I don't really care if I am blocked or not. And not pointing at anyone but... blocking someone who simply has an interest or preference you don't like and they weren't even rude or anything... is pretty immature in my opinion.
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