Need some opinions on something. I originally didn't want to post anything publicly on this until it was done but my friend who I normally look to for opinions on this sort of thing is MIA.
So I'm working on a Smash Bros. style Nia render set. Final version will include Dromarch, 7 colour variants, her "spoiler form", and 7 colour variants of that design. I might also add a water effect behind her.
Just need some preliminary opinions on how it's coming along. Does the pose look good? Is the image clear enough (granted, this is a compressed version, full render set will be uncompressed)? Is there too much noise, and if so, by how much?
Don't focus on the lighting though, as I haven't gotten around to actually fleshing it out. The final version will have more detailed lighting and likely be touched up in Photoshop. I'm also considering waiting to see how the Smash Switch renders look and trying to replicate how the lighting is in those.