Also add the heavy tomes they use, and Uni is in for a bad day. Right Uni.
indeed lol, especially since they usually have crap constitution
never knew why, really limits their use
Just proves that you all need to support yuri, then I might heal you:v
But being more serious, if a skill like that existed, it'd be more along the lines, get something like a 10% increase in a heal if united being healed is female.
probably ya :V
Well, I take my name from Precure, and the Magical Girls in that show are all about physical beat downs, so Pegasus Kinghts are more fitting for me. :v
And I always pick the Pegasus Knight path, cause lore wise, used to always be female, and all my persona's end up being female, no mater what.
true, still magical girl though, celrics and sages appropriately follow that, though no physical beat downs, thats the war cleric path
Difference between Dragon Knights and Pegasus Knights, was Pegasus had resistance to attack magic units and Dragon Knights couldn't take magic attacks.
Well, either way I wouldn't say no to having a staff, having to show any form of kindness to Uni or Shis is a no-no, can't go giving them any ideas. :v
pretty much, forgot the defense boost and extra attack plus weapon experience dragons get as well
so falcon knight in the end :V
Yes, but I could chip away at him, remember Pegasus Knights are fast, so he wouldn't be able to hit me, and since Dark Mages traditionally can't dodge for ****, he's not hitting me, and when he does, my resistance will just null his magic.
yes to everything but the last, like i said dark mages are all about hitting hard preawakening, and even then dark tomes usually carry crazy effects, their designed to hit hard and hit heavy, and they are "supposed" to be anti mages/sages, stats don't really crop up that way unless luck but ya, resistance isn't a factor to them
but ya everything else is accurate :V
The manga is good indeed. I was actually disappointed the anime didn't adapt the Pokemon reference from the Manga. Its the one where Tohru mentions how young children will come around and try to capture dragons to use in battles.
mhm, tiny things always get lost in adaptions :V something to grow used to especially references
Guess this means we are now contractually obligated to support Crash for Smash now, so Crashboards will be a thing. :v
guess he'll be your main cause its your post that caused it :V
Welp, just like all romantic comedies then. :v
eh...not particuarly, ya it does follow some of the tropes but does play with a lotta them, as the two main characters have endless mind games with eachother trying to out play the other, its very good and in my opinion in recent times its the queen of them, it does lose some focus after some volumes but it still keeps it original spirit somewhat, the first few volumes are still very good
still as all anime and manga, not for everyone