like me and uni
you and uni
lily and uni
red and uni
everybody and uni
so exclusive :V
I thought you were with me Natz~? How could you got to the dark side? Don't ship me with Uni....
Me and Pumpkaboo
...Lily and Shish
...Do I need to shoot you? Stop that right now.
I am the harem antagonist.
Like a harem protag, except I'm not the protag :V
This is false, your a not a harem protagonist, you have a personality, so you can't be one.
Why must you continue with this joke....
Your looking kind of
horn-y there red.
I think we should all sit doen for a nice game of... Jumanji.
The board game or the video game :V
TFW you're Mario and you're training for Mario Warriors.
Why would Mario training with a sword? Surely a Mario warriors game would instead use Mario power ups or give Mario his hammer.
Man when is Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2 coming to Switch.
I thought it was out already?
Accurate depiction of me right now:
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Where is it Nintendo?
In the week right before E3
I wonder if Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky will be available in the Vs. Mode of Mario + Rabbids.
Though Ubisoft did say they won't be available in the main story mode.
I would hope so, be a bit of a cop out for them not to I feel.
Gen 4 has so many great tracks. I can’t wait till we get to hear them all in a remake down the line. It also be cool if shaymin has its event as apart of the main game.
Being able to hear the Sinnoh soundtrack without DS sound compression? Count me in.
GameXplain interviewed a person from Ubisoft (
here) and asked if there will be more DLC after Donkey Kong Adventures in Mario + Rabbids and he said "it's too soon to say".
While I'd love such, I betting no.
Hey, if we have a DK DLC pack, I say let's get one for Warioware, Wario Land, Paper Mario and Luigi's mansion. Let's get playable Wario in on this.
And of course we need Saraland DLC, that will have the spin-offs, cause that's clearly where all the Spin-off characters go during the main line games :V
DQ Heroes 1+2 on Switch is likely never getting localized.
It was a really quick cash grab port that ran horribly and haven't been bothered to fix even today.
Meanwhile most Warriors games and ports since have been going well.
So it will share the fate of many Dragon Quest games and be Japan only. Though I thought the international versions were announced already.
Cleaning my deviantart sucks right now. When you got so many pictures on favorite that you've yet to even put them in their respective folders. Remind me why I even bother liking things if I can't organize them? lol
But you can, its just time consuming :v
I hear there was some shipping talk here lately?
No, no let's not start that again.
I think Nintendo is becoming the anti-Square Enix, where they announce games way too late instead of way too soon.
Better to have late announcements so people will know the games will actually release.
I still can't believe Kingdom Hearts 3 is actually a video game that people have physically played. It's so surreal that this game is finally real. I can't wait.
Its not, this is all actually a dream, its time for you to wake up now, and learn Kingdom Hearts 3 is cancelled :V
>Starting with KH3
You know not what madness you are signing up for.
But I threw myself in the deep end, and I'm not that confused.
Don’t be silly! You get that regardless? Who even knows half the characters in kingdom hearts?
The plot/timeline no one truly understands that!
Is kingdom hearts even real? The world may never know! Square Enid probably doesn’t either!
So Kingdom Hearts confirmed to be as confusing as Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles then, which managed to mind screw the authors as well as the readers :v
Every time I go to GameStop, the store guy is always like "hey, wanna preorder Smash?"
Little does he know, I'm getting it digitally.
I see you decided to cut out the middle man of your game purchases on the Switch.
So, you guys know those "Have your parents name the Smash Bros Roster" challenges? Decided to do it to my mom, haha.
To her credit, she got a good chunk of them right, which isn't half bad. I did give her the first letter of each character's name eventually, but she still had to guess the rest. Anyway, here are the results.

- Correct

- Correct

- Correct

- Correct


- Correct... Kind of. "Mario Doctor"

- Baby Bowser

- Correct

- Donkey Kong Jr.

- Correct

- Ryana

- Jasper

- Correct

- Samurai

- King Guy

- Baby Link


- Muscle Girl

- Angel

- Punkin (This is where I started giving her the first letter of each name when she wanted it)


- Ian

- Rapunzel

- Correct

- King Kirby

- Menacing Kirby

- Boxer

- Correct

- Hawk

- Correct

- Chameleon

- Fox (Again)

- Pink Puff

- Frog

- Hunting Dog

- Correct... But she only knew because we literally packed my R.O.B. in a box for moving the other day.

- She had literally no idea and I don't blame her.

- Captain Wingo (HAHAHAHA)

- Animal Kingdom

- Cone Heads & Space Man

- Wii Yoga

- Shrek (I literally died. She guessed Shiek right after and I died even harder)

- Link

- Luke/Linda

- Correct


- Mini Man (so close)

- Madina

- Lyness

- Red


- Crethers

- Cutthroat

All in all she didn't do too bad, lmao.
Interesting, but how can someone get Link wrong, when they got Zelda right?
Neither did I!
*finger guns*
Why the One Piece move instead of a Dragon Ball technique? :v
Also I might play Mighty No. 9 now.
That's a weird carving to get.