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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Same here.
Especially my younger siblings.

Overall, I am an optimistic. I am trying to help everyone being optimistic. That can be a lesson for myself too.
Lol if my younger sister saw me ****posting I wonder what her impression would be lol.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
lack of funds from not having a job is all, got one now, so I can make plans. But for now living with my Mum is fine. Allows to me to save up for games consoles in the future.
Well, thats good then. So its already currently underway. Do make sure to save money however, spending freshly income is tempting but its just better to hold off till you have a good storage of funds available first and plenty put away. Build up bank first then put towards spendings. Patience goes a long way.
For the first one, I was trying to sympathize and find a reasoning for your actions.

Second part, pessimistic means a person who looks at the negative probability in the future. Optimistic means looking at the future in a positive matter. Read it again and tell me if it makes sense.
First is fine. Mostly

Second your looking at the world black and white. That this is bad and this is good. That as long as you think positively everything will turn out good with rainbows and butterscotch. Life doesn't work that way, both view points not only have a different side on the other coin leading to both with their positives and negatives about that type of thinking, but neither views are ultimately extremist. Most human people are not optimists nor pessimists, they aren't black and white insanity and instead take points and prods from either towards what they feel at the time or towards what situation. Simply saying that if your an optimist will equal to "more friends, more liked, better decisions" is a fallacy. As so is the other side of the coin for pessimism. No one is a true pessimist and no one is a true optimist. We all have our shades depending on what is currently going on and what is currently being shown. And that is taken towards what we know as humans and how we see the world, neither are inherently bad in itself, its just simple belief and reasoning.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Yo speaking of writing discussions...

I wanted to follow up from my villain discussion only expect this time I want to talk about a very popular trope in fictional works.

...The good ol' Heroic Sacrifice trope that many writers like to use. i.e. the hero sacrifice themselves to take down the villain for the greater good of everyone else.

How do you guys feel about them in general? Personally I think they're good when used at the right time but I absolutely hate it when a heroic sacrifice is done and the villain still lives after.

I believe TV Tropes dubbed this trope the Senseless Sacrifice. When the hero's sacrifice doesn't do jack and the villain is still fine afterwards.

It's such a worthless trope IMO. Even if it is intended for emotional effect.
Oh sweet I got a nice quote on that from RvB

"There's so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending... They’ll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They’ll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith... Ain’t that a *****?"

Senseless Sacrifice would depend on the execution of the sacrifice and what it means going forwards.

As long as a sacrifice is earned then it's fine. It also helps when they aren't blatantly telegraphed by sudden back story stuff that wasn't there before. That just removes a lot of the impact for me, let the sacrifice happen and don't interrupt the flow.


Deleted member

Oh, he just straight up said it lol

But yeah, they dead. Kon's basically the mom of the family. :troll:

Are you one of them? :smirk:
I said "they", didn't I?
Yeah. I'm trying to think of some good examples from the top of my head. One that comes to mind though is FFX where Tidus essentially sacrifices himself to bring the Eternal Calm; also making him "fade away" in the process. Of course FFX-2 came around and ruined all that emotional impact with it's Hollywood-esque BS.

I actually haven't played XC2 so I wouldn't know lol.
I think my favorite examples are from the Fullmetal Alchemist finale.
While these don't directly kill anyone, Fu attempts to suicide bomb Wrath... only to have the dynamites disabled by the latter, however, this gives an opening to Buccaneer to stab Wrath through Fu and land the first hit on him on that battle. This doesn't kill him and Wrath soon kills Buccaneer too but it cripples Wrath enough that Scar is able to later fight against and kill him.

Also, Greed letting Father absorb him to not only save Ling but to also make him vulnerable by, instead of making Father's body diamond-hard, making it incredibky frail to the point Ed can just punch him to death with no difficulty.

In general, FMA has some really badass deaths.
Do they also continue to aggravate?
I don't know because I don't know what that word means.

Deleted member

Second your looking at the world black and white. That this is bad and this is good. That as long as you think positively everything will turn out good with rainbows and butterscotch. Life doesn't work that way, both view points not only have a different side on the other coin leading to both with their positives and negatives about that type of thinking, but neither views are ultimately extremist. Most human people are not optimists nor pessimists, they aren't black and white insanity and instead take points and prods from either towards what they feel at the time or towards what situation. Simply saying that if your an optimist will equal to "more friends, more liked, better decisions" is a fallacy. As so is the other side of the coin for pessimism. No one is a true pessimist and no one is a true optimist. We all have our shades depending on what is currently going on and what is currently being shown. And that is taken towards what we know as humans and how we see the world, neither are inherently bad in itself, its just simple belief and reasoning.
True. You do not have to be 100% optimistic, but you need more positivity in you.

Deleted member

Second your looking at the world black and white. That this is bad and this is good. That as long as you think positively everything will turn out good with rainbows and butterscotch. Life doesn't work that way, both view points not only have a different side on the other coin leading to both with their positives and negatives about that type of thinking, but neither views are ultimately extremist. Most human people are not optimists nor pessimists, they aren't black and white insanity and instead take points and prods from either towards what they feel at the time or towards what situation. Simply saying that if your an optimist will equal to "more friends, more liked, better decisions" is a fallacy. As so is the other side of the coin for pessimism. No one is a true pessimist and no one is a true optimist. We all have our shades depending on what is currently going on and what is currently being shown. And that is taken towards what we know as humans and how we see the world, neither are inherently bad in itself, its just simple belief and reasoning.
They can be both, but I feel as if humans could use positive thinking. It is healthier to have a higher percentage of positive than a mixture of negativity and positivity.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I'm trying to be an optimist but my paranoia and anxiety are working overtime to counteract that.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
The only denial here is to the existence of my own responsibilities, Chrono Cross and Mineta.
Okay, that sounds pretty honest.

Carry on, ****poster.

They can be both, but I feel as if humans could use positive thinking. It is healthier to have a higher percentage of positive than a mixture of negativity and positivity.
No matter how you see the world, it ain't gonna make the world more fair.

If anything, pessimists have the advantage because they assume life will be ****.

If it is, their expectations are met. If it's not ****, then it's better and that's great.

It's genius because they win either way. :V


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
I know.
As I said before LoneKonWolf LoneKonWolf , you do not have to be the super nicest guy in the world who has 100% optimism, but still.
Optimism can help the health.
I'm quite good thank you, and once again you have completely dodge over my whole point of viewing it as a black and white insanity.
Give him some slack.

He usually doesn't read our posts. :p
. . . How long has this been going on?
Oh ok, so, I dunno, you tell me, aren't you the furry?
No. And i have no idea why your continuing on despite my confirmation against.

Deleted member

I'm quite good thank you, and once again you have completely dodge over my whole point of viewing it as a black and white insanity.
I read your post. I know humans react depending on the situation, but in situations, it is usually best to act positive.
I know that you are referring to the "black and white insanity" as "positive and negative".


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Well, thats good then. So its already currently underway. Do make sure to save money however, spending freshly income is tempting but its just better to hold off till you have a good storage of funds available first and plenty put away. Build up bank first then put towards spendings. Patience goes a long way.
I know about saving money, I'm actually the stingiest member of my family when it comes to money.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I'm quite good thank you, and once again you have completely dodge over my whole point of viewing it as a black and white insanity.

. . . How long has this been going on?

No. And i have no idea why your continuing on despite my confirmation against.
That's Shiny he'll dodge questions like the plague.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
They can be both, but I feel as if humans could use positive thinking. It is healthier to have a higher percentage of positive than a mixture of negativity and positivity.
People base their thinking on what they foresee and what they think, you can't force someone to see differently then what they themselves see, that is how people work. Its not just simply "think positivity" its thinking that over every single thing in existence, to do so is an impossibility, especially for everyone and those who have bad experiences. people form their thoughts and opinions, its a form of humanity.
I read your post. I know humans react depending on the situation, but in situations, it is usually best to act positive.
I know that you are referring to the "black and white insanity" as "positive and negative".
No, black and white insanity is an trope and idea that someone believes of that one thing is split into two, one entirely evil and one entirely good, and believing in those rigidly no matter what.

If you believe thinking positively is the best then go ahead and do so, others won't have that same conclusion based on what they perceive and know, because such concept is not a black and white insanity despite its portrayal.

I know about saving money, I'm actually the stingiest member of my family when it comes to money.
Then good, Saving and being frugal is a good trait.
Well, I haven't seen any rock-hard confirmation. What I see is a wolf. What I don't see is a human person.
. . . All i see is a tight costume mask of whatever material, is it safe to assume your are a dangerous perverted man who likely attack children based on what you are choosing to use as an avatar on a sight?
That's Shiny he'll dodge questions like the plague.
How horrible.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Yeah Dissidia NT is still in bad shape as far as ranked goes. Getting the same bad luck with being paired with laggy and/or bad players, or even bots.

I'll just play friendlies every so often.

Deleted member

That's Shiny he'll dodge questions like the plague.
I do not, liar.
I am quite a busy guy and I have multiple threads to catch up to.
People base their thinking on what they foresee and what they think, you can't force someone to see differently then what they themselves see, that is how people work. Its not just simply "think positivity" its thinking that over every single thing in existence, to do so is an impossibility, especially for everyone and those who have bad experiences. people form their thoughts and opinions, its a form of humanity.

No, black and white insanity is an trope and idea that someone believes of that one thing is split into two, one entirely evil and one entirely good, and believing in those rigidly no matter what.

If you believe thinking positively is the best then go ahead and do so, others won't have that same conclusion based on what they perceive and know, because such concept is not a black and white insanity despite its portrayal.
Oh, I get the "black and white insanity thinking". Yes, you are right in a way.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
. . . All i see is a tight costume mask of whatever material, is it safe to assume your are a dangerous perverted man who likely attack children based on what you are choosing to use as an avatar on a sight?
Are you seriously taking Shish's posts seriously?


Can I see the full skillset?

I wanna know how she works.
Last edited:

Deleted member

Do any of us look human though?
No, you look like a gorgon, you... weeb!
We're just text. For all I know, you could be a monkey.
**** ive been caught
All i see is a tight costume mask of whatever material, is it safe to assume your are a dangerous perverted man who likely attack children based on what you are choosing to use as an avatar on a sight?
Not the attackijg children part but you can bet your ass I'm actually Deadpool

Deleted member

I realized something weird.

I dislike TTG a lot, but my mom actually likes it. She does not love it, but just likes it.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
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