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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Ike wins lol

Poor Hector though.
Felt like a slap in the face to see Hector take a heavy hit with the results. We could've gotten free Distant Counter fodder, but alas, guess this means it's back to relying on the current Valentine's Day banner to get another V!Hector...

One winged Devil

Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2018
Green Hill Zone/Chicago
Switch FC
Not yet, though at some point I will. I do like the character, I think he's a cooler version of the "Namor/Aquaman" Royal Hero type. On top of him being the first major Black superhero in mainstream comics. I mean it isn't the most important part of his character(being a King is, which could fit into other cultures if need be, again like Aquaman), but it is a part of his background. Same with Storm I guess, and being the "big sister" of the X-Men since the 80's when she first led the X-Men.

For Spider-Man, I really want a well done Venom in live action having cool fights with Spider-Man. Though Kraven would a really good choice, I always did like him too. Then there's Mysterio, who should work well with today's CGI.
Honestly he's basically Batman if Batman was African King who actually has a life outside of being a hero and actually smiles and makes jokes sometimes, but yeah he's pretty boss, but without spoiling the movie his sister Shuri is best character in the movie and that's saying something since every character in the movie is amazing, even one character that I didn't think would be in the movie but that's getting in to spoilers now.

Venom most likely won't be in the MCU for while now since Sony still wants to make his Movie, hopefully it's good.

Speaking of venom...

I hope this is in the Movie. :grin:
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Felt like a slap in the face to see Hector take a heavy hit with the results. We could've gotten free Distant Counter fodder, but alas, guess this means it's back to relying on the current Valentine's Day banner to get another V!Hector...
This might have been part of the reason why Hector declined. It's possible Hector declined because of Valentine Hector releasing. I mean, didn't the same happen with Eirika when Sacred Memories Eirika was shown during the Voting thing? Also, for some poeple, they mostly wanted Hector for the fodder and since Valentine Hector also had Distant Counter, some people probably didn't vote for Hector as V!Hector was available.
The other reason is probably because of Winter Tharja, as people definitely wanted her for fodder. Some probably thought that Vengeful Fighter(which at the time was Season-only) was more important than Distant Counter. Had Grima, who is a Non-Season unit with Vengeful Fighter, come out before the Voting ended, I'm actually sure that Tharja would've lost votes from that if Hector losing votes cause of V!Hector is anything to go by.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Slott is leaving Amazing Spider-Man after #801 iirc, but I don't know who's replacing him. Nick Spencer was rumoured to take over at one point, but I don't know how legit said rumour is.

I've also been Spectacular more as of late. Started out weak, but it's gotten pretty strong now.
Good, Slott needed to be gone like 6 years ago I feel. For every good idea he had, he's had 10 bad ones. I try to see the best in people, so I'd like to think he could work better on a different character, but I don't know.

Then there's Bendis working on Superman. Which'll be weird, given his typical writing style. But I do really like the original Ultimate Spider-Man run, so maybe he'll have a good handle on Clark Kent like he does with Peter Parker. I haven't read too many of Daredevil stuff, but Bendis has to be better than Waid's Daredevil.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
My free summon was Grima Robin which was the summon I most wanted.



Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
but yeah how did you get though the game so fast yo?
This isn't my first rodeo-- I mean, I've played this before. I have certain strategies memorized.

This play through seems to favor me RNG-wise too.
Also i'm pretty if you let you Eevee fight more it'll evolve.
I know this, its just that she was taking a long time for some reason.

But that's actually irrelevant now. She's ready to evolve. Just gotta wait until night in game.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I just realised something big regarding Ike. Despite getting Fjorm free, we know that she can still be foddered off. However, as the recent quests show, Fjorm is going to be used for quests, like the Battling with Fjorm quests. That potentially means that as we are getting Ike free, he too could potentially be used for quests in the future.

One winged Devil

Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2018
Green Hill Zone/Chicago
Switch FC
This isn't my first rodeo-- I mean, I've played this before. I have certain strategies memorized.

This play through seems to favor me RNG-wise too.

I know this, its just that she was taking a long time for some reason.

But that's actually irrelevant now. She's ready to evolve. Just gotta wait until night in game.
Question, do you nickname your Pokemon?


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Question, do you nickname your Pokemon?
Yes, if I can remember a name of a character that relates to the Pokemon's type or look.

For example I've named my Emolga, BatSqurreil, and have used the name Karen, sine one of the Cures, in Precure has that name, and maun element is water, when she transforms.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
IDK why I decided to write this???

Once upon a time, there was a wise, powerful queen, and her three clever daughters. The queen felt that the time had come to leave her throne and die protecting the realm she ruled, and so looked among her daughters three to select an heir. But her children were all born of the same clutch, and none seemed more fit than the other. Being wise as she was, the queen soon chose a plan to find who among them was most worthy.

"As you know, my daughters, we live in times of great danger. Soon I shall ride forth to protect our land in the flesh instead of words. But first, I must know who among you is fit to lead in my stead."

"What do you ask of us, queen mother?" Asked the daughters three.

"There is a blighted place in our land, a place where many brave soldiers have died. In the center sits a nest of monsters, crests of tainted spider's web and claws of fish's scales. I ask that you not wipe them out nor harm their tribe-queen, but merely tear the head off of their greatest weapon. With that act, the rest should scatter and their kind should thin in number in our lands. On the first night shall my first hatched go. If you fail, on the second night shall my second hatched go. If you fail, on the third night shall my third hatched go. Now, make your journey."

And so on the first night the first daughter went, and returned with the head of a horrid creature, ears as long as fingers and nose slit and caked in slime.

"My mother, I have returned with the head of their greatest hunting beast. Surely they shall retreat."

But the monsters simply stirred and muttered, and paced around briefly to look for prey.

And so on the second night the second daughter went, and returned with an unsettling scrap of metal, sharp as a claw and gleaming as the seas.

"My mother, I have returned with the head of their greatest bludgeon. Surely they shall retreat."

But the monsters simply stirred and muttered, and paced around briefly to look for prey.

But the third daughter had waited the entire time, and watched the nest with a careful eye. And on each night did the tribe-queen speak most carefully with one particular monster, smaller than all others but the tribe-queen herself and in all assumptions their younger. And each night did the monster return with the corpse of a strong and noble woman, and whooped strange whoops of evil and pride. And on the third night, after this had happened, the third daughter crept into the monster's nest and severed it's head with it's own bludgeon.

And so the third daughter returned, and in her hand was the head of this monster, face with the skin of dried worms and teeth still filled with the meat of men and children.

"My mother, I have returned with the head of the greatest weapon of all: a predator that knows none but how to kill."

And so with this the monsters stirred and trembled, and paced around with quite a fury. Long they whooped and shouted, and a couple were so incensed as to slay each other to sate their unending rage. Until at last the remaining ones trembled among themselves and muttered quiet but powerful noises, and sat about drinking vile potions. The tribe-queen herself emerged at this time, and from a clear sky two great drops of rain fell down. And so with head lowered she left her nest, and one by one her minions followed.

At this the powerful queen of old was quite satisfied, though even she hung her head but a moment at the lost of what must have been such a powerful warrior. And so she called her daughters three before her, and gave her choice at last.

"My daughters three, you have all followed the letter of my word. For that I could not ask more. You will all serve this kingdom well, as you surely know. But in the end my youngest has proven to be the most clever of all. For a beast is no powerful weapon without a master, and a scrap of metal no great weapon without one to hold it. But a monster that can think but chooses not to, that is the greatest weapon of all. One that can wield and command itself, but lacks the will to call itself a being. For this my youngest has proven most worthy, and shall carry my title with honor."

With this the daughters first and second closed eyes and bowed, for they knew their mother spoke the truth. And so the daughter third walked forward and was crowned, with her loyal sisters as witness. And so when one asks what the greatest weapon is, one must always remind themselves of the truth. For the greatest weapon is no claw-case or basilisk, but the undying evil that exists in the worst of us all.

I haven't worldbuilt in a long time and just had this short story type thing pop into my head just now.
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Sep 12, 2014
I never name Pokemon. Ever. Feels wrong.
Meanwhile I'm the opposite.

Calling your mons by their species names would be like me naming my cat, cat. Or my dog, dog. Or calling random people on the street homosapiens.

****'s weird.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Meanwhile I'm the opposite.

Calling your mons by their species names would be like me naming my cat, cat. Or my dog, dog. Or calling random people on the street homosapiens.

****'s weird.
How do you do, fellow homosapiens?


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
When I wanna get a cool screencap of Mythra in action but Gramps tells me to stop being a perv during battle.

On the Pokéman nicknaming stuff; I prefer to see in-game their species' name.
Im lazy to come up with creative nicknames, and when I come out with one it is stupidly long/has multiple words.


She who makes bad posts
Jan 25, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
I played Luigi’s Balloon World for the first time, in New Donk City. I did three balloons, and all three of them were in the exact same wall glitch I have no idea how to trigger.

Thanks for the cool new game mode Nintendo


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I tend to vary on whether or not I name Pokemon, but generally the Pokemon I travel with will have decent names and if I name anything I box they all suck.

Except for when I named Guzzlord Gomorrah. :4bayonetta: That name will never not be perfect for it.


Sep 12, 2014
I played Luigi’s Balloon World for the first time, in New Donk City. I did three balloons, and all three of them were in the exact same wall glitch I have no idea how to trigger.

Thanks for the cool new game mode Nintendo
The trick is to play in a Kingdom no one gives a **** about.

Like Snow Kingdom.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
So i'm going to sleep but I have a question for y'all.

Which Pokemon would is the most Venom (Marvel Character) like Pokemon?
Depends on what way you mean.

For looks, probably Sableye. Or Spiritomb.

For lul venomous spider, probably Ariados.

For function, probably Paras.

Deleted member

I usually nickname my Pokemon for the same reason as others mentioned. Not naming my Pokemon is like naming a dog "dog".
The only exceptions are legendaries because it's like nicknaming gods, which is akward.
I made an exception for Solgaleo in Sun though, for obvious reasons.
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Deleted member



Sep 12, 2014
Trailer for the final Xenoverse 2 DLC dropped and W E W.

>A **** load of CGI cutscenes
>Jiren teams up with Black and Zamasu
>Tapion meets with Future Trunks
>Infinite History looks beefy

This is shaping up to be a pretty good DLC, and it's only $10 ($17 if you get the whole set.)

Deleted member

And another thing:

I'm curious to know what the results would be from people who don't follow me on Twitter here.

Deleted member

Trailer for the final Xenoverse 2 DLC dropped and W E W.

Off-topic, but those graphics are amazing. I could imagine playing it on a TV or PC that supports 8k and has a good frame-rate of 240 fps. Will be sticking with my Nintendo Wii U and Switch though.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Don't worry, I felt the same. I didn't play the game for some weeks, instead, I put more time on my sprites & other real life stuff.

Then, I restarted playing, and then my life was stealed again from me. That, and the NG+ coming, this game just won't go down.
With school starting , chances are I might not be playing that much Xenoblade as before

And with that out of the way, I will show this Chinese video teaching you about how to pick a video game, and heavily uses Nintendo Switch's Breath of the Wild as an example. This video also discuss does video game total play time even matter when it comes to the worth? You always need to choose wisely when you have limited budget (like me), limited time, and obviously picking any AAA games (Games that are above 60$)...
According to the video, determining is the game worth it or not to you lies on your playstyle, prefer genre, most importantly, whether you really have fun with this game.

My two cents:
Basically I think his conclusion is pretty legit, it all comes to whether you really enjoy the game or not. He also mentioned that if you really prefer a game that has many mini games in it, then Yakuza on PS4 might be a better choice... but of course I aware that doesn't suit for everyone.

My choice of gaming purchase consider ranks goes from... Platform> artstyle/aesthetic> familiarity> gameplay> reviews> price

Platform: Is it on the Switch or is it coming to the Switch? Is it coming to PC? I am not gonna just buy a PS4 or Xbone in order to play a certain game... almost never.

artstyle/aesthetic: Yes, I used to say "Don't judge a book by its cover" when it comes to video games... but at the end of the day it is okay to shy away from a game if you just find the overall artstyle/aesthetic of the game in the first place. The aesthetic doesn't even has to be my fav though, as long as it is okay, I will go on to the next one to determine.

familiarity: I literally go with the IPs or genre that I am familiar with, such as Mario, Xenoblade, Splatoon, many JRPGs etc...

gameplay: This one is important, I need to same gameplay whether I will like it or not, if the game isn't fun when I am just looking at it, then better go for other games that might worth my time. If there's a game that has demo, then that's even more better to determine. Just take DQ Builders for example, I wasn't amused to the game until I played it... I can't wait for March...

reviews: yeah...... this might be dumb but I also take reviews into consideration... especially with the games that I am not familiar with, and oh no no no, I'm not just talking about review scores (PS I still consider Xenoblade 2 underrated...), I am talking about actual review videos and articles that talks about the pros and cons of the game fairly. Once I aware the pros and cons, I will judge it by my self and then decide.

price: There are plenty of games on Switch that I will definitely buy... if it wasn't that expensive...

So how does everyone pick video games? Which games do you personality think is worth the purchase the most on Nintendo Switch? What about other platforms?

And of course, what other games that you bought the made you felt like you just throw your money into the trash can?

My best purchase on Switch, nuff said has to be Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I have played this game for over 300 hours (Still haven't finish it, and yes I know I spend a majority of the time not even doing the main story...) and I am still playing, not to mention more DLC stuff on the way that will make me go back to this game even more.
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Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
I always nickname all my Pokémon, usually with random things I think when I see them. The 12-character limit is my worst enemy though.

I also hate it when somebody gives me a Pokémon that's not nicknamed; it disrupts my flow.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
My free summon was Grima Robin which was the summon I most wanted.

If I hadn't gotten three of them with less then 100 orbs, I would've been so damn jealous of you. :p

Honestly I am fine about Nintendo trying to keep the 3DS alive, but just update Netflix on the Switch. The Wii U is dead, lets face it.
Except that we were talking about the Wii U, not the 3DS.

I know you mentionned the Wii U in the post, but talking about the 3DS which has nothing to do with the conversation?

Seriously, your thought process confuses the heck out of me.
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Had to do 2 sessions to get a fallen hero. Got Grima and my Robin set is complete again. Can't complain. Saving orbs for the legendary banner..

Hopefully I don't get a 4th fjorm....
No that's Shish's reaction to mafia right now actually. . .
Shish is having regrets hosting
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Meanwhile I'm the opposite.

Calling your mons by their species names would be like me naming my cat, cat. Or my dog, dog. Or calling random people on the street homosapiens.

****'s weird.
When I was five a stray dog (that we later found out was malnourished and possibly physically abused) ended up in my backyard. My parents decided to keep it and made the mistake of letting me name it.

Puppy the dog, who was about five when we got him, lived to the age of fifteen.

Then a year and a half ago we took in some stray cats (a mom and her then-three-month-old-ish babies), got most of them homes, but the mom was pregnant and gave birth to five more, which we also got homes for. We didn't name the mom for the longest time because we didn't think we were gonna keep her. We just called her Mama Cat whenever we talked about her, in order to stay a bit detached. Well, no one would take her because she had a REALLY bad case of "Resting ***** Face" but she was affectionate as all hell. So we wanted to name her, and we were thinking of calling her Roxanne, but...well, she kind of already responded to Mama Cat. So that's her name now.

tl;dr: If I ever get married and have kids my wife's likely gonna name them.

Deleted member

**** you, **** all of you
At least he beats my current Hector in everything but HP

Now I just need Vantage fodder because they seem to have disappeared from my summons
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