I'm hoping that for E3, this Marvel vs. Capcom leak bull**** is put to rest. I find it quite fishy about the roster as a whole, mainly in the following things...
- The absence of Black Panther! Think about it, if this game was supposedly based off of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, then how is it that Captain Marvel, a character who isn't getting a movie until 2019, in before a character that has already debuted in Civil War, AND whose movie debuts next year? WTF?
- The absence of Black Widow! Again, another vital part of the cinematic Avengers, yet no appearance again? WTF?
- The absence of the Winter Solider! Another vital part of the cinematic universe, but absent from the roster? WTF?
- No Loki? Seriously? The fangirls LOVE Loki, and yet he's absent!
The bizarre fact that many of the characters that Marvel has been pushing lately or the movie studios have been pushing also being absent really irks me as well....
- Squirrel Girl
- Star Lord
- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Miles is due for an animated film by Sony in a few years!)
- Falcon
- Electro (Electro's the main villain for Spider-Man: Homecoming!)
- Luke Cage
- Jessica Jones
- Iron Fist
- She-Hulk
- No Young Avengers on the roster either?!?
- No Big Hero 6, Disney's version at least?!?
On the Capcom side, many favorites are missing too, especially the obscure ones! I'm also counting characters that made comebacks too!
- M. Bison
- Alex (Street Fighter)
- Regina (Dino Crises)
- Phoenix Wright
- Captain Commando
- Jin Saotome
- Zangeif
- A SFV character (Rashid, Laura, Necalli, F.A.N.G., Kolin, Ed)
- Zero
- Felicia
- B.B. Hood
- Ken Masters (His SFV moveset could set him apart from Ryu)
- Charlie Nash (His Illuminati stuff couldn't be worked into story mode? Seriously?)
- Sakura Kasugano (Again, if SFV ain't gonna have Sunburned Sakura, at least let Infinite cover that!)
- Batsu from Rival Schools!
- Ibuki!
- Many more to count!
Point is, many of these choices could make the rumoured roster truly memorable! Hell, admit that you want to have all of those guys for the roster instead of what we supposedly got! E3 on Capcom's end has some big shoes to fill, it these aren't filled, Capcom has lost their minds.... - Afro