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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Social Thread 5 - Check out my "game console".
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I found the sad cover of Stand By Me from Power Rangers.

I'm reliving Billy Cranston dying all over again. :(

What is with the covers of Stand By Me lately? First, Final Fantasy 15. Now Power Rangers.
Not to mention Imagine Dragons's which I'd my favorite as of now.
It's super Jazzy and I love it.

Deleted member


Everything(and I mean everything) I post makes more sense when you read it in the voice of Cinema Snob. That's the general tone/feel of my posts, or at least that's how I intend it to be. :p
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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
So hey. Funny story.

I woke up today to another news story on the warping Switch situation, and it looks like the reports are more numerous than initially thought.

Now that alone has me retracting some of my statement earlier. It could've been a problem with ventilation or a freak manufacturing accident. Still could be either, until we know scope, but I have gentle doubts about the latter which I'll get to a bit later on.

Oh, but it gets better.

On a lark, I decided to take a straightedge to my Switch. And, ladies and gentlemen, there was an ever so slight curve. Now it's super slight, and you'd likely never notice without a straightedge to compare it to, but it is in fact there.

So hey! ChikoLad ChikoLad . Vindication is yours, and my sincerest apologies.

Naturally, one is free to not purchase a Switch for any reason. Bu specifically, if I knew they could potentially warp themselves in any capacity and I had nothing in place as a cooling solution (maybe a secondary fan and ventilation system in the dock, which come to think of it would be an excellent mod to look into), and I wasn't dead set on Breath of the Wild right now for any reason (finances and plenty of other things to do both count here), holding off until this one gets pinned and repaired is absolutely the way to go.

Now I've been doing a fair bit more research, because insatiable curiosity compels me, and I've caught myself red-handed wrong on several other counts. For someone who dislikes the spreading of ignorance, it's appalling to me that I did so. Sure, I was tired, and perhaps you could argue rushed as well, but those are hardly excuses.

So, since I previously tore into your statements, I think it's only fair that I now do the same to a few of mine.

Me neither, because most consoles have large areas to disperse the heat and significantly more potent cooling systems. Mobile device design limits either; most of the time the device must be passively cooled as there's just no space for a fan, and teardowns of the Switch show it's no exception.
I don't know what teardowns I was remembering, but I was wholly wrong about them.

Here's a comprehensive teardown of the Switch, bit by bit. It's got its own case fan and heatsink both, piping it out the top of the console.

Now I've dealt with this kind of heatsink setup before - it's nearly identical to that in many laptops both in function and design, and back in the day I took a lot of those apart - so I can make some educated guesses to its pros and cons.

I suspect the fan would probably clog up with debris over time in much the same way as a laptop would. Not in a month, but, y'know. Long-term thinking. Nothing you can't take care of with compressed air and a toothpick. It is small and fairly quiet, but it's not potent.

And, personal observation, when I was examining my Switch, I noticed the apex of the curve was parallel to just left of the card port. If you look at the teardown, you'll notice this corresponds to the placement of the copper tubing in the heatsink.

Coincidence? Perhaps. But heat is the enemy of all electronics. Especially ones with mostly plastic casings.

In order to figure out if this is even a real possibility, most likely we'll need to sample the casing and subject it to heat, then measure the temperature at which it begins to soften, and finally determine the high-end operating temperatures of the CPU and cooling system. If one is in the same ballpark as the other, we may have a winner.

The real interesting issue is that some Switches seem to be warped brand new. If it's an overheating issue, perhaps this could be due to QA testing, but otherwise that may be a manufacturing failure.

Disconcertingly, if there are multiple explanations for why a console might be warped, it would make any that could lead to an actual failure all that more difficult to detect and troubleshoot, and therefore extend the time until the issue is resolved.

The Xbox 360 can be used an example here again; the reason things took so long to figure out, and passed through QA and into consumer hands, is because the RRoD is actually a very generic code indicating a failure to start up. The team then had to sort through all the multiple explanations for why until they arrived at the overheating.

Despite this, we currently only have two reported cases of warping out of 1.5 million sold.
Correct at the time, but not anymore.

If the Google form they've been collecting data with over on the Switch subreddit managed to get every case, we're at 134 as of this post, and climbing.

Side note for the curious - I have an XAW7. XAW1 is most commonly reported, but the charts suggest that's simply because it's the most common overall.

The docking issues do give me pause. In my experience I haven't seen any real damage, but with the teardown information I've seen, and especially after the video I linked earlier this morning, I'm willing to concede it's a major concern going forward. I don't expect it to disappear anytime soon either - even if Ninty decided to upgrade their hardware later on, I doubt they'd swap out the Switch's plastic screen for a mobile-device-grade glass one based on the exorbitant price jump alone.
I've been thinking about this some more, and I have to wonder if the curving issues and the docking scratches are in fact related in any way.

I found a nice, comprehensive teardown of the dock here. The section I'd like to discuss is the plastic enclosure itself and you can see relevant footage beginning at 5:38.

The dock has a series of four plastic guides on its inside. The rails in the back are padded at the very bottom, but the rails in front aren't padded at all - and that's what makes contact with the screen. The tolerances give it a little wiggle room, but not tons, likely so that it can be held securely enough in place when docked.

Mohs hardness scale testing, which can be seen in the tolerance testing video I linked yesterday beginning at 0:45, puts the screen at right about a 3. For reference, that's about as resistant to scratches as copper (in fact, the pick was probably made of copper itself). I'm not saying you'd carve out a swath of screen or anything, but depending on exactly how you take it in and out, I don't even think you'd need warping to scuff it up a bit.

So yeah. Absolutely some incorrect data in there, and lessons learned.

Now let's get cracking on the reply.

Those articles might link to the same threads, but there are more places, like this other reddit thread, where people have been reporting the issue as well.

Also you're not gonna get concrete data or numbers just yet, because the issue was brought to light just today. But the good thing about these articles being posted is that it's prompting people to check their own Switch units. And sure enough, while not everyone is finding they have problems with their Switch, some people have (and when enough people do it, someone will likely do a real research project on the issue like you want to see), and at least a few more people will probably continue to report on it either way for another while.
All points agreed. And may I say, good choice of thread.

That's why I'd rather wait for the second print runs, since they will likely have some of the Switch's issues ironed out (plus more games will be out by then and I will probably have more free time).
Also reasonable. Especially considering the past Xbox 360 issues you've had, which got fixed with the release of the 360 S; it's not unreasonable to expect something similar to happen with the Switch. There's even a precedent with Nintendo themselves - compare the stereoscopic 3D on a regular 3DS to that on a New 3DS, for example.

Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen already corrected me on this, and I checked, and yes, the issue was with the SD Cards, not the Switch. That was my mistake. I just hadn't heard anything on the issue since the initial reports so I assumed it was a rare issue related to the Switch that hadn't met a proper resolution yet. I'm actually happy to find out it's not an issue with the Switch.
Hey, we all make mistakes. That's where roughly half my post has come from so far.

I will however note that during my stress testing I did feel the Switch heating up just north of the SD card port with the known good card, and when I took out the card itself it was room temperature. That could just be mine, or it could even be an unrelated component (personally I hope it's the heatsink messing with me).

But it certainly wasn't anything like how that 200GB card lit my SD card port up, either way, and that card's still as faulty as before.

There's a lot of factors here, and it's difficult to eliminate them all with one console. I'll be keeping an eye out for more information.

Personally, I have no problem buying a screen protector for the Switch, and would do it even if the Switch didn't have this issue (and will get one with my Switch whenever I do get one, because I will get one when I feel the time is right for me), merely on the principle that it's a relatively large device (compared to a 3DS or a mobile phone) that I would probably take with me and it could be damaged if an accident happened (and it's not fold-able like the 3DS to help keep it safe when not in use). However, it's still not right that the major advertised feature and selling point of the system (docking and undocking on the fly), is causing scratches on the screen, especially when people don't seem to be doing anything particularly odd while docking and undocking. Buying a Switch now would be saying I'm OK with this issue and accepting of it, but I really am not. I don't see how that's unreasonable.
Honestly? It's not. Those guides need padding horrendously bad.

I'm getting several interesting dock mod plans tonight.

Honestly, in this case, I'm going to flat out say - there really isn't a defense for it. This is 2017, and this is a €330 digital entertainment device. It SHOULD have some form of save data back up at launch. You should be able to keep your save data if something happens to your Switch.

They do seem to have something, actually. I linked it before. The reddit threads regarding the curved screens have also suggested something is in place a couple of times at least.

What I will say is that I remain appalled that it's a crapshoot. If the system is in fact in place, it should be a 100% transfer rate unless the data itself is corrupt.

I do still believe that the statement that save files are console-locked is in fact some variant of smoke and mirrors, and we'll hear something official about their solution soon. I'm also fairly certain it's tied into cloud saves, partly because the reports of transferred saves suggest it, and partly because it wouldn't make sense for the save files to be unable to be transferred under any other circumstances. Nintendo's used several methods to do so, going back to the original DS era - it's not like the tech isn't there and known, so the only other explanation is them being in the process of trying something new.

Please don't try to defend this.

You may see it as arrogant, but this is one issue nobody can convince me otherwise on. I don't even care that they announced it at launch. That just serves as evidence that they intentionally rushed the system out the gate, if you ask me, and further proves how tone deaf Nintendo can be. I hope they provide a fix for this as soon as possible.
I agree that this needs to be corrected immediately, and we'll get to the rest below.

I'm well aware most consoles don't have inspiring launches.

That doesn't absolve Nintendo of criticism, though. Much like how I was critical of the PS4's launch when it happened. I will never "go easy" on a console launch just because they aren't often great. That attitude is why poor and rushed console launches still happen, and it's why Nintendo did it with the Switch - Nintendo faithful were always gonna buy it, and the system's main hook, on a surface level, is enough to hype people. So who cares about the quality of the system at that point, right?
My experiences with the Switch lead me to concur overall. The Switch feels like it should have been a summer 2017 release, with MK8D, Splatoon 2, and perhaps even some solid 3rd-party outings available to bolster BotW in the launch lineup.

I feel like they probably released it when they did partly to take advantage of the relative lull in major gaming releases in the first quarter, and to reassure their customers and investors that it wasn't just a gimmick console by getting Breath of the Wild out into...well, the wild.

They've reasonably proven they can deliver great experiences on the Switch, even with all the hiccups at launch - but if they can't keep the hype train rolling until at least MK8D debuts, I feel like the console might not be able to pick up the steam it needs immediately following. And by only really having Zelda to do that, and being relatively hush about features thereafter, they're definitely shooting themselves in the foot a bit.

And beyond that, ever since I agreed to help my brother buy an Xbox 360 because I knew Sonic '06 was coming to it, I've made it a point for me to never buy any console for one game.
Yeesh, Sonic '06. I sympathize.

...What shade?

They're issues. They objectively exist. They may not effect the majority of units (the save data one is universal though, and is probably my biggest issue turning me off the system anyway), but they have affected some.

That alone makes them a valid factor in my decision to purchase one or not. How is that "throwing shade"?
That isn't.

Now this is:
Wow Nintendo is more ahead of the times than I thought, the Switch has teleportation capabilities now.

But seriously, this has to be the most fault ridden piece of hardware since the OG Xbox 360 models. So glad I've held off.
But then this was too:
Ha ha. Noooooooo.

This thing runs like a dream compared to OG 360. Failure rate for that piece of crap was between 23.7% and 54.2% depending on who you ask.

Pile up all the controller desyncs, the dock screen scratches, the TWO curved systems - which haven't yet ruled out blocking the vents, I bet - the dead pixels, and throw in any WiFi issues just for good measure, and if the failure rate is above 5% I'll eat my shades and your hat.

Switch is fine. People just wanna *****.
And I could've chopped more than a few lines out of my lengthy response.

So stones and glass houses.

Anyway, olive branch.


No need to get into it further over a console. World's got worse.

And now I'm going to go read the discussion on boobs I missed.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
@Zebei @Shishœ

I'm almost done with season two of Star vs The Forces of Evil. I just finished the Bon Bon the Birthday Clown episode...

I'm feeling all sorts of emotions after that ending. :( Why can't everything just go well for all of these cinnamon rolls? Why?
Still enjoying the hell out of it and will continue tomorrow since it's late here.
Why wasn't I tagged? Or wedl? Star is best animated Disney tv show
Also obligatory image

Deleted member

Why wasn't I tagged? Or wedl? Star is best animated Disney tv show
Also obligatory image
View attachment 127627
Gwen, no one's allowed to make chick tract references unless they've sat through at least one reading of it.

I was going to make some kind of refference using this image, but then I noticed that she just imagined the word "GULP". How does that work?


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
So hey. Funny story.

I woke up today to another news story on the warping Switch situation, and it looks like the reports are more numerous than initially thought.

Now that alone has me retracting some of my statement earlier. It could've been a problem with ventilation or a freak manufacturing accident. Still could be either, until we know scope, but I have gentle doubts about the latter which I'll get to a bit later on.

Oh, but it gets better.

On a lark, I decided to take a straightedge to my Switch. And, ladies and gentlemen, there was an ever so slight curve. Now it's super slight, and you'd likely never notice without a straightedge to compare it to, but it is in fact there.

So hey! ChikoLad ChikoLad . Vindication is yours, and my sincerest apologies.

Naturally, one is free to not purchase a Switch for any reason. Bu specifically, if I knew they could potentially warp themselves in any capacity and I had nothing in place as a cooling solution (maybe a secondary fan and ventilation system in the dock, which come to think of it would be an excellent mod to look into), and I wasn't dead set on Breath of the Wild right now for any reason (finances and plenty of other things to do both count here), holding off until this one gets pinned and repaired is absolutely the way to go.

Now I've been doing a fair bit more research, because insatiable curiosity compels me, and I've caught myself red-handed wrong on several other counts. For someone who dislikes the spreading of ignorance, it's appalling to me that I did so. Sure, I was tired, and perhaps you could argue rushed as well, but those are hardly excuses.

So, since I previously tore into your statements, I think it's only fair that I now do the same to a few of mine.
Well, I have checked your previous posts, and I also made my own thoughts on this issue.
If this issue is quite numerous like the Joy Con desync issue, this could be a bigger problem since it's a flaw directly to the console. I'm not even gonna defend this if more case appears.

With that said, I think we really should wait and see how will Nintendo reply to this.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
@Shishœ and I already beat you to that. Also, perhaps we're not talking the same kind of term when it comes to "switch" but you can be both female and a switch. In BDSM ladies can be dom too you know.
Did you?

And yesh, I meant lady as in classy, you see. It was a joke. Because I've no illusions that I might be. Though perhaps that is why I am indeed aware of the capabilities women hold in the bedroom... though this was more in reference to bisexuality.

Eugh, "exclusives" are not something that you want when it comes to sex, trust me.
Especially in the effort to unlock hpv or worse. How brave of you.

Everything(and I mean everything) I post makes more sense when you read it in the voice of Cinema Snob. That's the general tone/feel of my posts, or at least that's how I intend it to be. :p
I don't know who that is, so I'm afraid your intent might be lost on me.

Deleted member

Did you?

And yesh, I meant lady as in classy, you see. It was a joke. Because I've no illusions that I might be. Though perhaps that is why I am indeed aware of the capabilities women hold in the bedroom... though this was more in reference to bisexuality.
Ah, I see. I should've known you meant it that way, but I guess the reason why I didn't was because I don't think of submissiveness when I think of the term "gentleman"... Though actually now that I think about it, I guess that'd make sense too.

Especially in the effort to unlock hpv or worse. How brave of you.
It's best to keep your hardware clean, you know what I mean?

I don't know who that is, so I'm afraid your intent might be lost on me.
I'm too lazy to bring up any links, but basically he reviews weird/stupid/obscure/foreign movies and spoof pornos like "Mighty Muffin Pounder Rangers" and "King Dong".

Deleted member

In case anyone wanted comparisons between old and new Echoes designs:

My favorite redesigns are probably Clair, Luthier, and Delthea.
I don't think I have to tell which one is mine
@Zebei @Shishœ

I'm almost done with season two of Star vs The Forces of Evil. I just finished the Bon Bon the Birthday Clown episode...

I'm feeling all sorts of emotions after that ending. :( Why can't everything just go well for all of these cinnamon rolls? Why?
Still enjoying the hell out of it and will continue tomorrow since it's late here.
Oh man, you're almost on THAT episode
@Shishœ and I already beat you to that. Also, perhaps we're not talking the same kind of term when it comes to "switch" but you can be both female and a switch. In BDSM ladies can be dom too you know.
Please do not associate me to that kind of stuff
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I think the Switch can survive a month without a heavy supply of games while it's currently under supply issues. At the very least, new buyers should still be cycling in for Zelda due to supply needing to catch up. MK8DX should hit right about when that trickles out.

Now, whether or not the early adopter's nerves will be able to take it, I dunno, gamers are a jumpy bunch. But there have been MUCH worse droughts before in terms of gaps between major releases on Nintendo systems. Humans are at least technically capable of withstanding it.

'tis but a month. If anything summer might be a little drier, but then you've got E3 hype to carry you and a waterfall of indies.

Consoles being difficult is another matter entirely, but if it is any comfort you do get a twelve month manufacturer's warranty. If anything is seriously wrong, send it in and I'm pretty sure you'll get a replacement for free. Nintendo at the very least has quite the efficient and hassle free customer service on the phone, and while I await to see the results of my own repair they do seem to have quite a good reputation.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
So hey. Funny story.

I woke up today to another news story on the warping Switch situation, and it looks like the reports are more numerous than initially thought.

Now that alone has me retracting some of my statement earlier. It could've been a problem with ventilation or a freak manufacturing accident. Still could be either, until we know scope, but I have gentle doubts about the latter which I'll get to a bit later on.

Oh, but it gets better.

On a lark, I decided to take a straightedge to my Switch. And, ladies and gentlemen, there was an ever so slight curve. Now it's super slight, and you'd likely never notice without a straightedge to compare it to, but it is in fact there.

So hey! ChikoLad ChikoLad . Vindication is yours, and my sincerest apologies.

Naturally, one is free to not purchase a Switch for any reason. Bu specifically, if I knew they could potentially warp themselves in any capacity and I had nothing in place as a cooling solution (maybe a secondary fan and ventilation system in the dock, which come to think of it would be an excellent mod to look into), and I wasn't dead set on Breath of the Wild right now for any reason (finances and plenty of other things to do both count here), holding off until this one gets pinned and repaired is absolutely the way to go.

Now I've been doing a fair bit more research, because insatiable curiosity compels me, and I've caught myself red-handed wrong on several other counts. For someone who dislikes the spreading of ignorance, it's appalling to me that I did so. Sure, I was tired, and perhaps you could argue rushed as well, but those are hardly excuses.

So, since I previously tore into your statements, I think it's only fair that I now do the same to a few of mine.

I don't know what teardowns I was remembering, but I was wholly wrong about them.

Here's a comprehensive teardown of the Switch, bit by bit. It's got its own case fan and heatsink both, piping it out the top of the console.

Now I've dealt with this kind of heatsink setup before - it's nearly identical to that in many laptops both in function and design, and back in the day I took a lot of those apart - so I can make some educated guesses to its pros and cons.

I suspect the fan would probably clog up with debris over time in much the same way as a laptop would. Not in a month, but, y'know. Long-term thinking. Nothing you can't take care of with compressed air and a toothpick. It is small and fairly quiet, but it's not potent.

And, personal observation, when I was examining my Switch, I noticed the apex of the curve was parallel to just left of the card port. If you look at the teardown, you'll notice this corresponds to the placement of the copper tubing in the heatsink.

Coincidence? Perhaps. But heat is the enemy of all electronics. Especially ones with mostly plastic casings.

In order to figure out if this is even a real possibility, most likely we'll need to sample the casing and subject it to heat, then measure the temperature at which it begins to soften, and finally determine the high-end operating temperatures of the CPU and cooling system. If one is in the same ballpark as the other, we may have a winner.

The real interesting issue is that some Switches seem to be warped brand new. If it's an overheating issue, perhaps this could be due to QA testing, but otherwise that may be a manufacturing failure.

Disconcertingly, if there are multiple explanations for why a console might be warped, it would make any that could lead to an actual failure all that more difficult to detect and troubleshoot, and therefore extend the time until the issue is resolved.

The Xbox 360 can be used an example here again; the reason things took so long to figure out, and passed through QA and into consumer hands, is because the RRoD is actually a very generic code indicating a failure to start up. The team then had to sort through all the multiple explanations for why until they arrived at the overheating.

Correct at the time, but not anymore.

If the Google form they've been collecting data with over on the Switch subreddit managed to get every case, we're at 134 as of this post, and climbing.

Side note for the curious - I have an XAW7. XAW1 is most commonly reported, but the charts suggest that's simply because it's the most common overall.

I've been thinking about this some more, and I have to wonder if the curving issues and the docking scratches are in fact related in any way.

I found a nice, comprehensive teardown of the dock here. The section I'd like to discuss is the plastic enclosure itself and you can see relevant footage beginning at 5:38.

The dock has a series of four plastic guides on its inside. The rails in the back are padded at the very bottom, but the rails in front aren't padded at all - and that's what makes contact with the screen. The tolerances give it a little wiggle room, but not tons, likely so that it can be held securely enough in place when docked.

Mohs hardness scale testing, which can be seen in the tolerance testing video I linked yesterday beginning at 0:45, puts the screen at right about a 3. For reference, that's about as resistant to scratches as copper (in fact, the pick was probably made of copper itself). I'm not saying you'd carve out a swath of screen or anything, but depending on exactly how you take it in and out, I don't even think you'd need warping to scuff it up a bit.

So yeah. Absolutely some incorrect data in there, and lessons learned.

Now let's get cracking on the reply.

All points agreed. And may I say, good choice of thread.

Also reasonable. Especially considering the past Xbox 360 issues you've had, which got fixed with the release of the 360 S; it's not unreasonable to expect something similar to happen with the Switch. There's even a precedent with Nintendo themselves - compare the stereoscopic 3D on a regular 3DS to that on a New 3DS, for example.

Hey, we all make mistakes. That's where roughly half my post has come from so far.

I will however note that during my stress testing I did feel the Switch heating up just north of the SD card port with the known good card, and when I took out the card itself it was room temperature. That could just be mine, or it could even be an unrelated component (personally I hope it's the heatsink messing with me).

But it certainly wasn't anything like how that 200GB card lit my SD card port up, either way, and that card's still as faulty as before.

There's a lot of factors here, and it's difficult to eliminate them all with one console. I'll be keeping an eye out for more information.

Honestly? It's not. Those guides need padding horrendously bad.

I'm getting several interesting dock mod plans tonight.


They do seem to have something, actually. I linked it before. The reddit threads regarding the curved screens have also suggested something is in place a couple of times at least.

What I will say is that I remain appalled that it's a crapshoot. If the system is in fact in place, it should be a 100% transfer rate unless the data itself is corrupt.

I do still believe that the statement that save files are console-locked is in fact some variant of smoke and mirrors, and we'll hear something official about their solution soon. I'm also fairly certain it's tied into cloud saves, partly because the reports of transferred saves suggest it, and partly because it wouldn't make sense for the save files to be unable to be transferred under any other circumstances. Nintendo's used several methods to do so, going back to the original DS era - it's not like the tech isn't there and known, so the only other explanation is them being in the process of trying something new.

View attachment 127625

I agree that this needs to be corrected immediately, and we'll get to the rest below.

My experiences with the Switch lead me to concur overall. The Switch feels like it should have been a summer 2017 release, with MK8D, Splatoon 2, and perhaps even some solid 3rd-party outings available to bolster BotW in the launch lineup.

I feel like they probably released it when they did partly to take advantage of the relative lull in major gaming releases in the first quarter, and to reassure their customers and investors that it wasn't just a gimmick console by getting Breath of the Wild out into...well, the wild.

They've reasonably proven they can deliver great experiences on the Switch, even with all the hiccups at launch - but if they can't keep the hype train rolling until at least MK8D debuts, I feel like the console might not be able to pick up the steam it needs immediately following. And by only really having Zelda to do that, and being relatively hush about features thereafter, they're definitely shooting themselves in the foot a bit.

Yeesh, Sonic '06. I sympathize.

That isn't.

Now this is:

But then this was too:

And I could've chopped more than a few lines out of my lengthy response.

So stones and glass houses.

Anyway, olive branch.

View attachment 127626

No need to get into it further over a console. World's got worse.

And now I'm going to go read the discussion on boobs I missed.
Can I just say this reply is amazing?

Like wow, this post is too high quality for Smashboards.


Sep 12, 2014
Have I ever mentioned how cool it was that I could take a AAA home console experience on the go?

I've been out all day today, and playing BotW in the car was such a satisfying experience.

Anyways, is it possible to climb all of the towers with base level Stamina? Or will there be one I need to level at some point?
I did most of them with low-ish stamina so you should be fine.

That said, if you get the Rito Champion's power you can cheese through most of them.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
To talk about the Switch issues though.

We have to consider what non Switch factors could play a role in this. Like for example, if it is indeed a heating/cooling issue, what are the environments the bent Switches are coming from? In theory, hotter room temperatures should cause more bending.

That said, I think it's more likely a "variation" as Nintendo likes to call them that will be fixed with time, but it's interesting to think about.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Can I just say this reply is amazing?

Like wow, this post is too high quality for Smashboards.
Research and compilation took me most of the day. I hope to not make a habit of it.

But perhaps there's useful data in there somewhere.

Have I ever mentioned how cool it was that I could take a AAA home console experience on the go?

I've been out all day today, and playing BotW in the car was such a satisfying experience.

Anyways, is it possible to climb all of the towers with base level Stamina? Or will there be one I need to level at some point?
Fairly certain you'd be able to.

It would be a slog, and on several towers you'll be assaulted on the ascent - Hyrule Field comes to mind, where jumping is the simplest way to avoid the Guardian's shots - but I think the distance from platform to platform is uniform across all the towers. If that's the case, since that distance can be climbed on an unmodified stamina wheel, you could pull it off.

Tip from experience though - Hearty foods are a great deal easier to come by than Endura foods overall, and nearly the whole game becomes much less tedious when you have a couple stamina upgrades for climbing about. Do yourself a favor and at least grab two or three stamina upgrades if you've got seven hearts or more.

To talk about the Switch issues though.

We have to consider what non Switch factors could play a role in this. Like for example, if it is indeed a heating/cooling issue, what are the environments the bent Switches are coming from? In theory, hotter room temperatures should cause more bending.

That said, I think it's more likely a "variation" as Nintendo likes to call them that will be fixed with time, but it's interesting to think about.
What would really identify if overheating could potentially be an issue would be the type of plastic used for the Switch's case, which I've so far been unable to find.

There's been some thermal testing on the Switch's internals, though. I'm still watching and reading through it myself, but the data won't be fully applicable until either we determine the plastic the case is made from (and thus we determine its melting point) or I see the thing crumble to slag on his bench.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
To talk about the Switch issues though.

We have to consider what non Switch factors could play a role in this. Like for example, if it is indeed a heating/cooling issue, what are the environments the bent Switches are coming from? In theory, hotter room temperatures should cause more bending.

That said, I think it's more likely a "variation" as Nintendo likes to call them that will be fixed with time, but it's interesting to think about.
I will say that my dock is completely open air. The only time the room really heavily cooked itself was when the PS3 was running and guess what replaced it's HDMI port.

I didn't check my Switch visually, but at the very least my dock seems to have a slight inward bend upon examination and yet the Switch still went in and out comfortably.

The location is a bit of a concern for being a dust magnet so I'd really prefer to charge it as a handheld, but it's probably the last place that needs to worry about some overcomplicated cooling solution.

Overall I feel that the Switch both has valid launch problems that need a bit of ironing out and that people perhaps get a bit too worked up about them. Nintendo has staff docking Switches a hundred times a day, I'm sure any other widespread issue will have someone set to try to replicate it as well.

With the way the Switchpocalypse (TM) is happening, I feel a bit worse for the customer service reps than for the people with faulty systems. That job has to SUCK with the kind of people they're dealing with right now.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Too tired to divine censored six-letter words or five-letter plural variants.

I'm going to assume you manually starred out "hotdog."

Then I'll say "I hope not."
I ate a hotdog recently. It was delicious.

Its too bad it was only one.

I could eat four at one time.

Oh ****. I think I got more hotdogs here at the house.

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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
I ate a hotdog recently. It was delicious.

Its too bad it was only one.

I could eat four at one time.

Oh ****. I think I got more hotdogs here at the house.

It's too late.

My brain's gone to the innuendo side.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I ate a hotdog recently. It was delicious.

Its too bad it was only one.

I could eat four at one time.

Oh ****. I think I got more hotdogs here at the house.

I am now imagining this as Mega Man being able to eat for the first time recently and going crazy with it, complete with a visual of him cramming four hot dogs in his mouth at once.

But then, I'm starved to make ridiculous Smash mansion fanfiction but am having difficulties working up the confidence to do it. Ah, the joys of a scrambled brain and multiple standards running in parallel. . .


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
I remember when you guys didn't start discussions about boobs.

Those were good times.
Don't know what you're talking about.

Just look at those phenomenal blond locks.

I am now imagining this as Mega Man being able to eat for the first time recently and going crazy with it, complete with a visual of him cramming four hot dogs in his mouth at once.

But then, I'm starved to make ridiculous Smash mansion fanfiction but am having difficulties working up the confidence to do it. Ah, the joys of a scrambled brain and multiple standards running in parallel. . .
Real talk.

I'd read that.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I am now imagining this as Mega Man being able to eat for the first time recently and going crazy with it, complete with a visual of him cramming four hot dogs in his mouth at once.

But then, I'm starved to make ridiculous Smash mansion fanfiction but am having difficulties working up the confidence to do it. Ah, the joys of a scrambled brain and multiple standards running in parallel. . .
Did you watch the Futurama episode in which Bender became human recently?


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
redfeatherraven redfeatherraven

I still don't see how you interpret what I said as shade towards Nintendo.

The "teleportation" comment was just me poking fun at the word choice of "warping" in the articles. Not poking fun at Nintendo or the Switch. Not that the word choice of warping is wrong in these articles, but it's just a harmless, sarcastic joke with no deeper meaning to it. "Warping" can mean the distortion of plastic caused by heat, but it can also have a similar meaning to "teleportation". So clearly all these articles are discussing how the Switch has secret teleportation features, right? Maybe it's not the funniest joke in the world, but that doesn't change the fact it's just a joke.

This is another case of people getting too overly defensive towards the things I say - not everything I say has a deeper meaning to it or some malicious intent behind it. I know how to laugh about and find a bit of light-hearted, nonsensical humour in stuff too (shocker, right?), and that's all I was doing. I even put "/s" at the end of the statement, and said "but seriously" at the start of my next one, to indicate I was being sarcastic. Honestly, it's kind of annoying I have to explain my jokes like this, just because people can be overly sensitive about jokes that happen to have the word "Nintendo" in them (again, this joke was not even directed towards Nintendo themselves).

The Xbox 360 comment was not shade nor a joke - I do legitimately think the it's the closest to a "really poorly handled" console launch since the Xbox 360, and I think I've already fleshed out my reasoning as to why at this point. And the only reason I had to do that was because of the inherent Nintendo bias around these parts (I'm not going to sugar coat that, it's definitely here and I'm not the only to notice), and how people are very defensive over Nintendo. If I said this in a more general gaming message board, where people aren't as biased, I'm pretty sure nobody would have argued with me at all. And once again, I'll re-iterate that I don't actually think the Switch's problems are AS bad as the Xbox 360's problems at launch, definitely not - I haven't heard of anyone going through three faulty Switch units in a row yet, which was what I myself experienced with the Xbox 360. I just think it's reminiscent of that launch to certain extent, and no other gaming console since the Xbox 360 has given me that vibe.

Other than that, everything's fine, and no harm done. Just would prefer not to have this malicious persona projected every time I'm not being 100% positive, that's all.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Did you watch the Futurama episode in which Bender became human recently?
No, but I read about it in a place once. :4megaman:

Really though, wasn't even on my mind. I just like to imagine the idea of there being some "magic" solution set up for Smash that allows Mega Man to eat and taste and him kinda going Sense Freak about it.

Would probably have a much more benign resolution, at worst the kid's gonna overdo it and end up with a stomachache or end up eating something that tastes bad or something if he's in that situation. He's a ten year old personality wise, he's not getting into anything too bad.

So long as its not vore I'll buy it.
That sounds like a violation of the first and third laws waiting to happen.

I don't see him being too. . .happy about the concept. In the event something bad did happen, he sure as heck ain't instigating it. Let's just say I don't see any hypothetical situations dragging out longer than Sakurai has programmed them for any given character or having any different reaction tones.

*EDIT* Ah logicbuckets, I killed the thread again.
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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Hm...this is interesting.
No, these two are not OCs, it seems that Lotte and Sucy's mom did appear, at least in the mangas.

I'm sure that if Lotte and Sucy's mom appear in the anime, they will have redesign because they both look too similar...


Apr 9, 2014
Gwen, no one's allowed to make chick tract references unless they've sat through at least one reading of it.

I was going to make some kind of refference using this image, but then I noticed that she just imagined the word "GULP". How does that work?
Half-Life is gay propaganda?!

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I guess I must have dodged the warping problem, at least. My Switch was practically held hostage in it's dock due to it's special issue and spent a good couple hundred hours in there and it still came out and went back in without a struggle. Unless wrestling it into the dock was something I missed or something. . .

Anyway I heard that electronics aren't supposed to bend at the temps the Switch reaches and that it might be a battery problem. Either that or a sleep mode issue, which I wouldn't know because I always put my system into sleep mode manually whenever I docked it like that. Either way, there might be a more major issue behind that. . .
From what I felt whenever I take the switch outbof its dock after houra of play, it does not get hot enough to warp anything. it sure doesnt get 3DS levels of hot. Now that gets hot if you are playing and charging at the same time but since the switch has vents, I would take a wild guess and say it had something to do with the vent, the system should never get that hot

But its best not not spead paranoia more then the nintendo switch reddit is
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