Most interesting shrine of the day has to be the one where you need to take off all your clothes and gear and stand on shrine pedestial during a Blood Moon. I remember missing the Blood Moon when I was tackling another one, so I kept going to the campfire over and over again, hoping to get a Blood Moon to appear again... but didn't succeed. I ended up proceeding through my adventure once I got fed up. It wasn't until I was heading back to the Flight Range from the nearby stable that the next Blood Moon appeared, so I hurried back by teleporting to the shrine near Tabanatha Bridge, then making a sprint for the shrine. I apparently unlocked the shrine even after the cutscene played. Turns out it's because you have until 1:00 AM in the game to unlock the shrine during the Blood Moon. What followed was a Guardian Scout battle, but it was easy thanks to Ice Arrows.
Rito Village is a really nice environment! The village was much bigger than I anticipated, and the Rito are some pretty nice folk. Their motto talks about how they are trained to be skilled archers and elegant singers. The latter was a neat touch to the Rito since they are essentially birds, and if there's one thing birds are remembered for, it's that they have elegant songs. I also love how part of the village's music is a remix of Dragon Roost Island.
Also, thank goodness the village sells cold-resistant pants. Now, I can finally scale the the northwest region and Mount Lanaryu!
So it turns out the disaster that the Divine Beast is causing this time isn't so much an ecological one like Van Ruta and the constant rain or Van Rudania and its raining magma boulders, but here, anyone that flies too high gets shot down. Not so much a disaster that ruins the ecosystem, but it still disrupt the Rito's way of life.
Funny how the Rito elder calls Link a "descendant" rather than the actual champion. If he was like Robbie at the Akala Tech Lab and asked for Link to take off his clothes, I'm sure he'd drop the "descendant" title.
After talking with the Rito elder, Teba's wife warms up to Link after overhearing them talk. A cutscene unlocks where Link remembers a time he interacted with Revali at Revali's Landing (yep, what unlocks a memory this time isn't a statue, but it's still something that ties with the champion: in this case, a landing pad that Revali frequently used).
Revali is basically Falco when it comes to looks and personality: he's arrogant and thinks he's more skilled than Link is. Though he may be rather jerkish, I still like Revali a lot. This guy seems to have the most personality out of all the champions (not saying all the other champions are bland because they are the opposite; I just think Revali definitely stands out the most), and I couldn't help but chuckle when he did that flex as he said, "Even among the Rito."
And is it just me, or do I see some parallels between Revali and Takumi? I mean:
- Both are highly skilled archers who wield powerful bows
- Both have a level of distrust toward the main protagonists of their games
- Both can be rather blunt at times.
Perhaps it's because of those similarities that might explain why I like Revali from the get-go. Then again, what sets Revali apart from Takumi is that Revali is confident and cocky about his skills, while Takumi feels insecure about them.
To take down Van Medoh, I was told to talk to Teba who is at Flight Range. After a good glide, it didn't take long to reach the location. Though he had a few lines, Teba was cool. He challenged me to shoot down five targets scattered around the Flight Range using the up-draft gales in three minutes. The mini-game was a joke. It was very easy to shoot down five targets in the given time. Perhaps if you had to shoot more targets in 2 minutes, it would be a fair challenge. Ah well, I guess hard mode will fix it.
After stocking up on Bomb Arrows, it was time to take on Van Medoh. Teba even gave me 20 Bomb Arrows before flying in. The following battle was rather simple. It was pretty easy dodging all the lasers the Divine Beast was firing at me, though it took several arrows before I figured out which was the best range for a guaranteed hit. It even takes two hits to take out a single cannon. The music was pretty cool too. Overall, it was a neat battle, but not too memorable. Van Ruta still takes the cake for best Divine Beast battle.
And now I'll be exploring Van Medoh. The fun begins!