Oh what. All she's gonna do is send Pit off to fight for her.
Can't do much on her own. Matter of fact, those Gods are lazy and can't do anything without our favorite angel helping them.
And all they do is bully him
Correction: they can't do anything without sending
somebody else out to do it for them because they're lazy.
Palutena just doesn't bother sending the rest of her crew out anymore for major stuff because Pit's the only one that doesn't crumple in the face of the other factions' mooks, and even then they still get used for more manageable issues. Everyone else is just jealous because Pit's so good at his job that Palutena doesn't NEED to use anyone else, but that doesn't mean the other factions can't do anything.
Pit would be just as useless without everyone else as they would be without him, even the jerks depending on what's going on. Pit does most of the heavy lifting, but someone still needs to get him to each location and there's a handful of situations where intervention was needed, sometimes from Palutena and sometimes from far more unlikely sources. The most extreme situations that cropped up wouldn't have been resolved without both Pit being awesome and everyone else bailing him out when that wasn't enough.
And technically they don't all
just bully him. Palutena can tease him pretty hard but it's obvious she actually cares about him despite that, and even Viridi is a bit of a tsundere underneath the sheer amount of abuse she dishes out. Sometimes a little care slips through.
They do need to be taken down a notch or two, though. I wonder if anyone would ever call them out on any of the dumb things they all do?
*EDIT* For the record, Palutena pretty much dealt with the vegetable issue by herself in the long run. And clearly she must have been awesome at SOME point to have hand-me-down weapons. Also, Glam Blaster. And cursing.