It felt more like a tutorial for the MP with how they spoon fed you Leader abilities and Units over each mission. That said the missions were still generally enjoyable with cool scenarios like holding a beachfront kinda like D-Day or having Alice do guerrilla tactics to rescue PoW allies. The bonus and optional objectives generally incited you to try out a few new things which was nice and they're needed for skulls.
If I had any disappointments it's in how there's so little of Atriox and how the SP ends. Atriox get's his awesome introduction and his backstory but then he's just there for the rest of the game ordering his forces around and getting pissed. On the bright side he'll at least be around for another game or two but considering what happened to Jul in Halo 5 I'm really hoping he doesn't get punked.
The campaign's ending just has no resolution. Atriox isn't defeated at all (although he now has no carrier ship) and Anders is off on Installion 04C somewhere in the Galaxy (possibly the original 04's location) with a Guardian. There's gonna be campaign DLC and it's clear that this is going to tie into Halo 6 but a complete resolution would be nice.
Something I'm mixed on is the cutscenes. On one hand there's just no where near enough of them. There's like seven of them maybe. But the cutscenes all look utterly amazing, are fairly lengthy with a total runtime being similar to Halo Wars and the cutscenes still have some really cool moments.
This one for example just evoked a particular line from Halo 2 in spite of not being the first time 04C was seen:
"When you first saw Halo, where you blinded by it's majesty?"
I think I overall still prefer the original Halo Wars because that felt it had an actual ending to it's story whilst still leaving it open plus I prefer some of the mechanics from that like the Power level being universal instead of a base by base thing.