I disagree honestly.
As someone who wants to become a teacher, you need to teach students (especially high school students) world events and what means what to who.
Point is, for most of the world, the Holocaust is one of the most tragic events out there. Just because it meant little to many Asian countries doesn't mean they should associate with it or treat it flippantly.
Yeah, just sad that we don't take that event that seriously. Or at least aware how tragic it was.
I'm am American.
I have little to no connection to the Apartheid, Yangzhou Massacre, the Cambodian Genocide, the Rwandan Genocide, etc.
But that doesn't mean I want to associate myself with them. Those events cost millions of people their lives. Those countries look back on those events with sadness in their hearts. Bringing it up often leads to shame, embarrassment and pain. These events are not just things that happened in the past. They hurt people to this day. I mean, ****, we have Holocaust survivors living still. Think they'd like this?
I really respect your disagreement and I partially agree with some of your points, some things are wrong as long as they violate the basic human morality (Like those holocaust, ****[didn't know this word will get censored...] of Nanking etc...), but some topics are also important to hear opinions from each perspective and then give out your own conclusion.
Even though the English article is short, Chinese version is very long and probably has some of misinformation.
I mean, back in 2014 when Taiwan's Ministry of Education wants to change their high school's course curriculum, it stirred a lot of debate and cause students, parties, and civil organizations to go and try to take over the Ministry of Education. They say it was a black-box procedure and some curriculum changes were considered "controversial", especially the history section. Such as they want our text book to say that all comfort women during the WWII were forced, some people though didn't agree, can you believe that? And it's not minority, there were a portion of young people (Not including me), also most of Taiwan independent supporters, and Taiwanese national consciousness indicates that not all comfort women were forced.Just because we like Japan's stuff doesn't mean we should justify their sin back in WWII.
To talk more about why there's Taiwan independent and what is Taiwan national consciousness is a whole other issue to talk about.
The teacher said he should have immediately rejected the proposal and as a teacher, yeah, he immediately should have. Morality aside, doing stuff like this alienates people and makes your students look bad.
Would I l teach my students about these events? Yes.
Show that there are often two sides to one coin? Yes.
Ensure that students know that the people involved were just people and not some boogeyman? Yes.
Let them pretend to be them? Never. Not in a million years.
I think it's better for teaching kids that are in elementary school and middle school the basic manners, and at high school they should be taught how to survive in the real society... which can be complicated. It is important to teach those students making the right or at least the best decision, not just those controversial topics but also in their life.
My high school class teacher told us that not everything can be divided into two sides, or who is exactly right or wrong, I'm not talking simply just controversial stuff, many public issues also implies with this.
My teacher showed us a popular Japan drama "
Legal High" , the TV drama really shows how ugly the society can be sometimes.
I think it is important that we should know the truth, and then made the right decision. If the teacher let the students know how bad the Nazis were, the students might not pick it as their theme in the first place, but on the other hand they might still choose it because they though being evil is bad***, which is of course, not.
In response to that
Another slowbeef video.
Kickstarter had a Japanese card game based on WW2 Germany (But with Schoolgirls) fully funded and reached all its goals
So, it's not just Taiwan
Never heard about this…until now
I mean yeah there's iron cross which are a bit overboard, but I also remember one of parties in Taiwan accidentally made one of their party flags that looks like iron cross, and got tons of backlash.
If you want a more notable anime series that has reference on WWII, STRIKE WITCHES is a another example. But it references the entire WWII nations, not just Nazi Germany.
The sad thing is that the teacher warned his students that dressing up as Nazis would be a bad idea. He should have refused to let them do it, as he realized later to his regret. On another note, the Barbarossa Anime Women of the SS reminds me of Kantai Collection since that was an anime and game based on WWII that was pretty controversial also.
Yeah, my sis is a fan of that too, but Kantai Collection is not a straight up reference to WWII. It actually anime girls with battleships, which we also have that kind of game for a long time.
I mean another example can be STRIKE WITCHES, another anime series my sister likes. It includes fiction countries like Karsland which represent Nazi Germany in the real world. But again it's not a straight up link. The concept is from Nazi Germany, but they don't put notable icons there. And there are other countries as well that represent both the Allies and the Axis Powers, not solely Nazi, I'm looking at that Barbarosssa... which is a bit overboard...
more sad is some Taiwan political figure used this issue and say why Taiwan condemn this and don't really codemn KMT, and stirr up another debate, which is a terrible comparison IMO.