Dragon Ball FighterZ
First, I have to say that I love how I've had some dumbasses here and there on the internet try to claim I'm a Capcom fanboy trying to "kill hype" for the game by saying what I'm saying and revealing what I have in regards to DLC for the game, but conveniently miss all the times I criticize and **** on Capcom when and where needed.
With that laughable annoyance out of the way, the slight update on DBFZ DLC is: Broly, Base form Goku, Base form Vegeta as I've said before, but also Bardock are all going to be.
I never got back in contact with that one source who original told me of Broly and Bardock, but my two main DBFZ sources say Bardock is in alongside Broly, Base form Goku, and Base form Vegeta.
The Raditz and Zarbon source I have that I noted before is still kind of an outlier in what they know so far knowing those 2 characters, but do back up those other 4 characters mentioned, which is worth considering there that they might just know more than the other 2 that know of Broly, Base form Goku, Base form Vegeta, and Bardock.
If you're wondering "why are those characters DLC?" I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask why they were picked, because while I can completely understand Broly and Bardock, Base form Goku and Vegeta was too out there to not want to know if there's some kind of rationale behind it. The answer that I got is that it is almost solely "due to Japan" is the answer I got from one of the two sources who know about those 4.
Broly's very big in Japan and the west, so he's seen as being able to sell the pass by himself alone. Bardock is hugely popular there and in the west as well. Broly's been the most requested character by Japanese pro players in particular.
But Base form Goku and especially Base form Vegeta are to appease the Japanese fanbase as well since they've been pestering ArcSys and Bandai Namco on social media since the game was revealed due to how good, and in Base form Vegeta's case great, they were on Extreme Butoden. So it looks like more than anything, a Japanese fighting game developer is including characters to placate the Japanese fanbase. A story as old as time. You can love or hate the decision of them being chosen, but it comes down to wanting the domestic fanbase to be pleased with the roster choices, and hope that we are as well. Fortunately, we do have corresponding tastes for characters like Broly and Bardock. It's Base form Goku and Base form Vegeta that will have the Season Pass live on in some infamy among us because "we don't get it."
Last thing to note for now. There are hidden characters still left to be revealed. Android 21 is one of them. A curiosity is that "her Ultimate form is also playable" but I couldn't get confirmation if that means they'll be separate, or her transformation is an Install super.
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle
In case you didn't know, there was some bull**** fake leak that acted like I said something to them to give what they said validity that popped up on 4chan:
I shot it down when someone brought it up to me on here as a message and on gamefaqs when it was brought to my attention:
I do have SOME BBTAG info though, but none that I ever shared until now. Which is that Kanji, Naoto Shirogane, Mitsuru, Aigis, Hilda, Merkava, Taokaka, Litchi, Blake, and Yang will be part of the roster.