Mfw I finally figured out a way to beat the second map of SA4 without Lukas
Bless exact damage Brave Lance TA Clair
Oh yeah forgot to share this but I made lukas a god.
@Shishœ was right lukas is under appreciated. He literally killed 7 teams in arena back to back for me yesterday. No mages made him unstoppable. I think I’m going to merge him when I get more lukas. Here’s the stats mine reaches currently with a hp and def plus slaying lance.
Lukas is the only unit in the entire game who I can trust with a horde of enemies without any worries, as soon as I get Innes I'm pairing the two up since Innes is a Res tank so he'll cover Lukas's weaknesses nicely.
If it helps, Jeff mentioned wanting to tone down on the Dorito Pope/Razor Robot type of things in order to make the Awards seem more...prestigious, I guess?
There will probably still be a couple though, as is tradition.
Which book?
It's more than one but it doesn't matter because they're all Brazilian.
Haven't read much from other countries to be able to tell if this is a confined problem or not.
If neither classic or modern literature is considered good writing by you, then what do you consider good writing?
Tbh, I think I exaggerated with the generalisation and, as I calrified, I'm talking about my nation's literature.
I can obviously find some actually good books but most of the ones who are considered essential just make me confused as to how they got all this praise.
Classical ones mostly just follow a base structure and hardly ever deviate from it but mostly innoffensive.
But modern books have this "pretentious" air to it by adding certain metalinguistic tools or unusual writing formats.
Like, to exemplify a bit, one of these books is a repetitive and predictable story that ends without an actual closure to any plot points, which is a critic many of my literature teachers have made against it, with the only thing that sets it apart being written in a diary format.
Another has a very poor excuse for a "police novel" with a confusing timeline, constant breaks of the fourth wall for no reason, a "the author did it" cop out, and ****ing Auguste Dupin showing up.
Like, I'm pretty sure this looks like I'm just whining here but I'm serious about this. It wouldn't be a problem if these were just some more books but I'm required to read these for my entrance exams because they're considered relevant enough.
Basically, it feels like when video game devs have this whole ambitious new thing they want to try out but end up forgetting what makes people actually play games in the first place.