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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
You're lucky you even get anything out of F/GO, "a free 3* Heroic Spirit and a 4* HS/Craft Essence? Have another Robin Hood and an Imaginary Element. Oh, and a Medusa for good luck"
It doesn't help there's no reason to do single summons unless you get aticket and building up to 30 Quartzes takes a long time, so I ended up feeling kinda burned out of the game and only logged in for the bonuses.
I haven't played it once since I came back to FEH.

Still, despite my hate for its less user-friendly practices when compared to FEH, it at least has the Friend Points summon which makes that you can actually do something in the game without using quartzes. You can only get 1*/2* and very rarely 3*(it's how I got my first Robin actually) so you're still at a disadvantage but I feel like it's a good feature.
I actually wish something like that would be implemented in FEH, at least a weekly free 5 summon that can only give you 1*-3*(with 3* being obviously rarer). We also really need new 3* units because currently, getting a 3* is just a disappointment because it's stuff we've had since forever.
Or at least update the daily Hero Battles I don't need a 1* Felicia thank you very much
Yeah, it's a shame that Fate/Grand Order is less user friendly-compared to Fire Emblem Heroes, but part of that is that Fire Emblem Heroes actually differs from alot of Gacha games. Grand Order's style is similar to that of other Gacha-styled games like Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Granblue Fantasy, where the heroes you get are based around their main Star-rating and thus can be limited in their true potential, while Fire Emblem Heroes, with enough dedication, allows you to use whichever characters you want without any major disadvantages. There was something on Reddit I saw that showed the difference between most Gacha games and Fire Emblem Heroes, so I need to see if I can find that again.
You got Tamamo Caster out of a single ticket? Lucky you! I know a lot of people over at the Fate/GO reddit would be shocked to hear that, especially since a ton of the users are going nuts trying to summon her.

I've been saving up a total of 90 Saint Quartz for the Halloween Summon, and not once I did pull Tamamo Caster. I got trolled by Mephistoles and 2 5-star Craft Essences instead.

Now I have to wait a few days if I want to accumulate another 30 Saint Quartz to go for another summon, unless I can get some Tickets, but knowing my luck, I doubt those Tickets will get me anything good.

I've heard that after the Halloween event ends, there won't be another chance to summon until the London event comes out. Do you know when the London patch will come? Tamamo Caster is one of the servants I want to pull the most atm (alongside Altria Saber and Waver), so I'm curious to know how long of a wait it will be to get another chance to summon Tamamo if I don't pull her before the Halloween event ends.

Those gacha games can sure be annoying at times...
I actually got her today. Today was when I got another Summon Ticket for doing a 7-day Log-In streak, so I just decided to put it down, expecting a 3* Craft Essence than boom, Tamamo. I was just as shocked as when I got Vlad III from a ticket, whereas with Altera and Kintoki, I actually got them from a 10xSummon. Getting Vlad III and Tamamo is actually very ironic as those 2 work incredibly well together, alongside Jeanne.

Tamamo, you don't need to worry on missing out. Unlike Gilgamesh and Kintoki, Tamamo is staying. So far, it's only been Gilgamesh and Kintoki who were limited and the ones coming up who are Limited are Okita Souji and Scathach. But Tamamo isn't Limited, so even after the Event, you can still get her.

I believe London came out around Christmas time, but in America, the times are different. The Halloween Event in JP happened before Okeanos, so London could likely come before Christmas. At the very least, before London, we might get another event called GudaGuda, which has Okita and Nobunaga.

Anyway, if you're worried about Banners, I actually suggest waiting until the New Years Banner before using Quartz. Okita isn't really necessary compared to Nobunaga, who is one of the good 4* Archers and can be gotten Free like Caster Elizabeth. Scathach is also another Limited one, but the New Years Banner came shortly after.
The New Years Banner has Gilgamesh, Scathach, Kintoki, Arjuna and Karna, the latter two being permanent. Also, the Heroes from the London Event are also permanent, although Tesla and Lancer Alter need London beat to summon them. But anyway, if you want to wait for a specific Banner before using Quartz, I suggest waiting for the Banner that comes with Gilgamesh, Kintoki, Scathach, Arjuna and Karna.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
This game, I swear.

Seen it, but that's still pretty funny.

I still can't really get behind the art style of the models in FE Warriors. Everyone looks kinda plastic-y to me.


Speaking of FE, someone on SF posted an FE character sorter. took me like 2 hours to finish because I refuse to cheat and turn off specific games.

but apparently these are my top 10 FE characters:
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn

And here's the rest:
11 Cath
12 Brigid
13 Rickard
14 Caeda
15 Julian
16 Catria
17 Palla
18 Marth
19 Merric
20 Fir
21 Xane
22 Est
23 Deen
24 Mathilda
25 Leon
26 Mae
27 Gray
28 Lilina
29 Sara
30 Dean
31 Homer
32 Linoan
33 Perne
34 Mareeta
35 Salem
36 Olwen
37 Karin
38 Asbel
39 Arthur
40 Alvis
41 Orsin
42 Ced
43 Nanna
44 Leif
45 Machyua
46 Fergus
47 Treck
48 Sue
49 Saul
50 Gonzales
51 Niime
52 Narcian
53 Lena
54 Saber
55 Silque
56 Genny
57 Alm
58 Hardin
59 Horace
60 Etzel
61 Mist
62 Reyson
63 Nephenee
64 Titania
65 Miledy
66 Cecille
67 Jaffar
68 Amelia
69 Heath
70 Elincia
71 Marcia
72 Leanne
73 Astrid
74 Joshua
75 Rebecca
76 Dozla
77 Kieran
78 L'Arachel
79 Rennac
80 Bastian
81 Volke
82 Oboro
83 Draug
84 Linde
85 Hinoka
86 Takumi
87 Valbar
88 Mordecai
89 Geitz
90 Canas
91 Farina
92 Eirika
93 Cormag
94 Boyd
95 Oscar
96 Ranulf
97 Soren
97 Gatrie
99 Tanith
100 Naesala
101 Cherche
102 Anna
103 Fiora
104 Oswin
105 Lucius
106 Tanya
107 Safy
108 Shiva
109 Ryan
110 Tiki
111 Abel
112 Sheena
113 Michalis
114 Ymir
115 Midia
116 Roger
117 Jeorge
118 Malice
119 Matthew
120 Lyn
121 Florina
122 Hector
123 Eliwood
124 Sigrun
125 Tibarn
126 Sanaki
127 Janaff
128 Ulki
129 Effie
130 Ethlyn
131 Ayra
132 Edain
133 Conrad
134 Atlas
135 Jesse
136 Lex
137 Azel
138 Priscilla
138 Sakura
140 Duessel
140 Tauroneo
142 Dart
143 Reina
144 Hana
145 Myrrh
146 Knoll
147 Muarim
148 Nils
149 Erk
150 Rath
151 Tormod
152 Sothe
153 Tatiana
154 Noah
155 August
156 Saias
157 Galzus
158 Amalda
159 Shanna
160 Clarine
161 Roy
162 Geese
163 Tate
164 Dieck
165 Klein
166 Douglas
167 Igrene
168 Fae
169 Hugh
170 Perceval
171 Echidna
172 Elphin
173 Cecilia
174 Leo
175 Elise
176 Rinkah
177 Xavier
178 Sigurd
179 Arlen
180 Radd
181 Cain
182 Norne
183 Navarre
184 Castor
185 Ogma
186 Wendell
187 Phina
188 Astore
189 Barst
190 Yumina
191 Erinys
192 Kent
192 Seth
194 Sain
195 Dorcas
196 Lucia
197 Karla
198 Ephraim
199 Tana
200 Innes
201 Marisa
202 Tobin
202 Celica
204 Kliff
204 Boey
206 Lewyn
207 Lachesis
208 Tailtiu
209 Sylvia
210 Kamui
210 Sonya
212 Ike
213 Calill
213 Largo
215 Rolf
215 Lethe
217 Shinon
218 Rhys
219 Nolan
220 Edward
221 Stefan
222 Gregor
223 Say'ri
224 Lucina
225 Nah
226 Brady
227 Halvan
227 Fred
229 Maria
230 Jagen
231 Lorenz
232 Clarisse
233 Lukas
234 Forsyth
235 Clive
236 Marty
237 Lara
238 Nyna
238 Elice
240 Raigh
240 Sophia
242 Gale
243 Lalum
244 Juno
245 Karel
246 Gwendolyn
246 Ogier
248 Shin
249 Raven
249 Forde
251 Natasha
252 Garcia
253 Neimi
254 Ross
255 Vanessa
256 Nasir
257 Legault
257 Ninian
259 Harken
260 Pent
261 Isadora
262 Lute
263 Artur
264 Gerik
265 Lloyd
265 Linus
267 Beruka
268 Zihark
268 Nailah
268 Rafiel
268 Zelgius
272 Micaiah
273 Lyon
274 Kurthnaga
275 Ena
276 Caineghis
277 Niles
278 Geoffrey
279 Fargus
279 Brom
281 Heather
282 Nealuchi
283 Volug
283 Vika
283 Danved
286 Hawkeye
286 Louise
288 Glen
289 Valter
290 Saleh
291 Tethys
291 Ewan
291 Syrene
291 Caellach
295 Brighton
296 Guy
297 Dagdar
298 Fee
299 Julia
300 Diarmuid
300 Lester
300 Ares
303 Sleuf
304 Garret
305 Idoun
306 Franz
307 Sully
308 Frederick
309 Libra
310 Noire
311 Cynthia
312 Olivia
313 Henry
314 Petrine
315 Yubello
316 Samto
317 Roshea
318 Wolf
319 Samson
320 Astram
321 Katarina
322 Bantu
323 Luthier
323 Quan
325 Deirdre
326 Jamke
327 Midayle
328 Dew
328 Claud
330 Noish
331 Arden
332 Arran
333 Roderick
334 Luke
335 Athena
336 Jake
337 Dice
338 Alec
339 Greil
340 Sephiran
340 Dheginsea
342 Ashnard
343 Kjelle
343 Gerome
345 Kagero
346 Scarlet
347 Xander
348 Inigo
349 Lissa
349 Virion
349 Stahl
349 Miriel
349 Sumia
349 Kellam
349 Donnel
349 Lon'qu
349 Ricken
349 Maribelle
349 Gaius
349 Panne
349 Cordelia
349 Nowi
349 Morgan
349 Laurent
365 Owain
366 Subaki
367 Setsuna
367 Hinata
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn
367 Arthur
370 Shura
371 Mozu
371 Ryoma
373 Felicia
373 Jakob
373 Silas
373 Kaze
373 Saizo
373 Azama
379 Dorias
379 Dorothy
379 Bartre
382 Allen
382 Lance
384 Rutger
385 Zelot
386 Marcus
387 Chad
387 Lugh
389 Selfina
389 Glade
391 Carrion
392 Tina
393 Lifis
394 Miranda
394 Conomore
396 Ellen
397 Shanam
398 Gangrel
398 Aversa
398 Walhart
398 Corrin
398 Azura
398 Hayato
398 Kaden
398 Orochi
398 Camilla
398 Peri
398 Benny
398 Keaton
398 Gunter
398 Yukimura
398 Izana
398 Kana
398 Shigure
398 Dwyer
398 Sophie
398 Midori
398 Shiro
398 Kiragi
398 Asugi
398 Selkie
398 Mitama
398 Caeldori
398 Rhajat
398 Siegbert
398 Percy
427 Mycen
428 Athos
428 Basilio
428 Flavia
431 Leila
432 Kyle
433 Travant
434 Seliph
435 Larcei
436 Ulster
437 Lana
438 Patty
439 Shanan
440 Johan
440 Johalva
442 Altena
443 Hannibal
444 Febail
445 Lene
445 Tinny
447 Gordin
448 Wolt
448 Brunya
448 Murdock
451 Zephiel
451 Guinevere
453 Eldigan
453 Areone
455 Bors
456 Reinhardt
457 Skrimir
457 Pelleas
457 Renning
457 Giffca
461 Colm
462 Meg
463 Wil
464 Lowen
465 Wallace
466 Serra
467 Leonardo
467 Laura
467 Aran
467 Priam
467 Severa
467 Yarne
473 Gilliam
473 Moulder
475 Sedgar
476 Chulainn
476 Beowolf
478 Beck
479 Frey
480 Nagi
481 Marisha
481 Wrys
483 Cord
483 Bord
485 Brendan
486 Robin
486 Chrom
486 Vaike
489 Raydrik
489 Zeiss
489 Dayan
489 Yodel
493 Oifey
494 Coirpre
494 Ronan
494 Hicks
494 Eda
498 Dalsin
498 Misha
500 Merlinus
500 Wade
500 Lott
503 Nomah
504 Tomas
505 Izuka
505 Ashera
505 Emmeryn
508 Vaida
509 Renault
510 Orson
511 Gareth
512 Barthe
513 Kein
513 Alva
513 Robert
513 Ismaire
513 Selena
513 Ilyana
513 Fiona
513 Lyre
513 Kyza
522 Ralph
523 Ishtar
524 Julius
525 Faye
525 Rinea
525 Jedah
525 Mila
529 Gotoh
530 Legion
531 Warren
531 Matthis
531 Boah
531 Rudolf
535 Darros
535 Roberto
535 Belf
535 Reiden
539 Caesar
539 Berkut
541 Dolph
541 Macellan
543 Vyland
544 Jahn
544 Ursula
544 Sonia
544 Limstella
544 Nergal
549 Blume
550 Frost
550 Gharnef
550 Medeus
553 Troude
553 Eyrios
555 Makalov
555 Almedha
557 Kris
558 Riev
559 Manfroy
559 Hilda
559 Veld
562 Oliver
562 Tharja
562 Validar
562 Yen'fay
562 Nyx
562 Flora
562 Fuga
562 Hisame
562 Forrest
562 Ignatius
562 Velouria
562 Ophelia
562 Nina
562 Soleil
562 Mikoto
562 Garon
578 Charlotte


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Seen it, but that's still pretty funny.

I still can't really get behind the art style of the models in FE Warriors. Everyone looks kinda plastic-y to me.


Speaking of FE, someone on SF posted an FE character sorter. took me like 2 hours to finish because I refuse to cheat and turn off specific games.

but apparently these are my top 10 FE characters:
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn

And here's the rest:
11 Cath
12 Brigid
13 Rickard
14 Caeda
15 Julian
16 Catria
17 Palla
18 Marth
19 Merric
20 Fir
21 Xane
22 Est
23 Deen
24 Mathilda
25 Leon
26 Mae
27 Gray
28 Lilina
29 Sara
30 Dean
31 Homer
32 Linoan
33 Perne
34 Mareeta
35 Salem
36 Olwen
37 Karin
38 Asbel
39 Arthur
40 Alvis
41 Orsin
42 Ced
43 Nanna
44 Leif
45 Machyua
46 Fergus
47 Treck
48 Sue
49 Saul
50 Gonzales
51 Niime
52 Narcian
53 Lena
54 Saber
55 Silque
56 Genny
57 Alm
58 Hardin
59 Horace
60 Etzel
61 Mist
62 Reyson
63 Nephenee
64 Titania
65 Miledy
66 Cecille
67 Jaffar
68 Amelia
69 Heath
70 Elincia
71 Marcia
72 Leanne
73 Astrid
74 Joshua
75 Rebecca
76 Dozla
77 Kieran
78 L'Arachel
79 Rennac
80 Bastian
81 Volke
82 Oboro
83 Draug
84 Linde
85 Hinoka
86 Takumi
87 Valbar
88 Mordecai
89 Geitz
90 Canas
91 Farina
92 Eirika
93 Cormag
94 Boyd
95 Oscar
96 Ranulf
97 Soren
97 Gatrie
99 Tanith
100 Naesala
101 Cherche
102 Anna
103 Fiora
104 Oswin
105 Lucius
106 Tanya
107 Safy
108 Shiva
109 Ryan
110 Tiki
111 Abel
112 Sheena
113 Michalis
114 Ymir
115 Midia
116 Roger
117 Jeorge
118 Malice
119 Matthew
120 Lyn
121 Florina
122 Hector
123 Eliwood
124 Sigrun
125 Tibarn
126 Sanaki
127 Janaff
128 Ulki
129 Effie
130 Ethlyn
131 Ayra
132 Edain
133 Conrad
134 Atlas
135 Jesse
136 Lex
137 Azel
138 Priscilla
138 Sakura
140 Duessel
140 Tauroneo
142 Dart
143 Reina
144 Hana
145 Myrrh
146 Knoll
147 Muarim
148 Nils
149 Erk
150 Rath
151 Tormod
152 Sothe
153 Tatiana
154 Noah
155 August
156 Saias
157 Galzus
158 Amalda
159 Shanna
160 Clarine
161 Roy
162 Geese
163 Tate
164 Dieck
165 Klein
166 Douglas
167 Igrene
168 Fae
169 Hugh
170 Perceval
171 Echidna
172 Elphin
173 Cecilia
174 Leo
175 Elise
176 Rinkah
177 Xavier
178 Sigurd
179 Arlen
180 Radd
181 Cain
182 Norne
183 Navarre
184 Castor
185 Ogma
186 Wendell
187 Phina
188 Astore
189 Barst
190 Yumina
191 Erinys
192 Kent
192 Seth
194 Sain
195 Dorcas
196 Lucia
197 Karla
198 Ephraim
199 Tana
200 Innes
201 Marisa
202 Tobin
202 Celica
204 Kliff
204 Boey
206 Lewyn
207 Lachesis
208 Tailtiu
209 Sylvia
210 Kamui
210 Sonya
212 Ike
213 Calill
213 Largo
215 Rolf
215 Lethe
217 Shinon
218 Rhys
219 Nolan
220 Edward
221 Stefan
222 Gregor
223 Say'ri
224 Lucina
225 Nah
226 Brady
227 Halvan
227 Fred
229 Maria
230 Jagen
231 Lorenz
232 Clarisse
233 Lukas
234 Forsyth
235 Clive
236 Marty
237 Lara
238 Nyna
238 Elice
240 Raigh
240 Sophia
242 Gale
243 Lalum
244 Juno
245 Karel
246 Gwendolyn
246 Ogier
248 Shin
249 Raven
249 Forde
251 Natasha
252 Garcia
253 Neimi
254 Ross
255 Vanessa
256 Nasir
257 Legault
257 Ninian
259 Harken
260 Pent
261 Isadora
262 Lute
263 Artur
264 Gerik
265 Lloyd
265 Linus
267 Beruka
268 Zihark
268 Nailah
268 Rafiel
268 Zelgius
272 Micaiah
273 Lyon
274 Kurthnaga
275 Ena
276 Caineghis
277 Niles
278 Geoffrey
279 Fargus
279 Brom
281 Heather
282 Nealuchi
283 Volug
283 Vika
283 Danved
286 Hawkeye
286 Louise
288 Glen
289 Valter
290 Saleh
291 Tethys
291 Ewan
291 Syrene
291 Caellach
295 Brighton
296 Guy
297 Dagdar
298 Fee
299 Julia
300 Diarmuid
300 Lester
300 Ares
303 Sleuf
304 Garret
305 Idoun
306 Franz
307 Sully
308 Frederick
309 Libra
310 Noire
311 Cynthia
312 Olivia
313 Henry
314 Petrine
315 Yubello
316 Samto
317 Roshea
318 Wolf
319 Samson
320 Astram
321 Katarina
322 Bantu
323 Luthier
323 Quan
325 Deirdre
326 Jamke
327 Midayle
328 Dew
328 Claud
330 Noish
331 Arden
332 Arran
333 Roderick
334 Luke
335 Athena
336 Jake
337 Dice
338 Alec
339 Greil
340 Sephiran
340 Dheginsea
342 Ashnard
343 Kjelle
343 Gerome
345 Kagero
346 Scarlet
347 Xander
348 Inigo
349 Lissa
349 Virion
349 Stahl
349 Miriel
349 Sumia
349 Kellam
349 Donnel
349 Lon'qu
349 Ricken
349 Maribelle
349 Gaius
349 Panne
349 Cordelia
349 Nowi
349 Morgan
349 Laurent
365 Owain
366 Subaki
367 Setsuna
367 Hinata
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn
367 Arthur
370 Shura
371 Mozu
371 Ryoma
373 Felicia
373 Jakob
373 Silas
373 Kaze
373 Saizo
373 Azama
379 Dorias
379 Dorothy
379 Bartre
382 Allen
382 Lance
384 Rutger
385 Zelot
386 Marcus
387 Chad
387 Lugh
389 Selfina
389 Glade
391 Carrion
392 Tina
393 Lifis
394 Miranda
394 Conomore
396 Ellen
397 Shanam
398 Gangrel
398 Aversa
398 Walhart
398 Corrin
398 Azura
398 Hayato
398 Kaden
398 Orochi
398 Camilla
398 Peri
398 Benny
398 Keaton
398 Gunter
398 Yukimura
398 Izana
398 Kana
398 Shigure
398 Dwyer
398 Sophie
398 Midori
398 Shiro
398 Kiragi
398 Asugi
398 Selkie
398 Mitama
398 Caeldori
398 Rhajat
398 Siegbert
398 Percy
427 Mycen
428 Athos
428 Basilio
428 Flavia
431 Leila
432 Kyle
433 Travant
434 Seliph
435 Larcei
436 Ulster
437 Lana
438 Patty
439 Shanan
440 Johan
440 Johalva
442 Altena
443 Hannibal
444 Febail
445 Lene
445 Tinny
447 Gordin
448 Wolt
448 Brunya
448 Murdock
451 Zephiel
451 Guinevere
453 Eldigan
453 Areone
455 Bors
456 Reinhardt
457 Skrimir
457 Pelleas
457 Renning
457 Giffca
461 Colm
462 Meg
463 Wil
464 Lowen
465 Wallace
466 Serra
467 Leonardo
467 Laura
467 Aran
467 Priam
467 Severa
467 Yarne
473 Gilliam
473 Moulder
475 Sedgar
476 Chulainn
476 Beowolf
478 Beck
479 Frey
480 Nagi
481 Marisha
481 Wrys
483 Cord
483 Bord
485 Brendan
486 Robin
486 Chrom
486 Vaike
489 Raydrik
489 Zeiss
489 Dayan
489 Yodel
493 Oifey
494 Coirpre
494 Ronan
494 Hicks
494 Eda
498 Dalsin
498 Misha
500 Merlinus
500 Wade
500 Lott
503 Nomah
504 Tomas
505 Izuka
505 Ashera
505 Emmeryn
508 Vaida
509 Renault
510 Orson
511 Gareth
512 Barthe
513 Kein
513 Alva
513 Robert
513 Ismaire
513 Selena
513 Ilyana
513 Fiona
513 Lyre
513 Kyza
522 Ralph
523 Ishtar
524 Julius
525 Faye
525 Rinea
525 Jedah
525 Mila
529 Gotoh
530 Legion
531 Warren
531 Matthis
531 Boah
531 Rudolf
535 Darros
535 Roberto
535 Belf
535 Reiden
539 Caesar
539 Berkut
541 Dolph
541 Macellan
543 Vyland
544 Jahn
544 Ursula
544 Sonia
544 Limstella
544 Nergal
549 Blume
550 Frost
550 Gharnef
550 Medeus
553 Troude
553 Eyrios
555 Makalov
555 Almedha
557 Kris
558 Riev
559 Manfroy
559 Hilda
559 Veld
562 Oliver
562 Tharja
562 Validar
562 Yen'fay
562 Nyx
562 Flora
562 Fuga
562 Hisame
562 Forrest
562 Ignatius
562 Velouria
562 Ophelia
562 Nina
562 Soleil
562 Mikoto
562 Garon
578 Charlotte
Decided to try this as well, though it's limited to only Fates and SoV since that's all I've actually played.

I really like some other characters such as Marth, Ike, and Robin but haven't played their source games so I didn't include them.

I had to take screenshots because copy paste did not work on my phone here.



A lot of characters got placed kind of randomly, especially regarding the Fates cast since I haven't even interacted with many of them yet. Leo and Elise should be in the 10 group though, dunno how they got so low. Maybe Lukas and Clive too.

I would say 10 and above is pretty rock solid though. Also Peri, Garon, Celica, and Azura being my least favourites is pretty much exactly accurate.

This match-up tho, lol, never pressed tie so fast.

Last edited:


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I’m working on my live action Sailor Moon movie series.

The min girls are fairly easy to decide who would portray them, but the outer senshi are difficult since I only know 4 young japanese actresses.

Also unlike all the other movies based off animes/mangas in this every person that appears on screen will be asian. Characters like Luna, Artemis and Diana would be voiced by whomever... I mean I’d probably pick myself to voice Artemis.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
I can't believe that a legit outbreak of Viral Meningitis resulted in one of the best PPVs of the year.

-Emma didn't jobbed, but Asuka never looked weak despite the sick bumps she took. Pretty solid.
-The Cruiserweights tag match was hype. Dat Headtbutt.
-Mickie and Alexa Reigns put a nice spank technical match just to end with the ****ty Alexa DDT as usual.
-Enzo works way better as a heel and "Kalisto killed Harambe"
-AJ and Finn put a ****in clinic, and the best part is that no Bray/Abigail BS interrupted it. Brutal af Coup de Grace. Match of the Night, it deserved to be longer. TOO SWEET
-Jason throwing vegetables to Elias was more interesting than the match itself.

-The TLC went from a cool carnage to total cluster**** to Strowman ****ing dying.
-Dean vs The No Selling Tables was lit
-Vote for Kane or chairs will rain on you
-"THAT WAS MURDER" chants as Cesaro shrugs
-A 5-Star ****in mess.

Great PPV that reminded me that Kurt is a National Treasure.
Last edited:


She who makes bad posts
Jan 25, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
what if Link tried to pull the Master Sword from the stone but then the stone got ripped out of the ground so then he's just bludgeoning enemies with the stone at the end of his sword


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Frederick is now Level 35. This joke has gone too far.

But that's not the important part right now. :4robinf: GET!

Apparently the explanation is that they manage to snap the original timeline Robin out of it?

Well now to practice. I wonder if I should go back to the map and. . .

Oh. Oh golly. Well that's a lot to take in. Guess there's some content here I'm not doing for a long time.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Seen it, but that's still pretty funny.

I still can't really get behind the art style of the models in FE Warriors. Everyone looks kinda plastic-y to me.


Speaking of FE, someone on SF posted an FE character sorter. took me like 2 hours to finish because I refuse to cheat and turn off specific games.

but apparently these are my top 10 FE characters:
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn

And here's the rest:
11 Cath
12 Brigid
13 Rickard
14 Caeda
15 Julian
16 Catria
17 Palla
18 Marth
19 Merric
20 Fir
21 Xane
22 Est
23 Deen
24 Mathilda
25 Leon
26 Mae
27 Gray
28 Lilina
29 Sara
30 Dean
31 Homer
32 Linoan
33 Perne
34 Mareeta
35 Salem
36 Olwen
37 Karin
38 Asbel
39 Arthur
40 Alvis
41 Orsin
42 Ced
43 Nanna
44 Leif
45 Machyua
46 Fergus
47 Treck
48 Sue
49 Saul
50 Gonzales
51 Niime
52 Narcian
53 Lena
54 Saber
55 Silque
56 Genny
57 Alm
58 Hardin
59 Horace
60 Etzel
61 Mist
62 Reyson
63 Nephenee
64 Titania
65 Miledy
66 Cecille
67 Jaffar
68 Amelia
69 Heath
70 Elincia
71 Marcia
72 Leanne
73 Astrid
74 Joshua
75 Rebecca
76 Dozla
77 Kieran
78 L'Arachel
79 Rennac
80 Bastian
81 Volke
82 Oboro
83 Draug
84 Linde
85 Hinoka
86 Takumi
87 Valbar
88 Mordecai
89 Geitz
90 Canas
91 Farina
92 Eirika
93 Cormag
94 Boyd
95 Oscar
96 Ranulf
97 Soren
97 Gatrie
99 Tanith
100 Naesala
101 Cherche
102 Anna
103 Fiora
104 Oswin
105 Lucius
106 Tanya
107 Safy
108 Shiva
109 Ryan
110 Tiki
111 Abel
112 Sheena
113 Michalis
114 Ymir
115 Midia
116 Roger
117 Jeorge
118 Malice
119 Matthew
120 Lyn
121 Florina
122 Hector
123 Eliwood
124 Sigrun
125 Tibarn
126 Sanaki
127 Janaff
128 Ulki
129 Effie
130 Ethlyn
131 Ayra
132 Edain
133 Conrad
134 Atlas
135 Jesse
136 Lex
137 Azel
138 Priscilla
138 Sakura
140 Duessel
140 Tauroneo
142 Dart
143 Reina
144 Hana
145 Myrrh
146 Knoll
147 Muarim
148 Nils
149 Erk
150 Rath
151 Tormod
152 Sothe
153 Tatiana
154 Noah
155 August
156 Saias
157 Galzus
158 Amalda
159 Shanna
160 Clarine
161 Roy
162 Geese
163 Tate
164 Dieck
165 Klein
166 Douglas
167 Igrene
168 Fae
169 Hugh
170 Perceval
171 Echidna
172 Elphin
173 Cecilia
174 Leo
175 Elise
176 Rinkah
177 Xavier
178 Sigurd
179 Arlen
180 Radd
181 Cain
182 Norne
183 Navarre
184 Castor
185 Ogma
186 Wendell
187 Phina
188 Astore
189 Barst
190 Yumina
191 Erinys
192 Kent
192 Seth
194 Sain
195 Dorcas
196 Lucia
197 Karla
198 Ephraim
199 Tana
200 Innes
201 Marisa
202 Tobin
202 Celica
204 Kliff
204 Boey
206 Lewyn
207 Lachesis
208 Tailtiu
209 Sylvia
210 Kamui
210 Sonya
212 Ike
213 Calill
213 Largo
215 Rolf
215 Lethe
217 Shinon
218 Rhys
219 Nolan
220 Edward
221 Stefan
222 Gregor
223 Say'ri
224 Lucina
225 Nah
226 Brady
227 Halvan
227 Fred
229 Maria
230 Jagen
231 Lorenz
232 Clarisse
233 Lukas
234 Forsyth
235 Clive
236 Marty
237 Lara
238 Nyna
238 Elice
240 Raigh
240 Sophia
242 Gale
243 Lalum
244 Juno
245 Karel
246 Gwendolyn
246 Ogier
248 Shin
249 Raven
249 Forde
251 Natasha
252 Garcia
253 Neimi
254 Ross
255 Vanessa
256 Nasir
257 Legault
257 Ninian
259 Harken
260 Pent
261 Isadora
262 Lute
263 Artur
264 Gerik
265 Lloyd
265 Linus
267 Beruka
268 Zihark
268 Nailah
268 Rafiel
268 Zelgius
272 Micaiah
273 Lyon
274 Kurthnaga
275 Ena
276 Caineghis
277 Niles
278 Geoffrey
279 Fargus
279 Brom
281 Heather
282 Nealuchi
283 Volug
283 Vika
283 Danved
286 Hawkeye
286 Louise
288 Glen
289 Valter
290 Saleh
291 Tethys
291 Ewan
291 Syrene
291 Caellach
295 Brighton
296 Guy
297 Dagdar
298 Fee
299 Julia
300 Diarmuid
300 Lester
300 Ares
303 Sleuf
304 Garret
305 Idoun
306 Franz
307 Sully
308 Frederick
309 Libra
310 Noire
311 Cynthia
312 Olivia
313 Henry
314 Petrine
315 Yubello
316 Samto
317 Roshea
318 Wolf
319 Samson
320 Astram
321 Katarina
322 Bantu
323 Luthier
323 Quan
325 Deirdre
326 Jamke
327 Midayle
328 Dew
328 Claud
330 Noish
331 Arden
332 Arran
333 Roderick
334 Luke
335 Athena
336 Jake
337 Dice
338 Alec
339 Greil
340 Sephiran
340 Dheginsea
342 Ashnard
343 Kjelle
343 Gerome
345 Kagero
346 Scarlet
347 Xander
348 Inigo
349 Lissa
349 Virion
349 Stahl
349 Miriel
349 Sumia
349 Kellam
349 Donnel
349 Lon'qu
349 Ricken
349 Maribelle
349 Gaius
349 Panne
349 Cordelia
349 Nowi
349 Morgan
349 Laurent
365 Owain
366 Subaki
367 Setsuna
367 Hinata
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn
367 Arthur
370 Shura
371 Mozu
371 Ryoma
373 Felicia
373 Jakob
373 Silas
373 Kaze
373 Saizo
373 Azama
379 Dorias
379 Dorothy
379 Bartre
382 Allen
382 Lance
384 Rutger
385 Zelot
386 Marcus
387 Chad
387 Lugh
389 Selfina
389 Glade
391 Carrion
392 Tina
393 Lifis
394 Miranda
394 Conomore
396 Ellen
397 Shanam
398 Gangrel
398 Aversa
398 Walhart
398 Corrin
398 Azura
398 Hayato
398 Kaden
398 Orochi
398 Camilla
398 Peri
398 Benny
398 Keaton
398 Gunter
398 Yukimura
398 Izana
398 Kana
398 Shigure
398 Dwyer
398 Sophie
398 Midori
398 Shiro
398 Kiragi
398 Asugi
398 Selkie
398 Mitama
398 Caeldori
398 Rhajat
398 Siegbert
398 Percy
427 Mycen
428 Athos
428 Basilio
428 Flavia
431 Leila
432 Kyle
433 Travant
434 Seliph
435 Larcei
436 Ulster
437 Lana
438 Patty
439 Shanan
440 Johan
440 Johalva
442 Altena
443 Hannibal
444 Febail
445 Lene
445 Tinny
447 Gordin
448 Wolt
448 Brunya
448 Murdock
451 Zephiel
451 Guinevere
453 Eldigan
453 Areone
455 Bors
456 Reinhardt
457 Skrimir
457 Pelleas
457 Renning
457 Giffca
461 Colm
462 Meg
463 Wil
464 Lowen
465 Wallace
466 Serra
467 Leonardo
467 Laura
467 Aran
467 Priam
467 Severa
467 Yarne
473 Gilliam
473 Moulder
475 Sedgar
476 Chulainn
476 Beowolf
478 Beck
479 Frey
480 Nagi
481 Marisha
481 Wrys
483 Cord
483 Bord
485 Brendan
486 Robin
486 Chrom
486 Vaike
489 Raydrik
489 Zeiss
489 Dayan
489 Yodel
493 Oifey
494 Coirpre
494 Ronan
494 Hicks
494 Eda
498 Dalsin
498 Misha
500 Merlinus
500 Wade
500 Lott
503 Nomah
504 Tomas
505 Izuka
505 Ashera
505 Emmeryn
508 Vaida
509 Renault
510 Orson
511 Gareth
512 Barthe
513 Kein
513 Alva
513 Robert
513 Ismaire
513 Selena
513 Ilyana
513 Fiona
513 Lyre
513 Kyza
522 Ralph
523 Ishtar
524 Julius
525 Faye
525 Rinea
525 Jedah
525 Mila
529 Gotoh
530 Legion
531 Warren
531 Matthis
531 Boah
531 Rudolf
535 Darros
535 Roberto
535 Belf
535 Reiden
539 Caesar
539 Berkut
541 Dolph
541 Macellan
543 Vyland
544 Jahn
544 Ursula
544 Sonia
544 Limstella
544 Nergal
549 Blume
550 Frost
550 Gharnef
550 Medeus
553 Troude
553 Eyrios
555 Makalov
555 Almedha
557 Kris
558 Riev
559 Manfroy
559 Hilda
559 Veld
562 Oliver
562 Tharja
562 Validar
562 Yen'fay
562 Nyx
562 Flora
562 Fuga
562 Hisame
562 Forrest
562 Ignatius
562 Velouria
562 Ophelia
562 Nina
562 Soleil
562 Mikoto
562 Garon
578 Charlotte
Those sorters dont work for me. I just come up with no posts or something on phone

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
*insert joke about sonic lost world being my favorite mario galaxy sequel here*
real talk tho i was going to say sonic lsot galaxy but that only made me think of this
Very nice. But have you heard the OST version? Only one that makes rap work with Power Rangers well.



Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
But that's not the important part right now. :4robinf: GET!

Apparently the explanation is that they manage to snap the original timeline Robin out of it?
I have Several Questions...

How exactly do you change someone's gender in the past of the original timeline? I could understand alternate timeline, but when you are in the past of the original timeline? I mean, what would happen if Lucina was Robin's daughter? Only to go back in time to find your mother is now a guy? What kind of paradox happened to cause that? Is there even such a paradox?
Last edited:


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I have Several Questions...

How exactly do you change someone's gender in the past of the original timeline? I could understand alternate timeline, but when you are in the past of the original timeline? I mean, what would happen if Lucina was Robin's daughter? Only to go back in time to find your mother is now a guy? What kind of paradox happened to cause that? Is there even such a paradox?
Well I'm pretty sure Awakening works under the assumption that each timeline is a separate dimension or. . .SOMETHING, so I'm gonna go with "the time travel was dimension hopping all along."

Doesn't make the obvious Lucina question any less valid or odd, though.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I'm gonna try and avoid Super Mario Odyssey Spoilers myself. I'd rather dive into the experience blind like I did with Breath of the Wild, but from what it seems, they've brought back someone pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing who that could be when I get the game. But as to how much I'll play of it? Probably not a lot until I'm properly on study vacation. I've still got several assignments and homework commitments to go, but here's to a successful launch.


Torpid Dragon
Nov 29, 2015
I'm gonna try and avoid Super Mario Odyssey Spoilers myself. I'd rather dive into the experience blind like I did with Breath of the Wild, but from what it seems, they've brought back someone pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing who that could be when I get the game. But as to how much I'll play of it? Probably not a lot until I'm properly on study vacation. I've still got several assignments and homework commitments to go, but here's to a successful launch.
What's your undergraduate major if I may ask?

Edit: Nevermind this question, since you just said you're gonna low-ley study grind.
Last edited:

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I only would bother to come across spoilers either by reading a Tropes page or watching a playthrough. I try to avoid the former. Latter still lets me experience the story in a proper manner. Albeit, it's not as interesting as playing it first, but then again, I suck at video games, so... yeah.


Hell’s Worst Nightmare
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
No overly spoilery talk please. HOWEVER for those of you who don't care to be spoiled senseless, does any other kingdoms have other popular Mario characters in them?

Like, is Sarasaland a thing, is DK in NDC, is Rosalina present at all? Like I said I don't want to be entirely spoiled. I just want to know these little things. If other big name Mario characters make an appearance. These things would get me even more excited.
Last edited:

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
No overly spoilery talk please. HOWEVER for those of you who don't care to be spoiled senseless, does any other kingdoms have other popular Mario characters in them?

Like, is Sarasaland a thing, is DK in NDC, is Rosalina present at all? Like I said I don't want to be entirely spoiled. I just want to know these little things. If other big name Mario characters make an appearance. These things would get me even more excited.
I've seen some minor Mario characters and evidence of two major ones that haven't appeared yet.

And by minor, I do mean minor.

I mean one of them is gosh darn



Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Im gonna dedicate a day just to nosedive into SMO Spoilers.
Speaking of spoilers, Nintendo (as expected) is taking down many videos because they got posted before release date.

YouTube feels safe... for now.

Deleted member

Personally, I'm hoping they add a feature where you can purchase 1-Star versions of characters you have filled into the Hero Catalog so you can get duplicates for merging more easily. I was hoping this would be the purpose of Sacred Coins, actually. Unless a character repeatedly comes back as a focus unit and you save your Orbs for them, there is no "smart" way to go about getting duplicates for merging. And since they refuse to add new units to the 3-Star pool, that makes it even worse.

I'd also like to have some way to just summon ONLY for a specific colour. Maybe they could do this as part of the 1st year Anniversary celebrations, and give us four separate banners that only give characters of a specific colour. Call them "Beginner" banners or something. They don't even need to have specific focus units for it, I'd just like some reliable way to get characters of a specific colour.

Speaking of the 1st Anniversary event, I might actually start saving my Orbs for that from now on. Gacha games always do something big for the 1st Anniversary.
I've heard some people predicting that they'll give out Veronica and the masked man on the 1st year anniversary.
I wouldn't be surprised as the story seem tp be going to take out the focus from them and go to whatever Loki is up too, maybe with some new boss OCs as well.
Seen it, but that's still pretty funny.

I still can't really get behind the art style of the models in FE Warriors. Everyone looks kinda plastic-y to me.


Speaking of FE, someone on SF posted an FE character sorter. took me like 2 hours to finish because I refuse to cheat and turn off specific games.

but apparently these are my top 10 FE characters:
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn

And here's the rest:
11 Cath
12 Brigid
13 Rickard
14 Caeda
15 Julian
16 Catria
17 Palla
18 Marth
19 Merric
20 Fir
21 Xane
22 Est
23 Deen
24 Mathilda
25 Leon
26 Mae
27 Gray
28 Lilina
29 Sara
30 Dean
31 Homer
32 Linoan
33 Perne
34 Mareeta
35 Salem
36 Olwen
37 Karin
38 Asbel
39 Arthur
40 Alvis
41 Orsin
42 Ced
43 Nanna
44 Leif
45 Machyua
46 Fergus
47 Treck
48 Sue
49 Saul
50 Gonzales
51 Niime
52 Narcian
53 Lena
54 Saber
55 Silque
56 Genny
57 Alm
58 Hardin
59 Horace
60 Etzel
61 Mist
62 Reyson
63 Nephenee
64 Titania
65 Miledy
66 Cecille
67 Jaffar
68 Amelia
69 Heath
70 Elincia
71 Marcia
72 Leanne
73 Astrid
74 Joshua
75 Rebecca
76 Dozla
77 Kieran
78 L'Arachel
79 Rennac
80 Bastian
81 Volke
82 Oboro
83 Draug
84 Linde
85 Hinoka
86 Takumi
87 Valbar
88 Mordecai
89 Geitz
90 Canas
91 Farina
92 Eirika
93 Cormag
94 Boyd
95 Oscar
96 Ranulf
97 Soren
97 Gatrie
99 Tanith
100 Naesala
101 Cherche
102 Anna
103 Fiora
104 Oswin
105 Lucius
106 Tanya
107 Safy
108 Shiva
109 Ryan
110 Tiki
111 Abel
112 Sheena
113 Michalis
114 Ymir
115 Midia
116 Roger
117 Jeorge
118 Malice
119 Matthew
120 Lyn
121 Florina
122 Hector
123 Eliwood
124 Sigrun
125 Tibarn
126 Sanaki
127 Janaff
128 Ulki
129 Effie
130 Ethlyn
131 Ayra
132 Edain
133 Conrad
134 Atlas
135 Jesse
136 Lex
137 Azel
138 Priscilla
138 Sakura
140 Duessel
140 Tauroneo
142 Dart
143 Reina
144 Hana
145 Myrrh
146 Knoll
147 Muarim
148 Nils
149 Erk
150 Rath
151 Tormod
152 Sothe
153 Tatiana
154 Noah
155 August
156 Saias
157 Galzus
158 Amalda
159 Shanna
160 Clarine
161 Roy
162 Geese
163 Tate
164 Dieck
165 Klein
166 Douglas
167 Igrene
168 Fae
169 Hugh
170 Perceval
171 Echidna
172 Elphin
173 Cecilia
174 Leo
175 Elise
176 Rinkah
177 Xavier
178 Sigurd
179 Arlen
180 Radd
181 Cain
182 Norne
183 Navarre
184 Castor
185 Ogma
186 Wendell
187 Phina
188 Astore
189 Barst
190 Yumina
191 Erinys
192 Kent
192 Seth
194 Sain
195 Dorcas
196 Lucia
197 Karla
198 Ephraim
199 Tana
200 Innes
201 Marisa
202 Tobin
202 Celica
204 Kliff
204 Boey
206 Lewyn
207 Lachesis
208 Tailtiu
209 Sylvia
210 Kamui
210 Sonya
212 Ike
213 Calill
213 Largo
215 Rolf
215 Lethe
217 Shinon
218 Rhys
219 Nolan
220 Edward
221 Stefan
222 Gregor
223 Say'ri
224 Lucina
225 Nah
226 Brady
227 Halvan
227 Fred
229 Maria
230 Jagen
231 Lorenz
232 Clarisse
233 Lukas
234 Forsyth
235 Clive
236 Marty
237 Lara
238 Nyna
238 Elice
240 Raigh
240 Sophia
242 Gale
243 Lalum
244 Juno
245 Karel
246 Gwendolyn
246 Ogier
248 Shin
249 Raven
249 Forde
251 Natasha
252 Garcia
253 Neimi
254 Ross
255 Vanessa
256 Nasir
257 Legault
257 Ninian
259 Harken
260 Pent
261 Isadora
262 Lute
263 Artur
264 Gerik
265 Lloyd
265 Linus
267 Beruka
268 Zihark
268 Nailah
268 Rafiel
268 Zelgius
272 Micaiah
273 Lyon
274 Kurthnaga
275 Ena
276 Caineghis
277 Niles
278 Geoffrey
279 Fargus
279 Brom
281 Heather
282 Nealuchi
283 Volug
283 Vika
283 Danved
286 Hawkeye
286 Louise
288 Glen
289 Valter
290 Saleh
291 Tethys
291 Ewan
291 Syrene
291 Caellach
295 Brighton
296 Guy
297 Dagdar
298 Fee
299 Julia
300 Diarmuid
300 Lester
300 Ares
303 Sleuf
304 Garret
305 Idoun
306 Franz
307 Sully
308 Frederick
309 Libra
310 Noire
311 Cynthia
312 Olivia
313 Henry
314 Petrine
315 Yubello
316 Samto
317 Roshea
318 Wolf
319 Samson
320 Astram
321 Katarina
322 Bantu
323 Luthier
323 Quan
325 Deirdre
326 Jamke
327 Midayle
328 Dew
328 Claud
330 Noish
331 Arden
332 Arran
333 Roderick
334 Luke
335 Athena
336 Jake
337 Dice
338 Alec
339 Greil
340 Sephiran
340 Dheginsea
342 Ashnard
343 Kjelle
343 Gerome
345 Kagero
346 Scarlet
347 Xander
348 Inigo
349 Lissa
349 Virion
349 Stahl
349 Miriel
349 Sumia
349 Kellam
349 Donnel
349 Lon'qu
349 Ricken
349 Maribelle
349 Gaius
349 Panne
349 Cordelia
349 Nowi
349 Morgan
349 Laurent
365 Owain
366 Subaki
367 Setsuna
367 Hinata
1 Minerva
2 Jill
3 Camus
4 Nino
5 Delthea
6 Haar
7 Mia
8 Python
9 Clair
10 Finn
367 Arthur
370 Shura
371 Mozu
371 Ryoma
373 Felicia
373 Jakob
373 Silas
373 Kaze
373 Saizo
373 Azama
379 Dorias
379 Dorothy
379 Bartre
382 Allen
382 Lance
384 Rutger
385 Zelot
386 Marcus
387 Chad
387 Lugh
389 Selfina
389 Glade
391 Carrion
392 Tina
393 Lifis
394 Miranda
394 Conomore
396 Ellen
397 Shanam
398 Gangrel
398 Aversa
398 Walhart
398 Corrin
398 Azura
398 Hayato
398 Kaden
398 Orochi
398 Camilla
398 Peri
398 Benny
398 Keaton
398 Gunter
398 Yukimura
398 Izana
398 Kana
398 Shigure
398 Dwyer
398 Sophie
398 Midori
398 Shiro
398 Kiragi
398 Asugi
398 Selkie
398 Mitama
398 Caeldori
398 Rhajat
398 Siegbert
398 Percy
427 Mycen
428 Athos
428 Basilio
428 Flavia
431 Leila
432 Kyle
433 Travant
434 Seliph
435 Larcei
436 Ulster
437 Lana
438 Patty
439 Shanan
440 Johan
440 Johalva
442 Altena
443 Hannibal
444 Febail
445 Lene
445 Tinny
447 Gordin
448 Wolt
448 Brunya
448 Murdock
451 Zephiel
451 Guinevere
453 Eldigan
453 Areone
455 Bors
456 Reinhardt
457 Skrimir
457 Pelleas
457 Renning
457 Giffca
461 Colm
462 Meg
463 Wil
464 Lowen
465 Wallace
466 Serra
467 Leonardo
467 Laura
467 Aran
467 Priam
467 Severa
467 Yarne
473 Gilliam
473 Moulder
475 Sedgar
476 Chulainn
476 Beowolf
478 Beck
479 Frey
480 Nagi
481 Marisha
481 Wrys
483 Cord
483 Bord
485 Brendan
486 Robin
486 Chrom
486 Vaike
489 Raydrik
489 Zeiss
489 Dayan
489 Yodel
493 Oifey
494 Coirpre
494 Ronan
494 Hicks
494 Eda
498 Dalsin
498 Misha
500 Merlinus
500 Wade
500 Lott
503 Nomah
504 Tomas
505 Izuka
505 Ashera
505 Emmeryn
508 Vaida
509 Renault
510 Orson
511 Gareth
512 Barthe
513 Kein
513 Alva
513 Robert
513 Ismaire
513 Selena
513 Ilyana
513 Fiona
513 Lyre
513 Kyza
522 Ralph
523 Ishtar
524 Julius
525 Faye
525 Rinea
525 Jedah
525 Mila
529 Gotoh
530 Legion
531 Warren
531 Matthis
531 Boah
531 Rudolf
535 Darros
535 Roberto
535 Belf
535 Reiden
539 Caesar
539 Berkut
541 Dolph
541 Macellan
543 Vyland
544 Jahn
544 Ursula
544 Sonia
544 Limstella
544 Nergal
549 Blume
550 Frost
550 Gharnef
550 Medeus
553 Troude
553 Eyrios
555 Makalov
555 Almedha
557 Kris
558 Riev
559 Manfroy
559 Hilda
559 Veld
562 Oliver
562 Tharja
562 Validar
562 Yen'fay
562 Nyx
562 Flora
562 Fuga
562 Hisame
562 Forrest
562 Ignatius
562 Velouria
562 Ophelia
562 Nina
562 Soleil
562 Mikoto
562 Garon
578 Charlotte
I'm gonna try doing this later because I sure as hell don't have time for it now

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
And you can actually get an "innocent" verdict, though nothing changes in that scenario as the Chancellor is a ****.
Did you escape the cell or did you get sent to execution?

Seriously, **** that tank, first time through it was a pain in the ***

If it is because of the section where you have to press 3 buttons at the sane time(L R and A iirc), some emulators have that problem. From TV Tropes
Game-Breaking Bug: Not on any of the console versions, but when played on a emulator. Infamously, ZSNES, the most common SNES emulator, would assign the default keys for L, R and A in such a way that it not register with the computer when pressed together, effectively trapping the player in the first few domes of 2030, unable to make progress. It's easily solvable, just reassign the keys appropriately, but, to this day, searching for this online yields a plethora of results...

Wait, Casual? Why is Casual a difficulty option? Is there Perma Death in some way?
I got an innocent verdict, I helped the girl with her kitty and something but the only bad thing I did was accidentally steal a man's lunch

Why WOULDN'T I want to escape?

Eh, Krawlie was tougher by choosing to bring Lucca down to 1HP immediately

Wait what. I thought I had to pass Death Peak. Even then, playing the DS version


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
I've seen some minor Mario characters and evidence of two major ones that haven't appeared yet.

And by minor, I do mean minor.

I mean one of them is gosh darn

He got his name in a title recently and he's still "gosh darn" minor?

He's too cute to be minor.
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Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Oh crap, there are SMO spoilers? I only saw one and it was about a costume that you get which seemed like a late game/ post-game unlockable... it was awesome.

But yeah, bye Internet.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Call me :079:, but I just found out the title for episode 115 for Dragon Ball Super.

Goku vs Kafla.

Caulifla and Kale are going to fuse.

I'm not really sure what to think of this.

Ayyy, I knew the word "Birth" on the ep. title implied that.

I was betting for the U6 Nameks tho.

Does that mean ****ing Goku are gonna teach them the Fusion Dance?
Kafla will be a topless crossfit girl with the tiny Metamoran vest?
A fused back tingle will take them to SSJ3?

Waiting for Ep. 115 is going to be painful.
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Deleted member

Genealogy TT is up
>Seliph appears in the mini story it has
>Julia is the boss
>Neither are bonus units

I forgot bonus units get stat boosts so I was surprised when suddenly my Arvis had 46 HP and my Sigurd had 58 ****ing Atk
Let's auto battle this ****

Holy **** Atk Smoke seal
Holy **** Guidance seal
Holy **** Brash ****ing Assault seal
I like these. I like these a lot.
I got an innocent verdict, I helped the girl with her kitty and something but the only bad thing I did was accidentally steal a man's lunch

Why WOULDN'T I want to escape?

Eh, Krawlie was tougher by choosing to bring Lucca down to 1HP immediately

Wait what. I thought I had to pass Death Peak. Even then, playing the DS version
Death Peak is a very late game area.
I don't think you even have to enter the sewers yet, just go east all the way through after doing the first Dome(the one with the robot sentry boss) and do the Racing minigame to cross one of the destroyed sites

Knuckles the Knuckles

Here's a taste of the remedy
Apr 12, 2014
Shaq City USA
Call me :079:, but I just found out the title for episode 115 for Dragon Ball Super.

Goku vs Kafla.

Caulifla and Kale are going to fuse.

I'm not really sure what to think of this.
Huh, interesting.

Im beginning to think maybe U6 will win somehow. Like Jiren and Goku will be a double KO and U6 will win on a technicality. They did just mention the rule of "Universe with most fighters left wins", but that might also mean that once everyone else from U11 gets eliminated it will force Jiren to go balistic to prevent failure by said technicality, which will result with Caulifla and Kale remaining maybe by the skin of theyr teeth, like last second time over.

I can also imagine them fusing into Kafla and then being the last ones to fight Jiren, and then at the very end when he is about to knock them out Grand Priest announces time is over, and then to Jirens shock (finaly) they unfuse revealing U6 has most fighters left meaning they won. Or something Idk
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Genealogy TT is up
>Seliph appears in the mini story it has
>Julia is the boss
>Neither are bonus units

I forgot bonus units get stat boosts so I was surprised when suddenly my Arvis had 46 HP and my Sigurd had 58 ****ing Atk
Let's auto battle this ****

Holy **** Atk Smoke seal
Holy **** Guidance seal
Holy **** Brash ****ing Assault seal
I like these. I like these a lot.

Death Peak is a very late game area.
I don't think you even have to enter the sewers yet, just go east all the way through after doing the first Dome(the one with the robot sentry boss) and do the Racing minigame to cross one of the destroyed sites
WELL ****. I already went rhough the sewers. But yeah, thanks


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Animal Crossing direct inbound

Mobile game only apparently

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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Do you know, people are pissed about SMT V being switch exclusive when half the SMT were on nintendo minus nocturne?
Animal Crossing direct inbound

Mobile game only apparently

*rubs hands together* This news is appeling to me
I am very hungry for some SMO spoilers but I see nothing new for me to eat on YouTube
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Huh, my Clair build could probably run the Brash Assault seal really well since she already runs Desperation, but it does compete with Quickened Pulse.

You can't Quad with Brash Assault right?
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Deleted member

Huh, my Clair build could probably run the Brash Assault seal really well since she already runs Desperation, but it does compete with Quickened Pulse.

You can't Quad with Brash Assault right?
No, BA's doubling counts as a follow-up ala Quick Riposte.
It's probably better on tanky melee units or slow mages as BA requires the opponent to be able to counter.

I hear around people wanting to make Quad Renihardt(which will only really help against Red or Blue Mages) and Arden(as it guarantees he always quads with a Brave Sword).
My bet is on Wary Fighter Armors to safely reach the HP range, Sword Lyn as it opens up her B-slot or slow Red Mages like Sanaki or Lilina
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