*laughs in Distant Counter +5 merged Titania*Just had my deathless arena run ruined by this little demon.
The Hector was fine, but Delthea had Draw Back and kept pulling him back to the same spot.
I tried having Clair get repostioned in to take her out and have Inigo dance her out and then she repositions Inigo out but somehow Delthea survived and that ruined everything. I think she survived because Clair couldn't get a Hone Atk buff from Inigo (I had to move him to the right side of the map to have him in position) and also couldn't double because she wasn't quite +5 Spd compared to Delthea, and then Hector must have been offering a Defense buff (probably a Spur) to Delthea that let her survive with 2 HP.
One of the best investments I've made in the game. I haven't even been aiming for her outside of the banner she was added on, or spent any money on the game, she just keeps showing up for me whenever she's on a banner.

(If you're wondering, no, I haven't been running a full horse team, just Sigurd and Titania. I prefer to use characters I like, rather than using strong units just because they are strong; it just so happens that those two are mounted units.)
Of course that's not feasible for everyone, but if your Inigo had Triangle Adept (which he should, if that tome of his is Gronnraven) he would have been able to at least tank her and survive (with exactly 1 HP remaining), as long as he wasn't -HP or -Res (if Hector had Spur Atk, he would maybe have needed a slight Res buff, or have needed +Res). Sometimes just tanking something like that and surviving is good enough; you would have been able to finish the job on the following turn and repositioned your unit away from Hector.
If a battle seems like it will be especially tight, like in this case, it might be a good idea to crunch the numbers in a battle simulator to see how it will work out, before going through with a decision.
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