Cutie Gwen
Lovely warrior
Plus Sheer Force negates Life Orb recoilUmm, Sheer Force? Sheer Force takes away Waterfall's flinch, so Feraligator isn't worrying about flinching the opponent, but doing more damage compared to other Waterfall users thanks to Sheer Force boosting it by 30%.
Liquidation though is slightly more powerful and also has an additional effect, so Sheer Force Feraligator benefits from it.
I saw the post but I had to leave before replying. *hug* We don't talk much but you're still a friend in my eyeEdit: Whatever, I was probably just looking for attention.
I played Overwatch today! It's better than I thought, but still not worth the hype imo (I admittedly need to build up skill in FPS games in general) Junkstein's Revenge was fun as hell though. And my copy of Chrono Trigger arrived early!
Also smh at people here getting upset because someone has an opinionated reason to not want to buy some game. It's vise versa, there are people boycotting Firewatch because "The devs are sjw feminazis who got triggered because pewds said the N word"