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It's only really the middle part that's particularly tough for me. There's a really annoying batch of reinforcements that shows up.
The first part of the map is pretty easy, I can spread the EXP between units pretty effectively there.
Things are a little tougher when you reach Hinata's group, mainly because Hinata himself has a ridiculous amount of Avoid when you first reach him, though it weakens with repeated battles since he has a Silver Katana. I usually just fly Xander over, Rescue him back, fly him over again, and keep whittling down all the enemies there. By the end of it, my whole squad can dogpile them.
Those middle reinforcements are just a pain though because they are ridiculously strong. I managed to just about tank through it, with Physic support from Elise who was on the other side of the cliff.
The wall is basically just letting Xander go on a wild ride through a lunge chain as he counters everyone who attacks him and escapes via the stairs to get healed up. All of the Spear Masters have Seal Def too so it's wise to let him recover from that.
After that, Oboro's group is pretty easy pickings.
Except I still lost.
>Take care of Oboro's group no problem
>Just Oboro left
>Only have Corrin and Robin left to use this turn
>Oboro's Res is pretty weaksauce, so this is a perfect situation. What's more, Camilla has her trapped at the torch, and Corrin can block her at the opposite side
>Check hit rates
>Corrin has a higher hit rate, so I'll let him attack first
>Hit her for nearly 40 damage
>Follows up with another attack, bye Corrin
This is why you can't get too paranoid about Hit Rates in Conquest.
I might try again in a bit but god damn that was annoying.
Shout out to Wario Bros.
for being a real bro
I'mma break this Nuzlocke in half, I'm tired of having my precious babies getting ****ed by Moves That Crit When They Would Be Fine Otherwise™.
I'm gonna have unresisted STAB now, come at me game
It's only really the middle part that's particularly tough for me. There's a really annoying batch of reinforcements that shows up.
The first part of the map is pretty easy, I can spread the EXP between units pretty effectively there.
Things are a little tougher when you reach Hinata's group, mainly because Hinata himself has a ridiculous amount of Avoid when you first reach him, though it weakens with repeated battles since he has a Silver Katana. I usually just fly Xander over, Rescue him back, fly him over again, and keep whittling down all the enemies there. By the end of it, my whole squad can dogpile them.
Those middle reinforcements are just a pain though because they are ridiculously strong. I managed to just about tank through it, with Physic support from Elise who was on the other side of the cliff.
The wall is basically just letting Xander go on a wild ride through a lunge chain as he counters everyone who attacks him and escapes via the stairs to get healed up. All of the Spear Masters have Seal Def too so it's wise to let him recover from that.
After that, Oboro's group is pretty easy pickings.
Except I still lost.
>Take care of Oboro's group no problem
>Just Oboro left
>Only have Corrin and Robin left to use this turn
>Oboro's Res is pretty weaksauce, so this is a perfect situation. What's more, Camilla has her trapped at the torch, and Corrin can block her at the opposite side
>Check hit rates
>Corrin has a higher hit rate, so I'll let him attack first
>Hit her for nearly 40 damage
>Follows up with another attack, bye Corrin
This is why you can't get too paranoid about Hit Rates in Conquest.
I might try again in a bit but god damn that was annoying.
I always let Xander, Corrin and Azura(****ing Counter man) take care of the Archers near the cliff while the rest take on the Lance users on the south.
With Hinata, I gang up the most I can near him and his group(none of them will attack even if yiu're in range unless you step on the last row of tiles on the bridge iirc) and hope all of my units can take them all on in one turn or at least take out the bigfest threats and clog up the passage with Living Shields or Gunter and Peri.
My main problem is the goddamn group of Onis/Blacksmiths that spawn begind you because **** those things they're so ****ing tanky.
The group near the wall goes down easily but the top of the wall is Xander Emblem. Serioisly, I've tried and it's near impossible to Player Phase those enemies.
Also, **** Vengeance Takumi who won't attack me first and will just shoot ballistas at me like the goddamn ***** he is
Shout out to Wario Bros.
for being a real bro
I'mma break this Nuzlocke in half, I'm tired of having my precious babies getting ****ed by Moves That Crit When They Would Be Fine Otherwise™.
I'm gonna have unresisted STAB now, come at me game
Hard to believe 2017 is when we finally get a song for a Mario game to have lyrics (2 to be exact, other being the Phantom of the Bwahpera song in Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle).
I play as a girl and Sebastian is still all I care about.
Who decided one man was allowed to be so perfect?
I'm a bit ruffled I can't seem to figure out how to get friendship high enough in time to get him to not friendzone me at the dance, though. There's other guys I could probably pull it off with if I went all in (Although the cheapest option would be the doctor and his schedule is the only one even worse than Sebastians! I mean YEESH.), but I just don't have the resources accessible at that early stage of the game to pull it off.
I think Kokichi in DRV3 might be the first canonicly gay person in the series. He is the only character outside of the bonus events that says he loves the MC
Yeah the mayor's purple shorts are in Marnie's room- the farm below your farm. You have to be friends with her in order to obtain them because they're in her room, which you cannot enter otherwise.
Easy was to become fast friends with her is to give her a bunch of Pumpkin Pies, Diamonds or Pink Cakes.
Not that her friendship will lead to a romantic relationship though. Her and Lewis are coupled, just not openly.
Yeah the mayor's purple shorts are in Marnie's room- the farm below your farm. You have to be friends with her in order to obtain them because they're in her room, which you cannot enter otherwise.
Easy was to become fast friends with her is to give her a bunch of Pumpkin Pies, Diamonds or Pink Cakes.
Not that her friendship will lead to a romantic relationship though. Her and Lewis are coupled, just not openly.
Yeah the mayor's purple shorts are in Marnie's room- the farm below your farm. You have to be friends with her in order to obtain them because they're in her room, which you cannot enter otherwise.
Easy was to become fast friends with her is to give her a bunch of Pumpkin Pies, Diamonds or Pink Cakes.
Not that her friendship will lead to a romantic relationship though. Her and Lewis are coupled, just not openly.
Honestly if anyone has kids or adult relatives a gen younger than them I just assume they're too old for me either way, doubly so if they're adult kids that I can date.
A lotta these folks look like they're half their age, if that. I mean there's some typical above average but still obvious moms and a lil' bit of withered trailer trash in there too, but half this town has aged GRACEFULLY.
It doesn't have the same magic as when I first played, and I wound up playing like 6 hours straight 4 days in a row, but it's still pretty fun. Made it to the end of the mine today too.
Getting near the end of fall though. I wonder what Winter will be like. . .