What is an Ascension Form?
An Ascension Form is a special form for specific non-evolved Pokémon in which removes their ability to evolve, but drastically changes their powers and abilities. Firstly- all Ascension Forms have an equal base stat spread of 100 in all stats except one, which is at 75 instead, which is different per Pokémon. They also gain new abilities and types, as well as new moves.
It is obtained by taking Pokémon who have an Ascension Form to a special fountain in the game's mountain peak called, "Hero's Altar" or "Villian's Altar" depending on the version. The game's specific Legendary Pokémon, Protangel or Antangel, is required to be in the party in order for a Pokémon to obtain an Ascension Form. The Pokémon who is to transform must have met specific requirements as well. They must be level 50, have max friendship with you, and they must have an Ascension Form to change into.
Once these requirements are met, you are asked by your Legendary Pokémon if you wish to Ascend the Pokémon. Say yes, and a small cut scene occurs, showing the Pokémon transforming, and finally becoming Ascended. You are then complimented by the Legendary Pokémon of your bond and hard work.
The very first Ascended Pokémon you will obtain is either a Black Riolu Ascended or White Zorua Ascended, depending on the version of the game, who help you in the storyline- officially joining you only after you beat the Elite Four.
Pokémon Hero: Riolu
Level: 50
Moveset: Night Daze, Force Palm, Work Up, Helping Hand
Pokémon Villain: Zorua
Level: 50
Moveset: Aura Sphere, Night Slash, Work Up, Helping Hand
There's also a special Magikarp Ascended that you can fish up in the lake under the mountain after you beat the Elite Four. After being told by a worried woman that her son went to catch the "Greatest Magikarp" and hasn't returned, you can access a deeper level of Ascension Mountain- the same mountain the altar is.
When encountered, the Magikarp will pull the trainer in, and bring them to a cave under the water, where the fight is held. This Pokémon is mentioned by few fisher trainers in the region, praising it as a Legendary Pokémon. Once caught, you will find a Family Locket. Bring this and the Magikarp to the woman and her son will appear, praising the trainer as the greatest fisherman ever.
Pokémon: Magikarp
Level: 50
Item: Family Locket
Moveset: Agility, Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Protect
The final obtainable Ascended Pokémon outside of using the Altar is a Shiny Eevee Ascended, which is only encountered after you beat the Elite Four three times. This Eevee is found in Lamplight City (the biggest city of the games) fighting and defeating a trainer's Haxorus, Conkeldurr and Chesnaught.
When you approach, it will attack, forcing you to battle it. Once you beat it, the trainer will praise you as a very powerful trainer, then realize you're the Champion and praise you even more. Its then revealed it was only trying to protect three baby Eevee orphans hiding under a newspaper. The player trainer then takes them to the Pokémon Center as well as the Eevee Ascended. The nurse tells the trainer than the babies will be given new homes. Eevee Ascended, astounded by the trainer's kindness, joins them. The nurse tells the trainer that this Pokémon is Ascended, hence its power.
Pokémon: Eevee
Level: 80
Shiny: Yes
Move set: Extremespeed, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Surf
Below are some examples of Ascension Forms. Please note that I have no concept art, as this is still a very fresh woomy idea.
Name: Riolu
Type: Fighting/Dragon
Ability: Mega Launcher
Example Moves: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse
Stat 75: HP
Name: Mareep
Type: Electric/Fairy
Ability: Dazzling
Example Moves: Moonblast, Calm Mind
Stat 75: Attack
Name: Ralts
Type: Fairy/Fighting
Ability: Download
Example Moves: Play Rough, Close Combat
Stat 75: Defense
Name: Eevee
Type: Normal
Ability: Perfect Adaptation: The user no longer has weaknesses.
Example Moves: Extremespeed, Weather Ball
Stat 75: Defense
Name: Dratini
Type: Dragon/Water
Ability: Misty Surge
Example Moves: Hydro Pump, Heal Bell
Stat 75: Attack
Name: Zorua
Type: Dark/Fairy
Ability: Super Luck
Example Moves: Moonblast, Focus Energy
Stat 75: HP
Name: Flabébé
Type: Fairy/Grass
Ability: Fairy Aura
Example Moves: Quiver Dance, Healing Wish
Stat 75: Attack
Name: Magikarp
Type: Water
Ability: Drizzle
Example Moves: Hydro Pump, Hurricane
Stat 75: HP