However, if I need to sum up a sentence how BradSins did.
Let's just hope that Bondrewd is the only worst White Whistle, I believe there are others that are bad, but I hope the rest are bad but understandable, unlike Bondrewd, I know he did it for experiment, but still doesn't make any sense in my opinion.
Yes... Nanachi's backstory has to one of the most tragic ever...
And how Nanachi's reaction towards Mitty kind of makes me feel like she is bisexual... since okay she blushes whenever Reg hugs her, but when it's Mitty... just kind of sets stone in my observation.
And... oh god... I was never that regret of reading the manga first... until now.
Mitty transforming into a Narehate is probably the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in this kind of chibi anime... even than gore... and this is what I called it... the "Ghibli gore", where how the blood and anything just melts into mud-like liquid.., rather than pure liquid is really really disturbing...I know gore isn't new in anime but in a chibi style anime? Now that's disturbing. it would be even more disturbing if they made the color tone more dark... kind of unfortunate they didn't do that when Nanachi and Mitty were ascending.
Nevertheless if you think this is the only gore they will have... then... sorry to say this again... YOU AIN'T SEE NOTHING YET...
"One space of silence for Mitty's death after Reg eviscerates her..."
If this part where Nanachi cries before and after Mitty dies doesn't make you cry then I don't know what could...
It is a bit weird they show us Riko's dream early in the anime, but then show it again... kind of kills that mysteriousness between Riko and Mitty in my opinion. The manga this is where then they show Riko's dream. And yes Nanachi... you know how dirty Reg's mind is sometimes... even though he doesn't really mean that.
Oh boy that hot spring scene...(Why there's always something like this happens?) I have to be honest here... was confused on why Riko asked what happened to Reg's when I read the manga... that... I thought it probably was that Reg hurt that part... but after I think a bit... what could possibly happen to Reg's that? I later realized he and Riko were naked and Reg also saws Riko's... that... that's where I got it linked....
I don't know if this was in the manga... maybe it was... but I don't know... the part where Riko is in SUPER and HELL pain while Nanachi was removing those mushroom which also made her pee unfortunately...I didn't laugh because it shows you how hurt it is...I guess that was more intrusive than back in Reg breaking her bone in my opinion.
The last part where they send that hot air balloon... this was anime original, they didn't send a package with balloon until the very recent volume, but sadly it failed...
The manga also explains the methods on how cave delvers send their mail package with balloon.
And the Made In Abyss Twitter post this tweet.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
and this
There was a problem fetching the tweet
By looking at the later events after this episode... I don't think there will be a 2nd season for at least a year.
If they do, let's just say the later events will be 99% dark and disturbing... at the recent chapter you will ask: "WHERE ARE THEY IN RIGHT NOW?!"
I give this anime 9.7/10, there one anime only character that looks so good and has a potential of playing an important role in the sotry but too bad she was only in one episode...