Taiwan's Nintendo Switch will have that icon on the top right.
Nintendo Switch is going to be officially released in Taiwan on December 1st! Same day as the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 release date!!!
Please know that Nintendo in Taiwan is run by Nintendo of Hong Kong since 2014, since Hong Kong was released back in March, many Taiwanese gamers including me expected it will come when we saw they trademarked the title in our country. But I didn't really expect to be this soon.
I know some people might be smart to know that didn't a lot of Taiwan gamers buy the Hong Kong or Japan imports? Well, for those who still can't find a Switch they are very very lucky because Taiwan Switch is way cheaper than imports. Japanese Switch tend to be around 11,000 to 14,000 NT$. Taiwan Nintendo Switch is
9,780 NT$ on the website for now!
So basically this will be suppose Nintendo Switch launches in the winter like how some people like Gnoggin hopes.
Here are the launch titles:
Super Mario Odyssey- supports Traditional Chinese
Splatoon 2 - Japanese, sadly...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - unknown, surprisingly
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - supports Traditional Chinese
Fire Emblem Warriors - supports Traditional Chinese
Oddly enough... no Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
FYI Consoles that Taiwan have official import were: GBA, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Wii, Nintedo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS XL
Wii U never had official import, neither did the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, 2DS, and New 2DS XL.
This can mean three things:
Nintendo Switch is indeed a very popular console
Nintendo Switch is gonna get more stock hands down.
Those who have trouble buying Nintendo Switch, go ahead and try to import a Taiwan Switch since obviously Taiwan Switch doesn't have region lock as well.
But what makes Taiwan gamers mad is probably... it doesn't have Chinese built in the system...