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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Neat that they're finally getting to non-Axe Wyverns. It was pretty much a no-brainer that it would happen eventually because of the Jugdral wyverns and Ashnard, but cool nonetheless.

Bummed that the next banner is just another gimmick banner, but eh.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
"Alright, let's try a summon in the new swimsuit banner just once."
"Oooh goody, there's a red stone. Maybe I'll get lucky and get Tomato Lord, so I'll go for that one first."


I then tried the Quick Riposte banner because I realised regular Leo is in that and I've wanted him for a while, but I got jack from that one. Didn't even really get red stones.


Also, if you summom Summer Xander, the text box almost completely covers his briefs and uh...


Deleted member

Frankly, Inside Out and Wreck-It Ralph are great movies, yes. But they also went with the same main concept as Toy Story. They are just as inspired as The Emoji Movie. Again, don't pretend otherwise.
Inside Out doesn't have a similar premise to Toy Story, what?
Toy Story is "things we believe are unliving are actually living and do things when we're not looking"
There's no "secret life" aspect in Inside Out.

And The Emoji Movie doesn't have the "secret life" aspect from what we've seen, which would be the only similar thing to Toy Story outside of "unliving things being living" which isn't something Toy Story created, personifying objects is standard for animation.
The Emoji Movie does, however, copy the same plot structure from Wreck-It Ralph, as Opo has already explained.

Also, another problem with the Emoji Movie is that it doesn't seem to want to do more than just what the emojis themselves already are
Joy wasn't all about happiness and Ralph wasn't just a Bowser-type villain
Inside Out proved you can make a movie out of something that's literally one-note(in this case a personification of an emotion) but Emoji Movie isn't even trying.



V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
You mean hiding nothing. They need it to bank on people to see it on their own because they were riding the company's own future on its success(apparently. That's still a rumor). There is nothing to hide. Embargoes are honestly one of the healthiest things to do anyway. People should stop looking at review scores and always judge for themselves. Likewise, the only way your point here about the embargo could ever have any justification is if SPA was not actually banking on this movie's success. That in itself is an unproven rumor. But if it is, then they damn well should not let people be influenced by any earlier reviews, since they need the movie to do well. Trying to bank on something like this is not a good decision anyway, but see down below why the movie was doomed to not do well as is(and no, it wasn't because "lol, it copied movies not named Toy Story".

This movie gets tons of entirely undeserved flak for things it didn't even do. For a few factors, let's remember that it based its ideas off of Toy Story. It should not be treated like it copies other movies, when that's not at all the case. Pretending it tried to copy something else beyond Toy Story's concept is intentionally twisting the facts to hate on it, and we all know it. It'd be hypocritical to not give other movies that did the same thing equal flak for "copying" a concept. Frankly, Inside Out and Wreck-It Ralph are great movies, yes. But they also went with the same main concept as Toy Story. They are just as inspired as The Emoji Movie. Again, don't pretend otherwise.

What the issue is is that the execution of the movie has issues. But that's also what was going to happen when trying to make one-note characters into multi-faceted. It had honestly no way it would do better. Wasn't going to happen. That's a simple reality check.

Funny thing is, I made sure to extensive research. You know the crap it gets for supposedly getting some movies put on the backburner? Not only is it untrue, but actually reading the interviews shows that it's just SPA being dumb at best. They didn't give a single reason to actually stop either movie from getting finished. They just... did. "Not interested" is the beginning and the end of it. It's funny too, because that's entirely SPA making poor decisions and nothing more. http://www.cartoonbrew.com/intervie...-can-you-imagine-and-samurai-jack-119737.html http://www.cartoonbrew.com/feature-...sony-pictures-animation-exclusive-122954.html It's sad too, because it doesn't deserve any of this hatred, and constantly misblaming it for something it has nothing to do with(and I wonder how many still do even when evidence shows it's unrelated) just shows people will make excuses to be petty.
It's not really the fact that it copies Toy Story or Wreck-it Ralph or Inside Out. It's that they did it in the most lazy way possible.

They are banking on young teens and kids to come watch the movie for the sole sake of it being based off of something that's in their everyday lives. It doesn't matter if it was a good idea or not because you can tell from the commercials alone that there is absolutely no passion or TLC put into this movie because all it is is advertisement for other products.

Reviews are a good thing. Someone who is trying to decide on going to see a movie this weekend will go see what they want, and that's fine, but if there's two movies that someone wants to see it's always a good idea to look at the reviews and if the movie is releasing the day you want to go see it and there's no reviews for it it is, indeed, suspect. I always check reviews before I watch a movie. Always.

However, I absolutely do agree, if you get the chance to make your own opinion on a movie do so. I love The Mummy. Everyone else hated it. Does that mean it's a good movie? Not necessarily. Does it deserve the hate it gets? Probably. But I enjoyed it and that's all that matters.

Edit: Holy **** that post got a lot of responses. Apologies in advance to you Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth ...
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Embargoes aren't bad. Unless they are post release. Post release embargoes only apply to movies or games that are outright awful or an absolute mess. People who only look at a score are in the wrong, but the review scores being that low is for a reason. People CHECKED the reviews and boom! Turns out the movie is almost entirely product placement for phone apps, turns out the writing is bad! The movie got flak when it was first announced because of the ridiculous concept. Emojis are just emoticons. How do you make a good story with that? It's like if I made a movie about moldy bread. People would go "How do you make an interesting movie with something that has nothing you can go on?" The Emoji movie's criticisms for being too similar to other movies applies as it's not just Wreck it Ralph or Inside Out, but also the Lego movie to the point on of the characters in the Emoji movie has a WAY too similar design to a character from the Lego movie. The movies are rather recent and were all positively received due to their charm and writing.
If the movie needed to do well, you know what SPA should have done? Made a good movie. The studio had a stupid idea people questioned if it would work, the movie kept looking to be outright bad by having Patrick Stewart play as ****, the movie's concept was stupid when we got a plot synopsis, the movie's blatantly just trying to go "HEY KIDS YALL LIKE THIS ONE THING? GO WATCH THE MOVIE!", the rumour that they want to make a Netflix thing based off of the eggplant emoji and how the writers don't understand emonjis. One of the trailers had a corner of "underused emojis" with the eggplant emoji. That emoji's VERY common due to it being phallic. There's also the gimmicky trailers shot in angles that only work if you have a smartphone when watching and only move your head. The movie was DOA because it looked terrible and the marketing team didn't change opinions. Now that it's out, it turns out the movie is just awful
You're still trying to use a pattern with this embargo thing? Let it go. No, I refuse to believe embargoes mean jack at all because they don't. Also, correction, the movie is mediocre when you actually pay attention to those who try to remove it while not being influenced by the 100% unjustified hatred.

SPA didn't "Make the movie". They only greenlit it. The director made it because he had multiple influences.

The one correct point you are making is that it wasn't going to do well because the subject matter had no way to give us a good movie. Also, there is a line between good and bad. Movie isn't actually bad anyway. It's meh. No pun intended. And yeah, I agree the product placement is cringeworthy as an idea. Not worth hating on, but worth facepalming on.

Now, another point being made is it's very clear that a character was influenced by Wyldstyle. This doesn't mean the movie was influenced in itself by anything but Toy Story, but a character =/= movie anyway.

Inside Out doesn't have a similar premise to Toy Story, what?
Toy Story is "things we believe are unliving are actually living and do things when we're not looking"
There's no "secret life" aspect in Inside Out.

And The Emoji Movie doesn't have the "secret life" aspect from what we've seen, which would be the only similar thing to Toy Story outside of "unliving things being living" which isn't something Toy Story created, personifying objects is standard for animation.
The Emoji Movie does, however, copy the same plot structure from Wreck-It Ralph, as Opo has already explained.

Also, another problem with the Emoji Movie is that it doesn't seem to want to do more than just what the emojis themselves already are
Joy wasn't all about happiness and Ralph wasn't just a Bowser-type villain
Inside Out proved you can make a movie out of something that's literally one-note(in this case a personification of an emotion) but Emoji Movie isn't even trying.

No. It's the same concept. Taking fictional stuff people made up and trying to make them actually real and fun to look at. The real difference is the execution. They don't have different main concepts at all. That's why Inside Out and Wreck-It Ralph succeeded, however. It was the execution, and people not judging it for using the same base concept as another movie. They never had actually severely different premises whatsoever.

So excuse me if I refuse to blame a movie for copying a concept when other movies did it already. I will blame it for a poor execution, not doing the same thing others did. At least that's justified.

You also just proved my point about The Emoji Movie's issue. They weren't able to execute the idea well. Emojis are no different from the emotions. Of course, we don't know if there's more behind the scene issues than what's already said.

It's not really the fact that it copies Toy Story or Wreck-it Ralph or Inside Out. It's that they did it in the most lazy way possible.

They are banking on young teens and kids to come watch the movie for the sole sake of it being based off of something that's in their everyday lives. It doesn't matter if it was a good idea or not because you can tell from the commercials alone that there is absolutely no passion or TLC put into this movie because all it is is advertisement for other products.

Reviews are a good thing. Someone who is trying to decide on going to see a movie this weekend will go see what they want, and that's fine, but if there's two movies that someone wants to see it's always a good idea to look at the reviews and if the movie is releasing the day you want to go see it and there's no reviews for it it is, indeed, suspect. I always check reviews before I watch a movie. Always.

However, I absolutely do agree, if you get the chance to make your own opinion on a movie do so. I love The Mummy. Everyone else hated it. Does that mean it's a good movie? Not necessarily. Does it deserve the hate it gets? Probably. But I enjoyed it and that's all that matters.
Oh, no, I agree here. There was no way trying to appeal to teenagers like that was going to work(although that falls heavily under execution too). SPA did awful advertising. That's not the director's fault, mind you. Guy actually tried. However, let's remember that even a Director has to adhere to the company that greenlit it. It's clear that behind the scenes stuff also hurt the movie.

And it's not a "fact" it copied Wreck-It Ralph or Inside Out. It didn't even do that. I don't know why keeps flying over people's heads. It only at best copied Toy Story, and only the very basic concept. The director was trying to make a fairly specific message, which is why it has similarities to two movies who wanted to give off the same message. It was an inevitable coincidence.

If Sony is banking on this movie doing well so their company can stay afloat, they cannot let reviews influence it. And to be fair, embargoes guarantee people will judge it on their own merits. There's clearly good reasons to not like the movie. Nobody will deny that. It's just annoying that many of these legitimate reasons are ignored for make up bull****(like that it removed two movies from being produced at the time), or that the director was influenced by unrelated movies. There's definite issues, but a lot of that is clearly ones that are behind the scenes. The Director doesn't even deserve the flak he gets, since he at least cared about the movie. Those also there and working on it, as well as SPA? Sure as hell didn't.

Anyway, got to go to work.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Friendly reminder that a Fruit Ninja movie is also being developed...

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Friendly reminder that a Fruit Ninja movie is also being developed...
And despite that, we still don't have a live-action film about Pong.
****ing Hollywood I swear, they don't know the real priority here.

Deleted member

No. It's the same concept. Taking fictional stuff people made up and trying to make them actually real and fun to look at. The real difference is the execution. They don't have different main concepts at all. That's why Inside Out and Wreck-It Ralph succeeded, however. It was the execution, and people not judging it for using the same base concept as another movie. They never had actually severely different premises whatsoever.
Technically, it is, but you're acting like personifying unliving things is some kind of specific concept that Toy Story created.
It's the same as saying Sonic copied Mario because it's a game where you go from left to right, jump in enemies to destroy them and collect golden coins/rings.
Personification is one of the oldest writing techniques in existence, like when people looked at the sky and made gods out of the planets and stuff.

If personifying something is that specific of a concept that these three movies "share the same premise", then so do Fullmetal Alchemist, Beauty and the Beast, The Amazing World of Gumball, Steven Universe and literally any movie or show with talking animals.
And it's not a "fact" it copied Wreck-It Ralph or Inside Out. It didn't even do that. I don't know why keeps flying over people's heads. It only at best copied Toy Story, and only the very basic concept.
You literally said that in the above quote.

At this point it just seems like you're trying to defend this movie for the sake of being a contrarian.
Nothing about the Emoji Movie deserves to be defended, it has no passion put in it whatsoever, made only for a cashgrab, between the laughable "inspiration" that created this thing between the copied plot structure, if Sony really is banking their movie department on this, they deserve to fail.



Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
If anyone honestly thinks review embargoes mean nothing then I have a bridge to sell them.

Bethesda pull the same **** and they're hated for it. Prey actually suffered as a result because it turned out there was a game breaking bug that a reviewer encountered. The bug got fixed but people should know if the product they're buying is broken or not. Prey's sales aren't great at the moment. Abolishing that policy might actually help because they can be made aware of huge issues like that in advance and fix them. People can then also be more confident in their purchases as a result.

Same goes for films. If the reviews come out early then the company are confident in their product. Whether it's misplaced or not depends on the reviews they get. FOX were right to be confident in Logan's early reviews. Sony were right to have no confidence in the Emoji movie seeing as all the reviews so far are pretty damn negative. And no those reviews aren't driven by the rumours. Let's not start inventing stupid narratives to suit your needs.

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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So the health care bill Republicans have been trying to pass died. The implications, however, are just so great.

Okay, so. To give the short version, what they've been doing is trying to do is a budget reconciliation. Essentially they'd only need to get it to the floor and have a simple majority (50 votes instead of the usual 60) for it to pass, but if they fail, they can't do another healthcare budget reconciliation for the rest of the fiscal year. The Republican majority would have enough to pass it, up against only the democrats and the two republicans who have always been against it.

John McCain received a lot of flack for voting to allow it to come to a vote despite his cancer treatment. John McCain voted against it when the time came, killing the bill in what was likely an extremely calculated move. Considering there's no way they'd get a regular 60-40 majority, John McCain completely ****ed over the republicans who wanted this to pass.

This also comes two days after Trump commended McCain for being a "hero" and letting it come to a vote.

I am so happy right now.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC

inb4 Resident Evil 4 Switch

Pretty much everything else is below expectations for Capcom though. Don't envy them at all.

John McCain received a lot of flack for voting to allow it to come to a vote despite his cancer treatment. John McCain voted against it when the time came, killing the bill in what was likely an extremely calculated move. Considering there's no way they'd get a regular 60-40 majority, John McCain completely ****ed over the republicans who wanted this to pass.

This also comes two days after Trump commended McCain for being a "hero" and letting it come to a vote.

I am so happy right now.
"top 10 anime betrayals"



Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
So the health care bill Republicans have been trying to pass died. The implications, however, are just so great.

Okay, so. To give the short version, what they've been doing is trying to do is a budget reconciliation. Essentially they'd only need to get it to the floor and have a simple majority (50 votes instead of the usual 60) for it to pass, but if they fail, they can't do another healthcare budget reconciliation for the rest of the fiscal year. The Republican majority would have enough to pass it, up against only the democrats and the two republicans who have always been against it.

John McCain received a lot of flack for voting to allow it to come to a vote despite his cancer treatment. John McCain voted against it when the time came, killing the bill in what was likely an extremely calculated move. Considering there's no way they'd get a regular 60-40 majority, John McCain completely ****ed over the republicans who wanted this to pass.

This also comes two days after Trump commended McCain for being a "hero" and letting it come to a vote.

I am so happy right now.
I saw the news this morning while I was taking my last break at work. I'm still mixed on McCain himself (seriously people wishing ill-will on him because of the Tuesday vote is hypocritical, self-defeating, and disgusting) but it's great to see him and other moderates take charge.

I'm still skeptical, but hopefully this puts the needed pressure on Congress to start a bi-partisan dialogue to fix the ACA and the greater heath care industry as a whole. Though above all else, this rush to pass these wide-reaching bills behind closed doors without independent analysis or debate needs to stop.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Neat that they're finally getting to non-Axe Wyverns. It was pretty much a no-brainer that it would happen eventually because of the Jugdral wyverns and Ashnard, but cool nonetheless.

Bummed that the next banner is just another gimmick banner, but eh.
Validar uses a lance btw.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I saw the news this morning while I was taking my last break at work. I'm still mixed on McCain himself (seriously people wishing ill-will on him because of the Tuesday vote is hypocritical, self-defeating, and disgusting) but it's great to see him and other moderates take charge.

I'm still skeptical, but hopefully this puts the needed pressure on Congress to start a bi-partisan dialogue to fix the ACA and the greater heath care industry as a whole. Though above all else, this rush to pass these wide-reaching bills behind closed doors without independent analysis or debate needs to stop.
My main issue with McCain is a lot of the times his words and actions don't match. Like, he'll say something and then his actions contradict it. Don't get me wrong, I still respect him for being a war hero and all, and the people on both sides calling for his death (some on the left for calling for a vote, and now some on the right for this) are reactionary morons, haha. I'm just saying I'm glad this time he did the right thing, IMO. :p

I'm definitely hoping this leads to them actually working with the democrats for their inevitable next draft, though given how folks like McConnell are acting I think their pride may get in the way. :/ All that party over country stuff. Still though, today is a good day.

Deleted member

Hey Pikmin has the best amiibo functionality. It gives the amiibo characters descriptions from Olimar
That sounds super neat, can't wait to see them.
Kirby is probably his worst nightmare.

*scans Olimar amiibo*
"My, who is this handsome devil?"



Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
That sounds super neat, can't wait to see them.
Kirby is probably his worst nightmare.

*scans Olimar amiibo*
"My, who is this handsome devil?"

Sadly the Kirby, Fire Emblem, Legend of Zelda, and non-Mario Smash ones don't work, nor do one offs like Shovel Knight, Chibi Robo, or Qbby. Only the Super Mario, Splatoon, and Animal Crossing ones are compatible (and the Smash variants of those characters), alongside the Pikmin one and Olimar's Smash one.

The lack of Smash, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Qbby, Shovel Knight, and Chibi Robo could be explained by them sticking to in-house content only, but the lack of Zelda is strange.

Found a list of them though, and they're great. I'll edit in a link.

Edit: Link
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
John McCain received a lot of flack for voting to allow it to come to a vote despite his cancer treatment. John McCain voted against it when the time came, killing the bill in what was likely an extremely calculated move. Considering there's no way they'd get a regular 60-40 majority, John McCain completely ****ed over the republicans who wanted this to pass
I knew there was a reason I liked McCain.

Deleted member

What the hell is a Rover???
Sadly the Kirby, Fire Emblem, Legend of Zelda, and non-Mario Smash ones don't work, nor do one offs like Shovel Knight, Chibi Robo, or Qbby. Only the Super Mario, Splatoon, and Animal Crossing ones are compatible (and the Smash variants of those characters), alongside the Pikmin one and Olimar's Smash one.

The lack of Smash, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Qbby, Shovel Knight, and Chibi Robo could be explained by them sticking to in-house content only, but the lack of Zelda is strange.

Found a list of them though, and they're great. I'll edit in a link.

Edit: Link
Well, now that's certainly disappointing, I expected at least the Smash ones
I still have to read the descriptions though



Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
This might be my favorite description.

DK's an anomaly, alright.

Deleted member


A Rover is one of these.

But a rover is one of these.

Oh great, we went full cycle
EOV localised Hound as Rover, the name had to be changed because they have a dog that is referred as "Hound" but can also use Hawks

Does it have another meaning? Let me see

A person who spends their time wandering.

(in various sports) a player not restricted to a particular position on the field.

A mark for long-distance shooting.
Okay, so it actually fits
And it also has a pun on the fact they use bows and the fact they work in any of the rows

The name still sounds dumb though
This might be my favorite description.

DK's an anomaly, alright.
My favorite is the Silver Mario one, it gets really deep

Also, Olimar being creeped out by his own amiibo lol



Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
This might be my favorite description.

DK's an anomaly, alright.
Oh great, we went full cycle
EOV localised Hound as Rover, the name had to be changed because they have a dog that is referred as "Hound" but can also use Hawks

Does it have another meaning? Let me see

Okay, so it actually fits
And it also has a pun on the fact they use bows and the fact they work in any of the rows

The name still sounds dumb though

My favorite is the Silver Mario one, it gets really deep

Also, Olimar being creeped out by his own amiibo lol

Wait, Hey, Pikmin! has this kind of-

. . .*runs to check compatible Amiibo*

What are the Splatoon ones? I found the Callie one in an article about it at least. . .LOL
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