@redfeatherraven here.
Real talk.
There are real live human beings I would fistfight to see Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn remade.
Not even joking those games are ****ing stellar. I see Path of Radiance as the height of the Fire Emblem games. Radiant Dawn, though being my favorite, isn't as good thanks to its ludicrous story but even then the story is better there than it is in the most recent games.
I gotta say as much hate as the new games get from the old FE fans, they aren't bad. Most old fans would complain about the Waifu crap but I will complain about the story. Now the story has never been anything special on the handheld games (lookin' at you Sacred Stones) but the 3DS are FAR too safe for their own good. I couldn't give two ****s about the new support system as long as there was a good story. Which I admit the stories aren't BAD they are just rather cliche and uninteresting. Awakenings is better than any of the Fates stories. The one thing about the supports is that they are now getting a lot of the writing skill that the story deserves. Like I said, the marriage system and the dialogue that come with it are great, love that it saved the series. I really don't think the story should take a back seat to that dialogue. Sure, the dialogue is great for connecting with the characters but what's the point in loving the characters if you don't care what they're story is. I hope Echoes will help move the games into a more story driven game and I hope the Switch version will be a callback to the convoluted (but good) stories of past FE. We'll see how it all works out though.