I get that he's way behind everyone in terms of level due to his late promotion but just look at these stats. It's so average it hurts.
BB is gonna help him tank the **** out of everything but I'm only equipping it if I absolutely need to
Lugh is the dodgiest of Mages, he doesn't have the sheer nuclear power Lilina has but he can reilably double stuff and is much better at "sitting in the middle of 15 enemy units during enemy phase". He also doesn't suffer from low Con that most Mages do because FE6 is knd enough to make Tomes weigh less than a piece of paper(don't ask how that works). Capped Spd, let's go! Conflicted on whether to give him or Lilina the Forblaze tbh.
I feel like I'm preferring Troubadours to foot healers lately, hmm... She's surprisingly dodgy, giving me a lot of "oh **** they're gonna kill he-- nevermind" moments. Also, did you know she had 4 Mag at Lv20? Promotions sure do mix up the RNG. She'll get the Saint's Staff if Yoder doesn't get a slot in the next chapters.
****ing hell Rutger, what a disappointment, you should already have capped Skl and Spd at this point! On a serious note, he's a Swordmaster... in a game where they get a 30+ Crit bonus, really, he could even have been screwed by RNG but the game already made him a monster. He ain't getting any S-Rank weapons but he doesn't need when I have
two Wo Daos, 100% crits shouldn't be allowed
Statiscally, she's worse than Lugh in everything besides Mag and Lck, even if by one point. Still, she's Hector's daughter so you'd expect gamebreaking runs in the family and that Mag is the reason for it. I don't think there's a single enemy unit that she was able to double that survived a round with her(not counting bosses, of course) after she promoted, she's literally a small cute nuclear weapon.
Nothing much to say here, Lalum's a Dancer and Dancers are Dancers. Probably the worst one I ever used but that doesn't mean she's even slightly bad tbh.
Evil Twin Brother Raigh has the most balanced stats for a magic unit. He's basically the middleground of my two Sages, except he has Nosferatu access, not that he ever needs it anyways. Gave him the Body Ring expecting Dark Tomes to slow him down more than supporting with a Knight slows down a Pegasus Rider. He's getting that Apocalypse though
I expected Lance to be better, by the point I reached the first Arena, Lance got benched. Really like Allen despite not having amazing stats and the red Paladin sprite is just icing on the cake. Literally my only trained Lance user so he gets that S-Rank Weapon.
#DiecksOutForDieck. It's Dieck, and if you don't know how great he is, look up his bases and then realise he joins on Chapter 2. ****, he even has the Con to wield every Axe in the game except Steel and Devil Axes. And he's getting that Durandal, oh boy, he's gonna get it and do something Eliwood never did with it... double some dragons
Man, Thiefs really suck in this game. But there's treasure to be looted so you know what that means. Astore is without a doubt, the best of the three, or two, I killed Cath because I didn't want her stealing from me during Chapter 8, whoops?
Real talk: Garret sucks, his Spd makes him unusable and he doesn't have the Def or Res to take hits. But he's a Berserker, he gets a 30+ Crit bonus for free and I needed someone to use the Armads. Unfortunately, I started using him somewhat late and didn't have time to raise his Axe rank so unless he can go from B to S in, what, 3 chapters, Armads is staying with Merlinus.
Maybe t's for the best considering what it does to those who wield it, rip Hector
Fae is Myrrh 0.5 and if it wasn't for the fact I can get a Firestone, she would have been benched already.
She's not THAT stong but she can pull her own weight
I don't know what happened, I only fielded her on C21, why is she still usable??? Another one who could use a Legendary weapon if I had put my effort into her. Also, is she Hawkeye's daughter or am I misremembering things?
Ditto from the above. No seriously, everything I said to Igrene applies to Percy here.
Niime is a great Staff bot with her A-Rank in it right off the bat. Her stats are terrible for her level but great for when she joins you, can't really complain here
He's here to loot the right side of the map, he has been benched since Astore did everythng better than him
BONUS: Characters who played an important role in this run but can't be here for whatever reasons
That 3 exp is the proof he survived three enemy attacks, this guy is a hero, ladies and gentlemen
Early promoted her 'cause I knew I wasn't gonna bother but I needed a flying unit for C17B and the Secret Shop in C21
Ended up benching her when there were havng fewer deployment slots, still, she was a great unit back in the isles and the part before Aquleia
YOOOODER. Seriously, I think he's the best prepromote in this game, yeah sure, he's capped but he has the stats and weapon ranks to fill a slot in your army up until endgame if you need someone. And he's also the only unit who starts with an S-Rank, so he can fire that Saint's Staff right from the start. He would be paticipating in the "Zephiel Ass-Kicking" chapter but I'm limited to only 16 units and I need Chad to speed things up.