Legality doesn't mean morality! There's some illegal things people should be doing, and some of legal things people shouldn't, and some illegal things that people shouldn't, and some legal things that people should~
And, well, there's no good reason to doubt that what WikiLeaks posts is true, perhaps except "they're Russian funded along with Trump and are lying in collusion," but I think that's a stretch. If there was irrefutable evidence, the MSM would've jumped at it already IMO. The simple fact they say facts against one candidate doesn't mean those facts are untrue, and it certainly doesn't mean that the other one doesn't have facts against him. And, again, when someone's presenting another person in their own words (the only thing WikiLeaks does) it's impossible to inject bias over facts simply by that. It's why so many people love transparency, people can't weasel their way out of it at some point.
I don't know anything about daily leak claims, but they've been releasing the e-mails at a steady pace. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Assange went back on some of his brags and broke some vows. But, here's the reason for steady release over all-at-once: staggered information makes sure people don't burn themselves out trying to dig through it all, but more importantly it keeps / kept Assange alive: he has a bargaining chip, and perhaps it's selfish, but... The jig is probably up for him, though.
Which one?! Tons! There was a green Rider that had a ray gun, a black one that only dive kicked, a pink potato one...