Cutie Gwen
Lovely warrior
You forgot how M-Pinsir, M-Gardevoir and M-Salamence recently took a hit too with '-ate' abilities getting nerfedMost Mega Evolutions are broken as ****. That's WHY its a failed mechanic. Because it was either given to the wrong Pokémon or gave them ridiculous buffs to make them insanely versatile. Even Masuda knows how broken MEs are, and is actually taking action on them, at least with Mega Kangaskhan.
Back then, we thought not having the ability to hold an item in ME determined they were garbage, but we were proven wrong, and even a single attack can turn around a match. You need to know who can perform it well and who can't, just like MEs.
I'm not saying they're bad or good. But giving them judgement before they have a chance to breath air is wrong. Let's just wait and see. That's fair.
Spider Dance, Undertale?
I just don't see Z-Moves becoming viable despite my love for them