Bleh, I don't mean to go on a political rant all of the sudden, but I feel that it's neccassary as this year in general I've argued with people because they have left winging opinions and being rather soft. I just wanted to state that it's nothing personal by any means, I usually don't care what people think and I do rather people be overly soft than bigoted. However, the reason why I do what I do is to contain another, much bigger problem. That being the alt right anti SJWs, the kind you usually see in youtube comments sections.(Usually with an avatar of old art to make them look smart regardless of what they say, or if not some meme from /pol/.) These guys are the ones I REALLY worry about, no one's going to take some crazy SJW seriously, but someone who can look smart because opposing "team" seems stupid? That creates an actual problem, because that's a fire that's a lot harder to exguingish.
They usually claim to go completely off of facts and reason.... Even though they do what they do because of their own emotions. I think they just forgot that hatred is another emotion? LMFAO. Which reminds me "triggered" has become a word that has the same purpose as shouting that someone is any of the 'phobics. Pretty much meaning that you can just reply that to someone and that's somehow suppose to make their arguement invalid instantly.

I also dislike the people that debunk something crazy that only very few people think anyway, and yet act like they're smart because they stated it.
Unfornately a small portion of left extremists have spawned a ton of right extremists... But then again, it is the end of the election, during every election people always go on about the world is going to end, that is until we get into the next presidency and we all just focus on small issues again. Eh, at least Trump is going to lose, can't wait for all the doom and gloom.
Probably the most random off topic thing I've ever posted, but I just wanted to get that out of my system.