Wait, you mean to tell me the US actually allows hate speech as freesom of speech? Geez, no wonder there are so many people on there that think they have the right to say the first **** that pops up in their mind
But yeah, here in Brazil, freedom of spedch is allowed "as long as it doesn't disrespects the existence of an individual or a group of individuals"
Not that most follow it, but at least it's there in the Constitution
If you're gonna tell me we're gonna follow US legislation in this forum, instead of what is much more common(and logical), then I believe I can say that if there's one thing I hate more than anything, it's people who think they are in the right by offending someone like that
And that includes a good part of the US, you and the idiots that wrote the first amendment or whatever it's called
Have a good ****ing night