W/E happens don't panic...
mini update...
Nothing says friendship quite like murdering a Pichu in a cemetary...She evolved at level 29
Edit: Well, that didn't take long for Garm to evolve...literally only needed two levels...
With such a low level to evolve it's a wonder why Houndour isn't available sooner in the games he's available in...I mean in Gen 2 you can't get one until Kanto...
Also got a gifted Eevee and Togepi hatched...Wondering if I should use the Eevee?...If I do it's either going to be an Espeon or Leafeon as all the others with have their typings covered sooner or later...
Edit:Edit: Apparently my team has Pokerus

Nothing says friendship quite like murdering a Pichu in a cemetary...She evolved at level 29

Edit: Well, that didn't take long for Garm to evolve...literally only needed two levels...
With such a low level to evolve it's a wonder why Houndour isn't available sooner in the games he's available in...I mean in Gen 2 you can't get one until Kanto...
Also got a gifted Eevee and Togepi hatched...Wondering if I should use the Eevee?...If I do it's either going to be an Espeon or Leafeon as all the others with have their typings covered sooner or later...
Edit:Edit: Apparently my team has Pokerus
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