In retrospect I probably should have thought to downplay things instead of simply sitting there getting hyped.
. . .But then, it's never really gotten to the point where even CoroCoro was treated as a disappointment. I had no idea what to expect.
We were promised Rockruff's evo, we got Rockruff's evo. Nothing else was promised.
There's another announcement thing in two days that may or may not show more.
I'm a bit divided on myself because Night Form doesn't really match my preferences that well but people going "Wow this sucks" to everything ever announced in a video game continues to wear on me a bit. But I was planning on getting Sun anyway, so I guess that's not entirely my dilemma if it ends up being version exclusive. Oh well. I just hope I don't have to hear about how much people hate the evos for too long, I might go crazy. . .er.
My real concern here is if this is the "secret" Rockruff shares with the starters.
The leaked starters strongly resemble Moon forms, so what would their Sun forms look like. . .?
It's definitely possible it is the secret, the starters were mentioned after Rockruff's secret was remarked on in its debut in the Corocoro magazine (though it should be noted that while they are grouped together, the quote doesn't say they share the secret, just that they both have them), and they did reuse that terminology when hinting at Rockruff's evolution for this issue, so it is possible for it to also be present with the starters. If that's the case, then I think each form will play into the different aspects of the starters. With Popplio for instance, its a performer, and we know its confirmed form is a singer, a type of performer. So I'd imagine the Day form (or Night) would be different example of that concept like either a Circus Seal or Acrobat. Rowlet's confirmed form plays into Archery, which is an aspect of it throwing leaves like knifes, so maybe its other form would play into a different type of ranged weapon and it could become something like an assassin. It is an option that would fit with the night, and it could contrast well with what is believed to be the day form. Litten is harder to place, Litten3 I'm pretty certain is the night form, but I'm not sure how they'd contrast the Heel wrestler with other characteristics with Litten's base form as other then its personality (cool and collection vs. loud and boisterious), there's not too many traits that could evolve too differently I think. I guess they could expand on the personality difference and make whatever day form it gets the calm and calculating tiger, kind of like Shere Khan in some interpretations, but I'm not sure on that.
The other option is of course Synchro/Z-forms of course, which is less fun to play around with, but it's still an aspect that they haven't really talked about that the starters could get.