Probably because it's my designated "wish someone happy birthday" gif.
Swamp Sensei
just warning you because I feel like doing this every time Bravely gets brought up.
The gameplay is ****ing awesome. Other than magic being pretty weak it's stellar.
The game has one of the best additions to any JRPG ever by letting you change the encounter rate (increase or even set to 0)
The story is good and the characters are EXTREMELY entertaining.
The music is some of the best i've ever heard.
But oh boy is the pacing ****. Dungeons drag on a bit and there is just too much running around sometimes, especially for the sidequests (which are fun otherwise)
And of course theree is some infamously bad pacing near the end of the game which is absurdly repetitive and unfun and turned a lot of people off from the series . . .I would try as best as you can to not buy the game and borrow it from a friend or buy it used/cheap because you might hit that point and want to return it even if everything before it was great.