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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Apr 19, 2015
Already posted my Top 5 wants for SSF2, but might as well post the full list.

Bowser Jr.
Diddy Kong
King Dedede

(Captain) Toad
King K. Rool
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May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Welp; good morning, NintenZone. It seems like we'll be seeing who the last SSF2 newcomer is, how long FalKoopa FalKoopa can keep Swamp (his grass-type starter) alive in Pokemon Uranium, and I'll hopefully be able to give No Man's Sky a try later today. Today should be a good day (barring the fact I stayed up way later then I usually do last night. :p)
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
If this apparent legendary Marshadow (in game or event) has a unique typing then that'd be 30 combinations left. Wonder how many gens it'll take to reach zero or if we'll never have a fire/grass type.
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Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013

A lot of people already told you great and beautiful messages, so maybe what I will say won't be as helpfull : You're an awesome guy that, as you can see, a lot of people care about all over the world. And that is without mentionning the most important of them all : your family. In my opinion, such a great guy shouldn't be considered nothing.


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
I'll try Dee out.
Want to see if they made him very determined and deadly yet cute in his animations, cos that's how I imagined him.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I don't own it. I haven't gotten a PS4 so I only played a few hours of DS3 thanks to a friend and haven't touched Bloodborne. :/
Maybe I can one around the holidays, but not sure if I should wait for Neo or just go to PC and give consoles the finger.

Besides Nintendo, of course. I'm a slave to their will.
Your signature is all I needed in life.

Thanks. :awesome:


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Well, here it goes. The thing is that the more i see myself, the more i feel that something is wrong me.

As time goes on, i feel that i don't deserve what i have, i feel i could be better, but i never took to the opportunity to be well....more friendly. What i mean is try to be more open to others, and that was a problem that still happens to me today.

Back when i was a child, i was very silent, and i used to rarely talk to my Mother when it came to my problems, mostly because i always feared talking my failures. As time went, i became more open to my mother, and i realized now that that i done the worst thing ever..................i keep my feelings inside, i rearely tend to talk to others. All those feelings that i have inside just keep accumulating, up to the point that when i explode.

This happened today, i had a breakdown. I honselty have a very low oppinion on myself, i always see myself in a negative light, i feel that im a bad person. Sometimes i take things too personally, and i feel that the only one losing at the end is myself. I don't mean things just like someone else's opinion, i mean stuff like failing in something, like an important exam. Sometimes i tend to get upset with myself for the tiniest of mistakes.

There's also the fact that i don't have any dreams, and i didn't want to have them because im scared of failing. Im scared of beign rejected, im scared of beign a bad boyfriend or husband, im scared of beign a bad employee, im scared of screwing something up, or worse, harming someone. What if i turn into someone horrible, like someone that abuses or kills people for their own twisted pleasure.

One of the reasons i still go foward with my life is because of my Family. My mother has supported me despite all the hardships, and she has been there whenever i felt down, and even if she overprotected me somtimes back when i was a child, i always have loved her, i know she is flawed, but is my mother, she raised me and loved me, and i want to grow better as a person just so she can be happy. She always told me that i shouldn't be so hard on myself, that im she loves me for who i am, and that im a good person at heart, but i always have that insecutiry that im nothing but utter garbage.

Then there's my sister, and while we tend to argue sometimes, i do love her, and i don't like when people harm her. Back when she was during her teenage years, a lot of people straight up bullied her, and it wasn't just making fun of her, sometimes she even got attacked. She was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, and some people liked picking on her because of that.
Since i am his brother, i always felt that i have to support her, and whenever i see her sad, par of me starts breaking. I felt that she has a hard time cheering herself up, and i wish i could do something.

My family is the reason i have been going foward with my life. They love me for who i am, and sometimes i feel they love me more than i love myself.

I was the typical boy who was bullied and had little to no friends (and the friends i had weren't the best) and it's possible that i have Asperger Syndrome as well. Sometimes i fear to come off as a jerk or mean, and sometimes i feel that im nothing but a weak coward, that im dumb. I don't think i will ever have a girlfriend, because quite honestly who would want a loser like me? My relationship with my father is complicated since i only see im in Saturdays, i don't have any friends outside of school, my mother worked most of the day so i rarely saw her, and so on and so on.

I have felt ansxiety, grief, and honselty, the problem is NOT the people that bullied me, is NOT my pessimism with my love live, is NOT my lack of friends or my shaky relationship with my Father. It's Me. I am the problem. Instead of talking to my mother about my problems, i usually kept those insecurities beacause i have way too much pride.

Instead of talking to my Family about my problems i turn back, because i think they will not help, when in reality they are the ones that help me to move on. I should talk to father and tell him how i feel, yet i haven't.

I have no self-esteem whatsoever, and i rarely tend to talk about my problems, and i kept them inside.

Instead of beign friendly and nice to others, i tend to be lonely and rarely make any friends.

Instead of accepting my feelings and try to hang out with others, i reject those feelings i kept them down, fearing that i will be rejected.

Those problems cause negativity inside me, and they slowly start turning me into someone horrible.

That's the question here. Have you ever felt that you are terrible? Have you ever felt that you are nothing? Have you ever felt that you don't deserve to be helped or to be loved back?

Those feelings that have been kept for so long. I want to be happy.

I want to love myself, to accept me for who i am, and i want o accept those are different to me too. I want to love others, and to be loved to be back and accepted for who i am.

Latel i have been seeing a psychologist, and while she has helped me, i still think there's a long way for me to accept myself.

I am still very young. Im still a teenager, and there's still a long road for me and that my choices will determine who i am. I feel that if i don't do something, i will end up like my grandfather, a jerk who only knew one thing: make people misserable. If i can't accept my flaws, how can i accept others?

I also want to how most of you see me. Sometimes i wish people told me things to me directly, support helps me improve and know that im not alone.

I know im sounding like im a drama queen, and i apologize in advance for the big pharagraph here, but i just want to get rid all this negativity that i have on me inside, and i wanted to get this out.
Man, it's OK.

I also wrote something kinda similar the other day in a group.
I felt terrible, but then I realized it wasn't really my fault, and that people make mistakes.
You don't need to be perfect.

And the most important thing is, try to think about the present, not the future.
You don't know what the future has prepared for you, maybe you will have a great future with some luck, or maybe something bad will happen and it will make you think "wow, my life wasn't really bad, now I understand how a real problem feels".

And don't think you are the only one, a lot of people have very big problems, but they don't want to show that.
Don't think you are alone and misserable and that the other people have perfect lives and you don't.

Don't give up and don't be so rude with yourself.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
That was quick.

I'm in the Passage cave.

Three more caught. I'm choosing names pretty randomly tbh. :p
These fakemon look really freaking weird.

Honestly it seems like people are more interested in the fan game character reveals then the actual tournaments going on because no one is talking about matches but everyone is talking about SSF2. Filthy casuals
Did you guys check out this brief SSF2 2 A.M. stream:


It has Giygas for some reason, it's weird, could this be a new tease?

Magypsies confirmed :troll:
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Honestly it seems like people are more interested in the fan game character reveals then the actual tournaments going on because no one is talking about matches but everyone is talking about SSF2. Filthy casuals
What? Of course not.
As a representative of the Smash community, I am on top of all the Smash play that comes out.
(...It's Mango vs Zero right? Is Mango still around?)


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Calling it now: I'm predicting Lucas.

And if I'm right you may praise me as the prophet I am (then abandon me the next day).


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I haven't been following SSF2 for a while because my interest in fangames is waning (especially Nintendo ones, for obvious reasons) but I'm really curious on who this "controversial" character is.

A lot of people are backing Shovel Knight (get?!?) because his Smash 4 campaign was controversial, but I don't know if that's the wavelength the dev team is operating on.
(Also, I saw someone say it was a series that has never been in Smash. Could someone confirm if that is BS or no?)

Personally, I'd adore that and Shovel Knight's inclusion would be all I need to jump into the game. I'd really love to see how they implement him, because IMO, the SSF2 dev team's moveset designs are magical.

You know you're good at designing movesets when you make a known detractor of Bandanna Dee do an (almost) complete turnaround just based on how he plays.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
SSF2 stream is Illuminati right now.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I got a feeling that the Mother related content on stream is a red herring to surprise us with a different character from a different series.
Hey SMX, one of the board admins got you signed up for McLeodGaming Forums!
Sweet! Thanks man!
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I don't know about the entire situation, but I don't care about your depression. This sounds awful, I know, but as someone who has lost family, friends and a home, I've been through a lot. And I've considered suicide multiple times. That was a long time ago. You should do what I'm doing. Not caring about the things you're upset about. Think of all the good things you've experienced. This isn't going to sound like it does in my head, so I'll abridge this. Try thinking about the positives more and more.

Signed, a friend who wants you to be happy


Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
Thanks, was about to ask for one.
And thanks for asking too I guess lol.

edit: Snap! They using Bandana dee.
I thought he was gonna get a trailer or something XD

edit2: um um. last minute prediction is Viridi.
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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Also, I've gotten around to almost beating the first Mega Man Zero game.

It's not that bad once you're not a twig in the health department. The ranking system can go screw itself though.
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