I'm honestly against the idea of adding characters for a series for the sake of adding characters for that series at this point.
I feel like that's my hang up with an awful lot of characters people ask for.
Probably part of it is that I don't play nearly as many series as most people, so when people say that their series NEEDS more characters I just kind of look at what percentage of their series the characters have actually been in compared to the characters already playable in Smash and my reaction is. . .confused.
I swear I have vague memories of characters from various series being discounted or seen as less than other characters because "oneshots are bad," but when "muh representation" enters the picture apparently the logic that's used on some series flies out the window for others.
I have a somewhat deep voice myself but it really shouldn't matter how your voice is. You can always do a text video showing gamplay of said game and then having captions below that explain why you like said series.
Also good list.
Do you mean pre-existing series or series yet to be represented?
Cause if it's the later then I heavily disagree because there's still important series to Nintendo that deserve to be represented.
Honestly, I think some people don't even care about importance and try to suggest series for the sake of having new series rather than for any real logical reason. There's situations where it seems like people are just, "Hey, we need new series!" in the same "muh representation" fashion as suggesting a new character in an existing series. So series yet to be represented can suffer the same "muh representation" logic even outside of simply feeling something deserves it of it's own accord.
But even if the series is important, I don't think a character should be added JUST because of that or else we'd be owed playable Nintendog and Dr. Kawashima. There needs to be a balance between the character having some kind of weight and the character being functional if not outright interesting.
And of course, considering Fandom Myopia there's always a fair risk that we'll end up assigning more weight to something than it actually has.
I do feel we've verged into getting more reps for the sake of reps these days instead of characters for the sake of characters (DLC notwithstanding), and it is kind of disappointing to see.
I mean most of them turn out fine, but there'd be no tears shed on my end if the series had never had inclusions such as WFT, Greninja or half of the FE characters we ended up with.
And I've not shed a tear over a single character we didn't get, either.
Although out of curiosity, what characters do you think were "characters for the sake of characters?" What do you think we should have seen instead?