Alright, so I've been watching more and more of Sonic Mania and it does look damn good. Am I still disappointed in it? Sure, a little. It still seems like an awesome fan game at its core and maybe it is but just has Sega's name on it. Which is cool. So, I'm excited for it. Just not as much as some people here.
I'm still irked about the DCEU as a whole for a specific reason. Marian Manhunter. The, in my opinion, coolest character on the Justice League AND the Co-founder might I add is just thrown under the bus? The **** DC?
Tonally, Unleashed was great. Day Sonic was also great. Werehog was the only negative to me though. It's a very split and opinionated topic and I know that you love the Werehog. But tell me, did the Werehog levels not get old to you? Even a little? I'm died for having in the new game for one it two levels. I just think Unleashed went too overboard with it.
Werehog got old to me in the Wii/PS2 version, but not in the PS3/Xbox 360.
In the Wii/PS2 version, you just alternated between the two attack buttons/waggled the Wii Remote + Nunchuck in succession. It was way too simple and you couldn't even get real combos going, you were lucky to get more than a 10-hit combo. And overall, he felt weird to control, the Dash in particular was really slippery, and his platforming was way slower paced. The only things I like over the HD version here are the Gaia Temple puzzles (which were a really neat idea and were the best thing involving the Werehog in the game), and the fact that despite the levels being more boring in general, I like how they split the night levels up in the Wii version. Not because I think the HD ones are too long, but because they used it to create locationa variety even within each country. For example, one of the Holoska levels is in the open tundra. Another is in an ice temple. That kind of thing.
HD version is really fun though, IMO. You have a lot of combos, platforming is way more fast paced as is the fighting, and there are cool little tricks you can learn to speed run them, just like with regular Sonic. The levels manage to keep up a lot of variety too. For example, the beginning section of Spagonia feels a lot like a classic beat-em-up, with you fighting enemies on the streets, and then breaking down doors to find secrets or to stock up on Rings or Gaia Force. But then by the end of it, you are making a climb up a clock tower.
The HD version isn't without it's problems either, though. The Werehog lacks a drop shadow in some sections due to the realistic lighting of the Hedgehog Engine. It does have some bad frame-rate drops (though to be fair, so do the day stages and even some hub worlds). And there are few sections in some levels that felt like they needed more polish. Other than that though, I have no problems with the Werehog and find him a lot of fun to play as.
I can understand if people don't like him, I just wish people wouldn't act like it's bad for
what it's trying to be, because it really isn't. I found him more engaging than most God of War games.
So yeah, as far as your question goes, I really didn't get tired of him, not in the HD version anyway.