True, but to be fair, the anime isn't as big to people. Granted I think a reboot would make a lot more sense though. As they might still get complaints on As being the protag, thus people who returned would lose interest. Won't be to long till we see what happens though.
The anime IS bigger than the games though.
The games haven't been the biggest aspect of Pokémon since Red & Blue, MAYBE Gold & Silver as well.
Way more people watch the anime because it airs on enough big stations and it's overall cheaper to invest in. You don't even have to make an active purchase to watch Pokémon. People are already paying their TV/Netflix bills, so they can just watch Pokémon whenever they want. Pokémon GO is so popular for the same reason. Everyone has a smartphone. The app itself is free. So they see it on the front page as "Top Rated App" or whatever and say "oh I guess I should try this".
For the games, you have to buy the console, then buy the game, and that's a much bigger investment. So the games, while still popular as games, are not nearly as popular as the anime, which most people really just call a "cartoon" because they don't know the difference.
Hell, just yesterday, my cousin was over showing me Pokémon GO since she set up a UK Apple account to get it, and we talked a bit about Pokémon in general, and she actually had thought Pokémon was originally a TV show. That's how much bigger than the games the TV show is, many people think it's where Pokémon started.
As far as rebooting the anime, it's just not happening.
Like, I don't mean to sound like a **** because I know people here genuinely love the show, but the Pokémon anime stopped trying to be a "good" show a long time ago.
Like it's gone on way too long for them to be able to consistently come up with interesting scenarios and have consistent characterisation and all that.
It's a show that's meant to sell toys and games. Like, nothing more, nothing less. The animation and music and stuff is where all of the budget goes, because they are the only parts that really matter, and they're top notch. Kids (and hell, even just long time Pokémon fans) see a cool new Pokémon with a cool new super duper attack that wrecks the competition, and suddenly it's like "WOOOOAH I WANT A TOY OF THAT AND I WANNA CATCH IT IN THE GAME". Same thing with the cute Pokémon, give them a basic sob story (*coughMimmikyuorhoweveryousayitcough*) or cute interaction with Pikachu and people are all over it.
But Pokémon seriously is not the kind of show you watch for quality writing, compelling adventures, or deep and complex characters, at least not anymore. You watch it to find out who Game Freak's new babies are, or if you just want flashy fight scenes.
And that's never going to change because what they're doing with the show prints money. People know who Ash is, even non-fans. If you take him out, it becomes MUCH harder to promote the show. Just look at Pokémon Origins which, while infinitely better in quality than anything that's come out of the main show in the past 15 years and despite Red being a far more interesting and respectable and believable character, has seen FAR less success and even promotion from the Pokémon Company when it was coming out.